Speed UTV

I for one appreciate your insight and updates. It seems the haters are the ones that don't have any skin in the game. Ignore the haters and keep us updated. I have one on order and understand the delay's they are now experiencing. If the delays bring about a better product, I don't mind waiting.
Exactly. Don’t you wish every other manufacturer wouldn’t just rush their units out the door but rather improve them and make them right right from the get go instead of putting stop rides out there. Not saying RG won’t experience some issues but hopefully those issues will be mitigated with this extra time. And really it’s still only 10 months behind schedule so why all the bitching. Life is short find something better to do with your life than bitch about the process. Especially for those that aren’t even invested in this thing.

 I also agree with @NIKAL that he should just ignore the hate but when you attack him like some have done on other forums and slander him well he’s only human we all have a breaking point and so I  understand why he cancelled some of those guys out. 

Then you have those that talk about transparency?!! What other mfg. gives you detailed weekly updates showing good bad and ugly?? I’m enjoying the process and learning as we go thanks to those shows and some of the insights found here by a very few of the members. Don’t blame you NIKAL for not posting as much as you use to wish we could trade you for buff. All in favor??? 

What would you do in his shoes? Just ignore it? The way people repeat BS, if he doesn't reply when someone posts something untrue, then more and more people repeat it and then pretty soon people are claiming it's the gospel just because RG didn't refute it.

I'd love to hear a valid better solution that would actually work on social media.

I do not have a Speed reservation, but I'm considering purchasing one from a friend. Aside from that I do business with RG and his partner, so I may biased, you be the judge. That being said- I would like to hear RG own the situation. Stop blaming others. Kinda like our current 'President' who needs to own his mistakes and stop blaming others. Just admit you made a mistake and will work your azz off to right the situation. Seems so simple.

When the first Speed cas were announced I had numerous friends jump on it. I highly considered it as well, but didn't pull the trigger. I was, however, contacted by them and it was suggested they I step up my transport service and quickly purchase multiple 10 car carriers because "...these things are going to sell like crazy and we need delivery guys all over the country. You're gonna be busy AF..." 

Glad I chose not to increase my fleet and purchase equipment that would not have been used as I was told. 

I've seen the new Speed car in person and they are very well built. I truly hope RG and his partners meet whatever new deadline they have set and the buyers get the SxS they have been expecting. 

I do not have a Speed reservation, but I'm considering purchasing one from a friend. Aside from that I do business with RG and his partner, so I may biased, you be the judge. That being said- I would like to hear RG own the situation. Stop blaming others. Kinda like our current 'President' who needs to own his mistakes and stop blaming others. Just admit you made a mistake and will work your azz off to right the situation. Seems so simple.

When the first Speed cas were announced I had numerous friends jump on it. I highly considered it as well, but didn't pull the trigger. I was, however, contacted by them and it was suggested they I step up my transport service and quickly purchase multiple 10 car carriers because "...these things are going to sell like crazy and we need delivery guys all over the country. You're gonna be busy AF..." 

Glad I chose not to increase my fleet and purchase equipment that would not have been used as I was told. 

I've seen the new Speed car in person and they are very well built. I truly hope RG and his partners meet whatever new deadline they have set and the buyers get the SxS they have been expecting. 
I think that Robby "misspoke" when he gave an estimated release date, it was way too optimistic. When you look at the whole picture, we're basically 2 yrs down the road, but these UTVs are far better now than what was originally discussed. He has made hundreds of running changes based on customer suggestions and better ideas that came to him.

I don't recall him blaming anyone else for delays, he's been very transparent about what's been happening week by week. He never should have been so optimistic about the timeline, but now he's being honest about testing, setting up the assembly line, fine tuning the welding robots, fine tuning the assembly process, etc. Those are the facts of setting up an assembly line, it didn't look like blaming anyone else. He also said he had stuff retooled, he's having bodywork redone, etc, but it's all a part of demanding that level of quality, not blaming anyone else. He's also subject to the same shortages that are crippling everyone else.

I think way too many people are focusing on "I WANT MY TOY NOW!!!" and not realizing they sound like crying babies with a diaper full of sh1t.

Tesla takes 4 yrs to develop a new model, so anything faster than that is a bonus. Look at how long it takes to get a new sandrail built from one of the major builders - and that's an existing model. The difference is, the customers are smart enough not to go on FB and whine about it.

