Speed UTV

Holy eff me running sideways! Why do you insist on only picking out things said that better your cause?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don’t you highlight where I say NOT EVERYONE HAS THE KNOWLEDGE WE DO ABOUT PRE-PRODUCTION VS THIS IS THE CAR YOU WILL GET. Since I understand the difference I can see past the flaws knowing they will get fixed. Now the rest of the people that don’t understand the difference will have a different opinion about it. You are a smart guy. I know you understand what I and many others on here have said. Why defend the mistakes til your dying breathe? 

Holy eff me running sideways! Why do you insist on only picking out things said that better your cause?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don’t you highlight where I say NOT EVERYONE HAS THE KNOWLEDGE WE DO ABOUT PRE-PRODUCTION VS THIS IS THE CAR YOU WILL GET. Since I understand the difference I can see past the flaws knowing they will get fixed. Now the rest of the people that don’t understand the difference will have a different opinion about it. You are a smart guy. I know you understand what I and many others on here have said. Why defend the mistakes til your dying breathe? 
If you know these are pre-prod. cars, why do you keep harping on a minor weld on a non structural mount?

If you know this will get fixed before the production cars roll out, why do you assume that other people won't realize the same?

Since you don't yet have a deposit, but still want to buy one after seeing that weld...

it didn't scare you off, did it? Why do you think it scared other people off? 

You do have to admit that the bolt weld is not a good look whether pre-production or not.  The other welds and fitment of the plastics whatever no big deal.  That was some grade "8" SEMA stuff to get it to the show.  

The flimsy feel of the doors and the tailgate was more of an issue for me as the plastics should be of production quality by now.  They certainly did not match the stout look of the car. 

They have plenty of time to address the issues and get the quality up to what Robby has been talking about for 2 years. 
I could go over to the Canam booth with my zoom lens and snap at least 10 pics of substandard welds on any of their production cars. But that's no big deal, business as usual.

Buying a brand new vehicle and then starting a build thread listing all of the parts you have to add to it to bring it up to snuff isn't really a good look either. Especially on a 3rd model year production car? Fourth model year?


I promised myself I was going to stay out of the pre-production vs Production mess these cars were ... but.. and I am sure I will regret this...

I build things - I am not the best fabricator on this board, but also am a successful classically trained product manager, and I have brought to market a few $1B run rate products and some for Apple under Steve's direct eye and I can tell you Nothing left Apple if it was not awesome on fit and finish, and I have done my share of smoke and mirror demos on Hardware and software along the way to get the "ramp" paid for or get investors.

These cars are NOT pre-production in the sense of the word.  Pre Production means these were done by hand or highly supervised on the same production line that regular production is done on using all the same components and all the components passed QC and went through production validation where the cars were assembled and disassembled at least 10x each with time studies and modifications to production procedures written and updated  - that is the only way anything gets to large scale production. and also why it takes 3-5 years for these types of products to come to market (not the second or third, but the first line)

 These were "design validation prototypes" at best.  They were likely hand assembled and I am sure done in a severe hurry and not using any best practices or production methodology (ISO).

Sometimes if you don't do time studies or just don't have parts in time - you crunch and just throw things together - well you do that once then you get fired or go out of business.

And if RG had real production execs there no one had the B@LLs to tell RG these cannot be shown.  I have done that a few times in my career  - its not easy

They also have a lot of outsourced parts that like doors and latches obviously were not QC'd coming in

Somehow I doubt RG's team had an optical comparator and a number of go/no go fixtures set up Yet when they built these. 

In most developments the stages are concept, prototype, design validation, product validation, pre-production, production validation, and finally production.  They go by different names at different companies, but each stage has a boundary condition that must be met before proceeding to the next development stage. 

Along the way you build many protypes and development mules and "show cars or concept cars" to show the public and investors.   This is the way its normally done for a reason

When you "cowboy" the development IRL you usually never deliver a finished product that scales into production.   Unless a bunch of people responsible get fired over the showing of those cars - this project is doomed to reach large scale production

Speed has a lot riding on this being a good showing, and anyone without blinders on saw a bunch of crap with pretty screens rolled out -  

They are FAR from a finished product

The guys are Polaris and Canned Ham were probably high five-ing all weekend 

I have stepped into many of those projects and got paid a lot of money to Un-F them. 

All the problems people are discussing with Polaris ad Canned ham "happen" after something goes into production and every year you iterate the product until its correct or replaced. even with lots of hands on testing you miss things and you can't test every application and while something holds up well jumping with 4 150Lb people out in 4 300Lb people and things change ...

Compromises are made and  no matter the best intentions you ship an MVP (minimal viable product) out the door because reworks cost time and money, they can be fixed over time and we all know customers will still buy the product even if they bitch and moan about it.  Anyone that has owned and RV knows that for sure. 

I could go on for many pages on what I would find if I did a consulting gig for RG, but the bottomline is the concept of the car is great, it is not a dream it can be reality, but large scale production is not likely until they fix their internal short comings and maybe hire some professional product people .

