Speed UTV

I didnt sign a contract with Robby but we have a contract. He has one with me in which he stated (still on his website last I checked) Cars will be delivered Late 2020. Wheres that Soup Nazi meme when you need it
Sad part for the deposit holders is Robby never discussed a time line or will not answer vaid question in regards to production, timelines ect...But he will threaten deposit holders for getting upset. Such a joke!

Last nights show was such a joke, it was all about racing and nothing about the big issues of deposit holders money and delivery what he promised. He even bashed his nascar stint. He is such a glass half empty dude. I feel bad for the people that have to deal with him on a daily basis.

I do not foresee a lot of aftermarket parts for the Speed UTV beyond the typical mirrors, shift handles and some bolt on stuff.   

I could only imagine what Joefab would charge for some Speed arms.  I think Joefab angle iron weld job will be a cheaper fix.  LOL!  

 I think you will see some CVT belts and maybe some axles and that is about it from the vendors in Glamis.   Best to stock up on parts you think might break and keep them in camp.  
That sounds just like having a Wildcat...

Sad part for the deposit holders is Robby never discussed a time line or will not answer vaid question in regards to production, timelines ect...But he will threaten deposit holders for getting upset. Such a joke!

Last nights show was such a joke, it was all about racing and nothing about the big issues of deposit holders money and delivery what he promised. He even bashed his nascar stint. He is such a glass half empty dude. I feel bad for the people that have to deal with him on a daily basis.
Its clear you have a disdain for Robby, and not really any insider info. Are you "Gordon Wells" on the owners page?

But it doesn't concern you at all that a group of very talented people are working hard to build something so good, yet instead of getting any words of encouragement or gratitude from the general public, or even their customers, many of them feel it's their right to hide behind a keyboard and talk sh1t.

Since when have people sunk so low that they need to try and drag down people who try to excel down to their level at the bottom of the barrel?
He created his very own chit sandwich with the incredibly ridiculous timeline, initially. Now it's time to take a big ol' bite. You must weigh your words carefully when dealing with the public.

I get what he is trying to accomplish, and I definitely get his personal vendetta with the E-Z-Go super-morons, and, prior to that, Polar-ass. And I do think the car is going to be badass.

Bunch of guys in the 1700s did. They even wrote it down.
It is exactly this type of ignorance that makes people around the world mock Americans for it.

Where does it say you are guaranteed the right to say anything you want? 

NOWHERE. That's correct, it's a figment of your imagination.

All of you need to read the First Amendment again.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
It mentions Congress shall not infringe your freedom of speech. Yell "Fire!" in a crowded venue, you'll get charged and convicted. Spread lies about someone, you'll get charged with libel or slander. If you send a text message urging someone to kill themselves and they do it, you'll get charged and convicted of manslaughter, like Michelle Carter.

Actions have consequences, even if it's talking sh1t.

What baffles me is why so many feel the need to act like little kids, and why others feel it's justified and/or support it. 

I don't know where you got your info from, but the buyer can sell his spot at any time prior to when payment or financing is due. As with any bilateral contract, if the buyer can resell it, the seller can resell it as well. 

Do you have any idea how many times your mortgage has been resold? You signed a contract on that as well, in about 20 places.
So with that being take into consideration if the buyer can not cancel the contract the seller can not either. That was my first thought when seeing the statement he made. I don't have a vested interest other than a friend with a deposit and understand the delays etc but that one particular rant / threat was very unprofessional, period. It was out of frustration I'm sure, but someone who has put their season on the line with a deposit has the right to be frustrated as well. 

He created his very own chit sandwich with the incredibly ridiculous timeline, initially. Now it's time to take a big ol' bite. You must weigh your words carefully when dealing with the public.

I get what he is trying to accomplish, and I definitely get his personal vendetta with the E-Z-Go super-morons, and, prior to that, Polar-ass. And I do think the car is going to be badass.
You just admitted it was an incredibly ridiculous timeline. So just accept the fact he was too optimistic and move on. Why is it necessary for people to get hung up on one estimated timeline and keep hammering on it? 

Does it do anyone any good to distract him with stuff like that? Why are so many people in this world willing to drag others down, especially a successful person, rather than be supportive of a project like this?

It says more about the sh1t talkers than anyone else.

So with that being take into consideration if the buyer can not cancel the contract the seller can not either. That was my first thought when seeing the statement he made. I don't have a vested interest other than a friend with a deposit and understand the delays etc but that one particular rant / threat was very unprofessional, period. It was out of frustration I'm sure, but someone who has put their season on the line with a deposit has the right to be frustrated as well. 
To explain it one more time, he's not cancelling it, he's reselling it. He's not doing it arbitrarily, only to people who talk sh1t.

Why do people talk sh1t? Do you support their supposed "right" to say whatever they want? Do you extend that same "right" to RG? If not, why not?

I can understand if people counted their chickens before they hatched and sold their toy before getting their new Speed UTV, they might be frustrated, but that was their choice when to sell their toy. Don't blame someone else.

For those of you who are married or in a committed relationship: of course it gets frustrating waiting for the better half to get her makeup on before going out the door. I'm sure you're smart enough NOT to talk sh1t to her while she works her magic on her face and hair. It's only going to ruin your evening, or the rest of your life. No matter how frustrated you get, sometimes it's better not to say anything.

Again, hiding behind a keyboard is no excuse to say any stupid thing that pops into one's head.