RG and Todd have learned their lesson and have stopped giving dates or deadlines. I'm pretty confident the first few customer cars will roll off the assy line in late Dec. and they'll start really cranking them out in Jan./Feb. of next yr.

I honestly don't understand why so many people are nitpicking about a date when they've been giving weekly updates showing parts, assembly, welding, etc. This is BY FAR the most transparent mfr on the planet, no other off road builder, much less UTV mfr gives weekly updates, not even close. Based on what they show in the updates, it's pretty easy to come up with a guesstimated time line.

If RG calls you up to start hauling cars in Jan or Feb., would you be interested?

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I think that Robby "misspoke" when he gave an estimated release date, it was way too optimistic. When you look at the whole picture, we're basically 2 yrs down the road, but these UTVs are far better now than what was originally discussed. He has made hundreds of running changes based on customer suggestions and better ideas that came to him.

I don't recall him blaming anyone else for delays, he's been very transparent about what's been happening week by week. He never should have been so optimistic about the timeline, but now he's being honest about testing, setting up the assembly line, fine tuning the welding robots, fine tuning the assembly process, etc. Those are the facts of setting up an assembly line, it didn't look like blaming anyone else. He also said he had stuff retooled, he's having bodywork redone, etc, but it's all a part of demanding that level of quality, not blaming anyone else. He's also subject to the same shortages that are crippling everyone else.

I think way too many people are focusing on "I WANT MY TOY NOW!!!" and not realizing they sound like crying babies with a diaper full of sh1t.

Tesla takes 4 yrs to develop a new model, so anything faster than that is a bonus. Look at how long it takes to get a new sandrail built from one of the major builders - and that's an existing model. The difference is, the customers are smart enough not to go on FB and whine about it.

RG and Todd have learned their lesson and have stopped giving dates or deadlines. I'm pretty confident the first few customer cars will roll off the assy line in late Dec. and they'll start really cranking them out in Jan./Feb. of next yr.

I honestly don't understand why so many people are nitpicking about a date when they've been giving weekly updates showing parts, assembly, welding, etc. This is BY FAR the most transparent mfr on the planet, no other off road builder, much less UTV mfr gives weekly updates, not even close. Based on what they show in the updates, it's pretty easy to come up with a guesstimated time line.

If RG calls you up to start hauling cars in Jan or Feb., would you be interested?
You will not see a Speed UTV in Glamis this season. The soonest you may see one is March or April of 2022. Hopefully the people that get there car next year can work out any bugs in the desert prior to the next dune season.

Can am had a decent release. Polaris will be releasing the R at camp Razor. Lots of exciting things happening in the SXS market.

Buff, that may very well be the case. Hopefully not and we’ll get to see them running around sooner. 

People keep saying he over promised and under delivered.

Did he overpromise when it came to the delivery of the first 250 cars?  Yes, but he’s going to over deliver a much better car for all of us in exchange for your patience.  To me that’s making things right for us pre buyers. Only so many “sorrys” someone can say before the masses get tired of it and say “enough with the sorrys where’s the damn car! “ Which I also believe he’s done in earlier presentations  

Some of us have already seen the car(s) and can attest to fact that this thing is bad azz.  And if people are really tired of waiting, well your investment has already appreciated significantly this past year. So sell your spot and make some good money for a down payment on some other SXS or toy. Regain your joy and move on. 

Buff, that may very well be the case. Hopefully not and we’ll get to see them running around sooner. 

People keep saying he over promised and under delivered.

Did he overpromise when it came to the delivery of the first 250 cars?  Yes, but he’s going to over deliver a much better car for all of us in exchange for your patience.  To me that’s making things right for us pre buyers. Only so many “sorrys” someone can say before the masses get tired of it and say “enough with the sorrys where’s the damn car! “ Which I also believe he’s done in earlier presentations  

Some of us have already seen the car(s) and can attest to fact that this thing is bad azz.  And if people are really tired of waiting, well your investment has already appreciated significantly this past year. So sell your spot and make some good money for a down payment on some other SXS or toy. Regain your joy and move on. 
I think the first few customer cars will be delivered by the end of the yr, if not 100 or 200 of them.

