I'll share my conversation with Robby from about 2 hours ago. Rather than speculate, or hate, I try to stay open minded, and go to the source when I have questions, and I actually root for a small guy going up against the large companies. Especially fellow racers.
Me: Robby, any recent updates? Haven't seen anymore completed car pictures in a bit? Where would my #125 car be at, at this stage?
Robby: Andy, unfortunately Chongqing has been on lockdown again, I'm hearing next week its supposed to be freed up again, but the last 3 weeks people have been locked down in regions again.
Me: damn Covid, are you still doing some assembly of cars or has it been completely shut down now?
Robby: It's dumb what some countries have to done and I'm hearing NY is back into the mask thing, I'm over this nonsense
Me: It looked like we were moving along pretty well with pictures of cars, bummer
Robby: Only the workers that live on site have been working. I know that suppliers have been closed and no trucks have been allowed in to pick up the loaded containers. I heard this morning that maybe on the 15th.
Me, hopefully a little light at the end of the tunnel soon
Robby: Fingers crossed
Me: sounds like you have some cars already in containers waiting to be shipped.
Robby, Yes, containers are loaded with cars, as you can imagine I hate not having real answers
Me: Have a good holiday.