To explain it one more time, he's not cancelling it, he's reselling it. He's not doing it arbitrarily, only to people who talk sh1t.

Why do people talk sh1t? Do you support their supposed "right" to say whatever they want? Do you extend that same "right" to RG? If not, why not?

I can understand if people counted their chickens before they hatched and sold their toy before getting their new Speed UTV, they might be frustrated, but that was their choice when to sell their toy. Don't blame someone else.

For those of you who are married or in a committed relationship: of course it gets frustrating waiting for the better half to get her makeup on before going out the door. I'm sure you're smart enough NOT to talk sh1t to her while she works her magic on her face and hair. It's only going to ruin your evening, or the rest of your life. No matter how frustrated you get, sometimes it's better not to say anything.

Again, hiding behind a keyboard is no excuse to say any stupid thing that pops into one's head.
It's really a moot point since id guess 99% of people posting negative stuff do not have deposits down. If he were to re-sell a spot id assume it would have to be for the original purchase price and if he were to start pulling and reselling orders he'd be wrapped up in court for years. As far as your example of yelling fire, I went to hundreds of house parties in the late 80's where everyone was yelling "the roof is on fire" and I was never arrested for "that"  :thumb: Carry on..

You just don't get it.  You spout out bullshit implying RG's health is irrelevant and we're just a Soap Opera for bringing it up, but now you're all about his personal life and health and how he spends his time?  I get it, you're a troll.  You're just trolling along, trollolololol.  


People talk shiite because they're bored not driving UTVs they were promised. :biggrin:  

If he actually starts doing this, The People will turn.  Does he have a right?  Sure.  Does that mean it's the right thing to do?  Nope.  

Fact is: a lot of people bought deposits assuming if not 2020, then sometime in 2021.  Is it understandable that he's late?  Sure.  Does that mean the customers who put money down can't complain?  Nope.  Deal is a deal.  Don't meet the terms of the deal, that's on you, no matter the circumstances.  Telling someone you're gonna take your ball and play somewhere else because they're making fun of your fake Nikes is childish.

It's really a moot point since id guess 99% of people posting negative stuff do not have deposits down. If he were to re-sell a spot id assume it would have to be for the original purchase price and if he were to start pulling and reselling orders he'd be wrapped up in court for years. As far as your example of yelling fire, I went to hundreds of house parties in the late 80's where everyone was yelling "the roof is on fire" and I was never arrested for "that"  :thumb: Carry on..
He did say he tracked down and refunded 2 people's deposits. You're right, 99% of the negativity is coming from people who didn't put down a deposit.

If he actually starts doing this, The People will turn.  Does he have a right?  Sure.  Does that mean it's the right thing to do?  Nope.  

Fact is: a lot of people bought deposits assuming if not 2020, then sometime in 2021.  Is it understandable that he's late?  Sure.  Does that mean the customers who put money down can't complain?  Nope.  Deal is a deal.  Don't meet the terms of the deal, that's on you, no matter the circumstances.  Telling someone you're gonna take your ball and play somewhere else because they're making fun of your fake Nikes is childish.
I learned at a very young age, if you want something from someone, try not to talk sh1t. My mom made arbitrary rules and wouldn't hesitate to punish us severely for any back talk, no matter how valid it might have been. Her house, her rules, so I had to bite my tongue until I moved out.

It's the Golden Rule, and Robby has the gold. Besides, talking sh1t doesn't make someone look good, so why do it? Just because they can doesn't mean they should.

If he's trying to reduce negativity... This isn't the best tactic..
What would you suggest? He's tried ignoring it, he's tried answering nicely, none of that worked.

I think he's reached the point where he's decided to tell people to STFU, and after seeing what he's dealing with, I would have done it weeks ago.

I am glad RG is not showing his frustration.  LMAO!!   He should know better than to let the internet comments get to him.  Not a good look for a person that is trying to build a business. 

Those custom built race UTVs look really nice and the race program sounds cool.  I think it will be a while before you see those race UTVs winning races.  There will be teething pains like any race program.  

Can't wait to see the pre-production cars at the Sand Show. 

Robby doesnt own the platforms he's crying about. If he actually was transparent, and meeting ANY of his self set deadlines, he wouldnt have to threaten people. Keep quiet or Ill take your car back. I seriously think he will get sued for that. If he didnt mouth off at the haters for the last two years.. Its one thing to call out the haters and deliver, but hes calling out the haters and theyre right!

No dog in the fight....either way.  But that statement by RG looks petty! im sure he regrets it already... 

best of luck to all involved.
What would you do in his shoes? Just ignore it? The way people repeat BS, if he doesn't reply when someone posts something untrue, then more and more people repeat it and then pretty soon people are claiming it's the gospel just because RG didn't refute it.

I'd love to hear a valid better solution that would actually work on social media.

What would you suggest? He's tried ignoring it, he's tried answering nicely, none of that worked.

I think he's reached the point where he's decided to tell people to STFU, and after seeing what he's dealing with, I would have done it weeks ago.
Ignoring the comments is the best tactic and shutting them up by putting cars in the customers hands.  By engaging in the manner he did will just fuel the people to continue to poke him and get him fired up.  

If he hates the current comments, how is he going to handle the comments when issues start popping up with the cars?   We all know these cars will not be perfect and people will have issues.  The internet will eat up those issues and get him going.   