Its why Tesla has a bunch of Ford and GM people working there  - Elon is not stupid...  We all have limitations - 

So in the end did showing these Disappointing example help or hurt the brand?   what do you think?

Rant over ...

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Guess I had not paid attention to that photo. So the level and quality of these cars and the amount of buyers you bring a car to a major show looking like this? So easy to make this look waaay nicer. That was quite a gap to fill in. All I have to say is: 



If you know these are pre-prod. cars, why do you keep harping on a minor weld on a non structural mount?

If you know this will get fixed before the production cars roll out, why do you assume that other people won't realize the same?

Since you don't yet have a deposit, but still want to buy one after seeing that weld...

it didn't scare you off, did it? Why do you think it scared other people off? 
You do remember all of the people complaining that the car isn’t done? How it was supposed to be done by December2 years ago? Those people you have continued to claim didn’t understand how long it took or what it takes to do a start up from scratch. The same people you have continued to say they should stop complaining. Well those people are still around. They go to the SSSS to see the latest and greatest. So those are the people I’m talking about! I’m leading you to water, I’m pushing your face in the water, do us all a favor and drink already! Let me know if I need to go through the 200 pages and pull quotes on every reply you’ve made about these people that know nothing. One last thing, please tell me you know the difference between a worm weld and a bolt used to fill a gaping hole. To sum it up, you do know your allowed to dislike mistakes made and still be proud of your investment right?

Yes, I have a deposit on one. I don't swing from anyone's nuts, I point out the truth when people distort it.

Remember back in 2005 -2007 when people were screaming about how sh1tty their Weekend Warriors were being built and throwing you under the bus even though you only sold it to them, you weren't in charge of the service dept.? You went to bat for a lot of people and helped them out, even though it wasn't your job.

I spent more time defending you on this website than I have supporting this "project." Why? Because I knew how much you had helped people and I felt that you were deserving of having someone speak up and tell the truth against people who were blaming you for their problems. I felt it was important to spread the truth then, as I do now.

I wasn't swinging from your nuts back then either. As I recall, you were grateful someone was telling the truth. There's a big difference.
Fair enough. I thank you for your support. 

You do remember all of the people complaining that the car isn’t done? How it was supposed to be done by December2 years ago? Those people you have continued to claim didn’t understand how long it took or what it takes to do a start up from scratch. The same people you have continued to say they should stop complaining. Well those people are still around. They go to the SSSS to see the latest and greatest. So those are the people I’m talking about! I’m leading you to water, I’m pushing your face in the water, do us all a favor and drink already! Let me know if I need to go through the 200 pages and pull quotes on every reply you’ve made about these people that know nothing. One last thing, please tell me you know the difference between a worm weld and a bolt used to fill a gaping hole. To sum it up, you do know your allowed to dislike mistakes made and still be proud of your investment right?
I think you should go back 200 pages and pull every quote.

Sure, leaving that weld for people to see was a mistake. Like leaving my pack of gum in the car kind of mistake. Not "I never should have married Hillary Clinton" sized mistake.

It didn't scare me off, it didn't scare you off, and I haven't seen anyone claim on FB that it scared them off. The haters are doing their usual, but if it wasn't that, it would be the missing nub on the tire.


I haven’t heard anyone say the weld and flimsy doors is the end all be all for Speed. What we are saying is that the problems could have been fixed very easily before SSSS. We are amazed that they weren’t. They would have had a way better showing. Yes a lot of people liked what they saw but then again there are a lot of people that have no clue what they are looking at good or bad. As for this being done on purpose for publicity, dismiss me on that BS. They already have the desert world talking crap on the daily, why give them more fuel?

But hey, Who am I? Just another internet Commando watching the process. Having some fun poking at it. Enjoying the banter and speculation back and forth. Of course I am on record saying I would probably buy one for the desert or mountains and buyers will probably be getting a hell of a car. I do have two very good friends with cars on order and hoping for success. 

Has anybody in the last 12 months cared about what Canam or Polaris is doing? Much less Yamaha or Honda?

The evidence says no, good or bad ALL the talk, rumors, props, hatred etc has been toward Speed.
Yep. Been lots of talk about them. Primarily people in this thread talking about the superiority of their nonexistent Speed over the Can Am X3 and it’s apparently flimsy suspension. Prior to the crash, SoCalDMax was the primary champion. Post crash, it’s Lord of the Dunes.  :dunno:

Ok so we all know that the 4-Seat El Jefe is behind schedule on a delivery date 🙄

What is the estimated delivery date for the 2-Seat El Diablo ?

I could not find anything on SPEED's website.

From the inception of the Pre-Order El Jefe what was the original MSRP or is it the same as it was from day one ?


Just curious if anyone looked or took pictures of the "weld heard around the world" location on each car? Was there an equal gap on all of them? We this one effed up on assembly, and then they taught the robot better on the next one? 
