Speed UTV

One thing is for sure, Robbie absolutely believes in his cars. He's not bullshitting us.

He may be just a little overconfident.
A little overconfident??

All Robby has done is bash every other manufacturer and says his car is the best. Once again his ego gets in the way!! Total and complete failure and at KOH. No way to sugarcoat it. 
Broken belts, starter and a transmission, less than 40 miles?!

One would think Robby would have done some testing at KOH BEFORE the race. 
What this means for the future, time will tell, I’m glad I don’t have one on order. 
I’m afraid he gets 10 cars into the public’s hands and they all turn to crap. 

A little overconfident??

All Robby has done is bash every other manufacturer and says his car is the best. Once again his ego gets in the way!! Total and complete failure and at KOH. No way to sugarcoat it. 
Broken belts, starter and a transmission, less than 40 miles?!

One would think Robby would have done some testing at KOH BEFORE the race. 
What this means for the future, time will tell, I’m glad I don’t have one on order. 
I’m afraid he gets 10 cars into the public’s hands and they all turn to crap. 
never buy the first year of anything but also my 17 turbo rzr is on its 3rd trans 50 or so belts and 3 set of clutches so its still on par with a rzr. only broke one axel. once they get out to actual customers will be the real test. im sure max and robbie were pushing harder than ever really wanted a good showing for their new product which ended worse then the could of imagined 

never buy the first year of anything but also my 17 turbo rzr is on its 3rd trans 50 or so belts and 3 set of clutches so its still on par with a rzr. only broke one axel. once they get out to actual customers will be the real test. im sure max and robbie were pushing harder than ever really wanted a good showing for their new product which ended worse then the could of imagined 
Totally agree with not buying 1st year anything.  But this is a little different cause Speed is using the first batch of cars as test suckers, I mean real world test owners.  He's always testing and making changes.  What other manufacturer would do that?  IMO by the time Speed hits the 500 production mark those and future models will be 2024 models so technically not 1st year lol.  But KOH Robby said those were no production units, then again he says alot of things that are but true and false.. 

Does anyone here really believe the other manufacturers don't test mules out of the publics eyeballs ? 
I know Honda does a lot of private testing before they release their products. 
That’s why they’re always late to the market, but they work and are very reliable. 

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I am sure they all do, Including you.... Yet do any of the good ones have a weekly show on the internet where they tell you all of the shortcomings of the competition?
100% agree. I want SpeedUTV to be the best UTV ever built, just shut the F up until it’s proven. RG can’t shut up with all the talk how every inch of the SpeedUTV is better. Yet it’s done nothing but fail in every outing. Humble silence with results and delivery’s would solve a lot of problems. 

100% agree. I want SpeedUTV to be the best UTV ever built, just shut the F up until it’s proven. RG can’t shut up with all the talk how every inch of the SpeedUTV is better. Yet it’s done nothing but fail in every outing. Humble silence with results and delivery’s would solve a lot of problems. 
Spot on right here. Speed UTV has the making to be a kick azz monster. I feel he is forcing these cars to delivery because he has to. He’s taken a beating for how long they are taking because of bogus promises he made a couple years ago. No way he can take another year to figure everything out or the whole thing may fail. He knows the issues the cars still have, he’s just hoping they will hold together and they aren’t. At this point I think he is just screwed! 

If you have IG, you need to click on Boardmanville post of RG getting towed out of KOH.  Robby chimed in, not a good look.
