Speed UTV

All this is saying is that you can't do the PCI upgrade thru PCI if you are in the first 1000 cars. 

You can order the car without a radio and install whatever you want in it, or you could order it with the standard radio, and not upgrade to a PCI radio.

IF you want to upgrade to the PCI radio, or the Trax system from PCI, you need to work with Speed if you are in the first 1000 cars.
Great clarification sir.

I (we) appreciate your ability to provide good, relevant and legitimate information in a thread a few have considered to be an unfriendly environment.


:cheers:  from Crusty

Risk Vs reward. I put lots of money "down" on risky investments. I am not scared nor do I sit on the internet and make fun of people who do. I have better thing to do in my life. I need to save my time so that I can come here and read this s h i t show and get my reality check on how bad of an investment I made and how I am such a loser. 

Guess I better be leaving now and head to the Mint 400 to tickle Robbys balls before he heads off the start line. But if I can't get there in time, he will break around mile 10.....I'll catch him there for his reach around.  

I'm sorry, I don't consider 1500 a "substantial" deposit. 
Neither would I. My bad, I was under the impression that people had paid thousands of dollars in order to place their order. I've seen a few for sale ads where the guy selling is saying "$10k to me for what I've already paid" and then $40k to speed upon delivery. 

Neither would I. My bad, I was under the impression that people had paid thousands of dollars in order to place their order. I've seen a few for sale ads where the guy selling is saying "$10k to me for what I've already paid" and then $40k to speed upon delivery. 
The deposit was not much at $1,500.  Where people got into it for more money is when they announced the accessories and they had to pay for them up front.  There are a lot of deposit holders with way more than the $1,500 deposit tied up into their Speed UTV.   

Neither would I. My bad, I was under the impression that people had paid thousands of dollars in order to place their order. I've seen a few for sale ads where the guy selling is saying "$10k to me for what I've already paid" and then $40k to speed upon delivery. 
The deposit to order was only 1500

If you elected to upgrade the car, with say, nets, radio, lights etc......You paid for those accessories in full 

The deposit to order was only 1500

If you elected to upgrade the car, with say, nets, radio, lights etc......You paid for those accessories in full 
Which I guess is my point. While it's his business and he gets to make the call, forcing people to pay for their accessories up front is a bullshit way of squeezing more money out of them when the car is still just a figment of his imagination. Unless of course he's sitting on a warehouse full of nets, radios, lights etc... Which I seriously doubt.

Nobody forced anyone to buy the accessories upfront. If you paid for the accessories upfront they installed them for free. You could have waited till you got the car and then bought the accessories and installed them yourself. You don't have to by the accessories from speed, you could get the radio from pci or rugged. Light bar from Amazon. I choose to have everything installed so it was ready to ride when it showy up. Master 800

Nobody forced anyone to buy the accessories upfront. If you paid for the accessories upfront they installed them for free. You could have waited till you got the car and then bought the accessories and installed them yourself. You don't have to by the accessories from speed, you could get the radio from pci or rugged. Light bar from Amazon. I choose to have everything installed so it was ready to ride when it showy up. Master 800
Or you could’ve ordered the car, put down $1500, then when it was ready to hit the line then pay and order for the accessories. Yore right, nobody HAD to buy the accessories. It just seems that if you wanted accessories, being forced to pay up front is shady at best. When I ordered my truck from Ford, I didn’t have to pay for the diesel engine up front.

Or you could’ve ordered the car, put down $1500, then when it was ready to hit the line then pay and order for the accessories. Yore right, nobody HAD to buy the accessories. It just seems that if you wanted accessories, being forced to pay up front is shady at best. When I ordered my truck from Ford, I didn’t have to pay for the diesel engine up front.
From a marketing stand point I think it was a good idea. 1500 dollars down on a 33000 dollar car and you spend 10000 dollars on accessories. You have 11500 dollars down payment on a 43000 dollar car. Now you have 25% down payment for the people that finance.  This also helps with people ordering a 43000 dollar car will bells and whistles and when it gets built they cannot get financing .was it the best way to do it? Probably not

Yeah, but what is the interest rate?
With almost 340 pages of chit chat and almost a month of them sitting in the showroom with no true life reviews, ( can't really give a review when King Robbie threatens to take your car if you say anything bad)  my interest level has gone to zero.

I choose to have everything installed so it was ready to ride when it showy up. Master 800
Sure are taking their time installing those accessories now aren't they? 

First they asked for a deposit

Then they asked you to pay for accessories

Then they sold a tool kit

Then T-shirts and Hoodies

What reason can King Robby come up with next to possibly get his loyal subjects to send him the money next

Risk Vs reward. I put lots of money "down" on risky investments. I am not scared nor do I sit on the internet and make fun of people who do. I have better thing to do in my life. I need to save my time so that I can come here and read this s h i t show and get my reality check on how bad of an investment I made and how I am such a loser. 

Guess I better be leaving now and head to the Mint 400 to tickle Robbys balls before he heads off the start line. But if I can't get there in time, he will break around mile 10.....I'll catch him there for his reach around.  
Because you are here, I beg to differ that you have better things to do with your life.

Just get your deposit back, go buy something and use it. 

This guy posted in the speed Facebook group. Looking at the limited info on his Facebook page he appears to work at a sxs factory in Vietnam.


Nobody forced anyone to buy the accessories upfront. If you paid for the accessories upfront they installed them for free. You could have waited till you got the car and then bought the accessories and installed them yourself. You don't have to by the accessories from speed, you could get the radio from pci or rugged. Light bar from Amazon. I choose to have everything installed so it was ready to ride when it showy up. Master 800
 When he had you guys pay for your accessories it sounded like your cars were coming in a few months.    If you knew it would be another 2-3 years would you have pre-paid the accessories or waited to add them before your car hit the production line?

The reality is most have a lot more than the $1,500 deposit tied up into their Speed UTV for the last few years.   

If all goes well there should be several Speed UTVs ripping around the desert and Glamis by Thanksgiving.  

Today we get to see how he does at the Mint 400.  

Watching him race at the mint right now.. that gearbox is freaking loud! I know it's because the straight cut gears but damn.

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 When he had you guys pay for your accessories it sounded like your cars were coming in a few months.    If you knew it would be another 2-3 years would you have pre-paid the accessories or waited to add them before your car hit the production line?

The reality is most have a lot more than the $1,500 deposit tied up into their Speed UTV for the last few years.   

If all goes well there should be several Speed UTVs ripping around the desert and Glamis by Thanksgiving.  

Today we get to see how he does at the Mint 400.  
Why do you and everyone else care so much about what I do with my money? Who f u c k i n g cares. Are you going to blast me for buying RIVN stock too? Oh yeah, since you guys care so much......I didn't sell my Bitcoin while I was internet rich. Please all you internet trolls PRAY FOR ME!!!! 

I am retiring this year at age 52.......is that going to be a bad decision too??

Why do you and everyone else care so much about what I do with my money? Who f u c k i n g cares. Are you going to blast me for buying RIVN stock too? Oh yeah, since you guys care so much......I didn't sell my Bitcoin while I was internet rich. Please all you internet trolls PRAY FOR ME!!!! 

I am retiring this year at age 52.......is that going to be a bad decision too??
I don't give a crap what you do with your money.   Congrats on being able to retire at 52 years old that is a fantastic accomplishment.  I wish I could retire at 52.

Sorry for pointing out people have more than $1,500 tied up for the last few years in their Speed UTV.  
