Speed UTV

It was done intentionally by a person.  I'd bet that person doesn't have a job as of Monday. 


He's wrong or he's bullshitting.

It was either done on accident by a person or on purpose by a person.

The odds are astronomical in my opinion.

And here we are still talking about the Effing weld. Hilarious.
If we only had SocalDmax here to explain the actually odds of it happening.  

I don't think it was done on purpose.  I truly believe they scrambled to get some cars done to show people.   If he showed up with just the one off test car and that race chassis I do think even some of the deposit holders would of been very disappointed.  Can not show up empty handed to arguably the biggest show your buyers attend.

Per Robby's IG post that bolt must of fell off the fixture and the robot just welded over it.  He claims the frame was laying flat on the fixture.  
Ummm ......................... NO

Think about how wide that gap would be without the bolt. Does the robotic welder have a brain to carefully fill in a wide gap? The rod would just go through to the back side of the tube. If you are filling a wide gap with a MIG you have to keep spotting and letting it cool for a second or two. Back and forth. 

Ummm ......................... NO

Think about how wide that gap would be without the bolt. Does the robotic welder have a brain to carefully fill in a wide gap? The rod would just go through to the back side of the tube. If you are filling a wide gap with a MIG you have to keep spotting and letting it cool for a second or two. Back and forth. 
Just funny to hear the excuse RG made about the bolt.  

The stereos...  On one hand, amazing.  No way back in the day anything this side of $5k in 1990s dollars ($40k now? LOL) would make that kind of noise.   On the other hand, please shut them off.  LOL.

Had a group drive by us (we stopped to wait for a guy).  I was screwing around "duning" while we waited and I could hear every single on of their stereos over their SxSs AND my unmuffled SR20 (just a turbo as a "muffler") clear enough to understand the Spanish as a non-native speaker.  Out of control.  
The dumb ass stereos in UTV's blasting bad pop-rap are obnoxious. I've decided that is the biggest downfall for the movement, outside of the inexperienced and dangerous drivers themselves. I literally came home from Halloween 2020 and promptly sold my buggy and stacker and swore off spending time in Glamis. I've come to my senses now and will only make trips on non holiday weekends. 

I could go over to the Canam booth with my zoom lens and snap at least 10 pics of substandard welds on any of their production cars. But that's no big deal, business as usual.

Buying a brand new vehicle and then starting a build thread listing all of the parts you have to add to it to bring it up to snuff isn't really a good look either. Especially on a 3rd model year production car? Fourth model year?

We are talking about a Speed UTV, where the man behind it continual tells us his quality will be unmatched.  Then he rolls out a pre-production car that has the quality control of a Joyner.  LOL!

We already know Can Am does not have the best looking welds. 

When you get your Speed car and put 8,000 miles on it we can compare notes on what needed fixing and what broke.  That is if the unproven motor and drive train can hold up to that many miles. 

Yes I am doing things differently on my current X3.  Not because I need to, but because I want to do something different this go around.  Interestingly, the front end of my last X3 held up perfectly fine.  

Next you are going to try and convince us a Wildcat was a superior design.  LOL!  

We are talking about a Speed UTV, where the man behind it continual tells us his quality will be unmatched.  Then he rolls out a pre-production car that has the quality control of a Joyner.  LOL!

We already know Can Am does not have the best looking welds. 

When you get your Speed car and put 8,000 miles on it we can compare notes on what needed fixing and what broke.  That is if the unproven motor and drive train can hold up to that many miles. 

Yes I am doing things differently on my current X3.  Not because I need to, but because I want to do something different this go around.  Interestingly, the front end of my last X3 held up perfectly fine.  

Next you are going to try and convince us a Wildcat was a superior design.  LOL!  
How many of them had bolts in them?


Sh!t'll hold. :biggrin:

The robots can catch “Viruses” too you know. Poor boy must have gotten hacked by an enemy. Hope he keeps his job. Show some sympathy here people. What if that was one of your loved ones? 
