So Speed is having trouble delivering customer cars for who knows whatever reason Let's say Covid just for fun. Okay, But show us what Speed car can do! Race the cars in the Parker 425. That race is right in his Robbys back yard. January 6th weekend Lets the start the year off right! Give the poor customers some hope!! Enter 2 or 3 of them. The Norra race was 2 months ago, the carbon fiber car should be fixed by now, one would sure think. Do something positive to stop the negative vibe that’s everywhere around Speed car right now. Believe it or not, a-lot of people want to see this Speed car succeed, including my wallet. Radio silence and not racing it in Baja 1000 have people wondering if something bigger is wrong with the car Also towing car at Glamis didn't help matters. It seems like Speed is afraid to race the car. Prove everyone wrong Show Polaris, Can am, Artic Cat and the “haters” how all your engineering and patents are superior Show us the Speed car can not only finish a race, but dominant a race Please! Asking for a friend