Back in May they said they would build 10 pre-production cars for further testing, then start cranking out customer cars. They've built #1 already, and the next 3 or so were shown in the videos last week. Unless there's a parts shortage, they might have all 10 done in the next week or two. That leaves Oct., Nov. and Dec. to build customer cars. Even if they wait until the end of Oct. to see how testing goes, that still leaves 2 months to crank out at least one customer car. He feels they'll be able to do 50 per day eventually. Even if they only crank out 2 days worth, that could be 100 cars.

I remember when we designed circuit boards and modules for the gov't. We would often be 1 or 2 yrs behind schedule and it looked like we were nowhere near close. Then we'd kill the last few bugs, order all new circuit boards and suddenly 2 weeks later we were delivering the first 50 out of 100 units. Things would go from looking hopeless with no delivery date in sight to suddenly all of the parts are in, final validation testing and we were delivering a finished product before anybody knew it. I think RG and Todd are 95% to the goal line and we'll see at least a few customer cars delivered by Dec. 31st.

I got to sit in the one that was down in Escondido last Saturday. They are rather large that one was the four seater.  There was other brands across the way to sit and compare to. I only wonder how the engine will perform and last over time if driven hard with speed key. The 1000 CC barrier seems like its gonna work its ass off in sand. As far as trails or hardpack should be just fine.
This is just my opinion, based on a couple of FB posts from someone who posts as Speed UTV. Before they designed the engine, RG said it would produce 225hp on 91 and 300hp on E85. That wasn't based on testing, those were numbers he just threw out there, probably trying to stay on the conservative side. FFWD to when they were dyno testing, they posted a pic of the engine under load and Speed UTV posted that it made 300hp on pump gas and 500hp on race gas. Shortly after, they deleted that post and posted it made exactly 225 and 300 on E85. So 1st - I don't think anyone can predict exactly how much an engine will make before they build it - not down to the exact number on pump gas and E85. 2nd, I think the Speed UTV poster was correct when he posted 300 and 500hp, but those were at the ragged edge and they never intended to deliver anything pushed to the limit. So they detuned it to 225 and 300hp for reliability. RG even said something about "designing it and tuning it for everyday reliability" and I took that to mean it's capable of more power, but it will be very reliable at 300hp.

The strongest piece of evidence for all of this is the "300 and 500hp" post on FB, which I saw when it was first posted, then it was quickly deleted. I see no reason for any of them to exaggerate or lie about the dyno results, but I can understand why they wouldn't want the public to expect those higher numbers.

Lots of factory cars are de-rated to make them insurance friendly.............

I think way too many people are focusing on "I WANT MY TOY NOW!!!" and not realizing they sound like crying babies with a diaper full of sh1t.

If RG calls you up to start hauling cars in Jan or Feb., would you be interested?
Do you have a reservation for the new Speed SxS? If not, then why call the people that do cry babies? There was no pay now, get it in 2 years clause that I'm aware of. 

I'd be happy to continue my business hauling cars for Todd and Robby. But without a contract I'm not willing to invest in $500k of new equipment, insurance, hiring drivers, storage lot, etc. I have a 24' flatbed that can handle two SxS's and a 48' wedge that can probably fit 4 at a time. I'm good with that. 

500hp out of a 999cc production motor. Sure it does.  :oll:
It's pretty common now.  I'm not saying they stay together forever, but it's done all the time. And yes, those are going to be with aftermarket internals, but the Speed is getting a fully forged bottom end, a head designed w/ some NASCAR and Indy engineers, and a pretty large turbo (but I think it'd take more turbo to do 500, FWIW).  

Do you have a reservation for the new Speed SxS? If not, then why call the people that do cry babies? There was no pay now, get it in 2 years clause that I'm aware of. 

I'd be happy to continue my business hauling cars for Todd and Robby. But without a contract I'm not willing to invest in $500k of new equipment, insurance, hiring drivers, storage lot, etc. I have a 24' flatbed that can handle two SxS's and a 48' wedge that can probably fit 4 at a time. I'm good with that. 
For the deposit, I'm pretty sure there is such a clause.  And you did/do not have to pay more than the deposit ($1500 when I did mine) up front.  The part that is questionable, as I mentioned above, is the accessories.  Those are real goods that were paid for, as opposed to putting a deposit on them.  


It's pretty common now.  I'm not saying they stay together forever, but it's done all the time. And yes, those are going to be with aftermarket internals, but the Speed is getting a fully forged bottom end, a head designed w/ some NASCAR and Indy engineers, and a pretty large turbo (but I think it'd take more turbo to do 500, FWIW).  

For the deposit, I'm pretty sure there is such a clause.  And you did/do not have to pay more than the deposit ($1500 when I did mine) up front.  The part that is questionable, as I mentioned above, is the accessories.  Those are real goods that were paid for, as opposed to putting a deposit on them.  

I was just speaking with a buddy of ours (yours and mine) and he said he has paid $10k. 

Do you have a reservation for the new Speed SxS? If not, then why call the people that do cry babies? There was no pay now, get it in 2 years clause that I'm aware of. 

I'd be happy to continue my business hauling cars for Todd and Robby. But without a contract I'm not willing to invest in $500k of new equipment, insurance, hiring drivers, storage lot, etc. I have a 24' flatbed that can handle two SxS's and a 48' wedge that can probably fit 4 at a time. I'm good with that. 
I do have a deposit on an El Diablo. To be clear, the only ones I'm calling crybabies are the ones talking sh1t. I don't mind if someone has a valid question, but if they're going to keep making up crap, spreading rumors and lies, whining about "where's my car" then they sure sound like crybabies to me. I can understand people getting a little impatient, but adults should be able to handle it and not act like little kids.

I also feel that people shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them. They want a UTV from Robby Gordon, it would be prudent not to talk sh1t before they get it. I think the bigger problem is they're used to typing on a keyboard and thinking they don't have to act with any sort of class any more. It's saddening to see what people type on social media these days.

I also feel that people shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them. They want a UTV from Robby Gordon, it would be prudent not to talk sh1t before they get it. I think the bigger problem is they're used to typing on a keyboard and thinking they don't have to act with any sort of class any more. It's saddening to see what people type on social media these days.
I post fairly often on IG and I have to be cognizant of what I post so I understand what you're saying. But people, especially paying customers, should be able to express their dissatisfaction on a public forum. RG should have ignored it. 

The greatest thing about social media is everyone has a voice. Conversely, the biggest problem with social media is everyone has a voice. 

I post fairly often on IG and I have to be cognizant of what I post so I understand what you're saying. But people, especially paying customers, should be able to express their dissatisfaction on a public forum. RG should have ignored it. 

The greatest thing about social media is everyone has a voice. Conversely, the biggest problem with social media is everyone has a voice. 
I don't mind if someone has a valid question or concern, but the way some of these people talk, especially when they talk out of ignorance, is just out of control. If I was that dissatisfied with the delays, then I'd sell my spot and move on. I think that's what RG is driving at. If someone is bellyaching now while waiting to get their UTV, then they should sell their spot and move on. There's always that 5% (or whatever it is) that will never be happy, no matter what you do for them. They're every vendor's worst nightmare. I wouldn't blame him one bit for wanting to weed them out.

At this point in the game, which one of the deposit holders DOESN'T know that things have been delayed? EVERYBODY is well aware of Covid and the resulting delays it has put on EVERYTHING.  If you want to bitch at Robby because you need a SXS for this season..then sell the friggen spot and go buy one.  To go online and bitch about this and that is just stupid. Have any of those people called Robby and spoke to him about their concerns? No they are like the people on here that come on to just talk crap. So they are pissed off that Robby is cooler and richer than they will ever be, so gotta come on and take shots at him. It's like 3rd grade all over again.  There are still people on FB talking ponzi scheme....REALLY?????????  I personally wish he had the time to go after all the people that slandered him online. It would be glorious to see these keyboard big mouths get shut up.  

I know people have been trolling for decades, but it seems to me it's getting worse and worse every year.

Another example I saw 2 days ago: Andrew Buck is a pretty nice guy and he's done a lot of things in his lifetime. He posted a pic on FB of himself and 2 other Yamaha riders on the podium with their trophies from back in the day. Then 3 klowns had to get in their potshots at him. I can see friends joking around with each other, but these guys weren't friends of his, just 3 nobodies, hating on someone they'll never compare to. It's sad.

I was just speaking with a buddy of ours (yours and mine) and he said he has paid $10k. 
I've paid about that too, but most of it was having to pay for the accessories and warranty up front.  The deposit was only $1500.

