Speed UTV

Ignoring the comments is the best tactic and shutting them up by putting cars in the customers hands.  By engaging in the manner he did will just fuel the people to continue to poke him and get him fired up.  

If he hates the current comments, how is he going to handle the comments when issues start popping up with the cars?   We all know these cars will not be perfect and people will have issues.  The internet will eat up those issues and get him going.   
He did ignore them at first, and they just kept multiplying.

You're right, it seems like the best way to shut them up is deliver the car, but you know they'll just keep whining about anything and everything. It's more about their own failures in life and how inadequate they feel when someone successful does something to that high of a standard. Instead of admitting what a great job he's doing of designing it, they have to focus on the little detail they can nitpick at to make themselves feel like less of a failure in their own lives.

It's not just RG dealing with this crap, it seems every celebrity has to deal with pathetic haters trying to validate their sad little lives by talking crap.

What would you suggest? He's tried ignoring it, he's tried answering nicely, none of that worked.

I think he's reached the point where he's decided to tell people to STFU, and after seeing what he's dealing with, I would have done it weeks ago.
If I'm trying to sell to the public, step one would be to stop reading chit on the Internet if I'm sensitive to such things.  Step two would be to definitely not respond to it.

Step three, if I had to respond, would've been to sack up and join in on the fun.  If high school taught me anything, it's to laugh at chit that's funny, even if you're the punchline. 

And yes, this was often the case being the only asian kid on the football team...  :biggrin:

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Holy ch!t, I didn't read all the back and forth since last night... but wow.  I'll just add a couple thoughts:

  • I'm glad RG opened by clarifying that what we've been seeing a PRE-production.  That makes sense, and aligns with everything we've been seeing in the pics
  • As for refunding deposits, I'm sure they "can" do that (did any of you actually read the fine-print in your deposit T&Cs?  I know I did...   not).  It's an odd move though, and not a great look, but it's 110% RG.  He reminds me a lot of Trump, says/does what needs to get done but if he just worded it a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle different the softies would feel better.  Instead of saying "if you bitch online we'll cancel your order and refund you deposit" he had said "for anyone that expresses concern about the timeline for delivery of their car, we'll happily refund their deposit" everybody would be reacting differently 
  • ^^That said, my concern is not the deposit itself.  The deposit is just that: a deposit and I expected delays (thought I admit, not this long, I thought I'd have it *this* spring/summer) and IDGAF about $1500 sitting another year with them if that's what it takes.  Where Speed did misstep IMHO was taking $ for all of the accessories up front.  THAT was a bad move, again just my opinion.  That's an actual product or service (warranty) that we've paid for, that has not been delivered, vs. a deposit.  They haven't delivered on the cars, so they haven't delivered on the accessories, so really they're in breach of the sales contract made when we paid for this stuff.  I used my CC for my accessories intentionally, and I'm sure I wouldn't have trouble disputing those charges at this point.  That would be a disaster for Speed.  Not so much because of the money (I'll get to that) but because of the PR disaster it'd create and CC companies refusing to work with them going forward
  • With respect to money, I always laugh when I see people talk about the deposits "funding" this project.  What are there, 3,000 actual customer pre-orders (not dealer)?  At $1500 that's only $4.5M.  Let's say it's 5k units at $2500 instead, that's STIL only $12.5M.  You do NOT build a new company of this magnitude, buy buildings, bring manufacturing online, R&D a new motor/trans/diff/blah/blah on $12.5M.  There is no doubt RG and Todd got outside investment, and that's where the REAL money is

Anyway, I'm just watching the vid now, only ~10min in so I might have some more thoughts later... 


He did ignore them at first, and they just kept multiplying.

You're right, it seems like the best way to shut them up is deliver the car, but you know they'll just keep whining about anything and everything. It's more about their own failures in life and how inadequate they feel when someone successful does something to that high of a standard. Instead of admitting what a great job he's doing of designing it, they have to focus on the little detail they can nitpick at to make themselves feel like less of a failure in their own lives.

It's not just RG dealing with this crap, it seems every celebrity has to deal with pathetic haters trying to validate their sad little lives by talking crap.
Two ways to deal with the comments.  Either roll with them using some humor (poke fun at himself) or just ignore them.  Having a melt down and telling people you are going to hunt them down is a response a kid would give or Liam Nieson in "Taken", not a business person.    

Some of the comments made are legit questions and concerns and a lot is just people trolling.  

Like I said producing the car and putting it in customers hands is the best way to shut people up.   

He has no one to blame for the comments coming at him, but himself.    He tells us how great the car is, how great of a designer he is and his team and then he puts out timelines that are not met.  Gives people hope by doing testing in his one-off custom car and again makes it seem like production will be starting shortly.    He tells us he is not racing until the Speed cars are done and then he is racing in Baja and SST series (yes, I get he has sponsorship commitments).   Why say that and then do the opposite?  

If I'm trying to sell to the public, step one would be to stop reading chit on the Internet if I'm sensitive to such things.  Step two would be to definitely not respond to it.

Step three, if I had to respond, would've been to sack up and join in on the fun.  If high school taught me anything, it's to laugh at chit that's funny, even if you're the punchline.  This was often the case being the only asian kid on the football team...  
I agree with you if you're just another member of the team and just trying to get along. As I mentioned above, I kept my mouth shut as long as I lived in my mom's house, because she used the Golden rule to the extreme.

In this case, it's just a bunch of haters crying about every possible made up issue. Might as well give them something to cry about, while they're waiting to get smoked when the Speed UTV arrives.

How would you feel if a bunch of nobodies went into your Jeep build thread and talked nonsense, invalid trash about your build? Would you really ignore it, or poke fun at your own build? Or would you defend it?

Fortunately for you, you're not RG, so a bunch of losers don't feel vindicated just by talking nonsense about you.

I prefer to concentrate on the technical advances and added features RG keeps adding to it, week by week. It now has a lot more added features than when I first signed up.

He did ignore them at first, and they just kept multiplying.

You're right, it seems like the best way to shut them up is deliver the car, but you know they'll just keep whining about anything and everything. It's more about their own failures in life and how inadequate they feel when someone successful does something to that high of a standard. Instead of admitting what a great job he's doing of designing it, they have to focus on the little detail they can nitpick at to make themselves feel like less of a failure in their own lives.

It's not just RG dealing with this crap, it seems every celebrity has to deal with pathetic haters trying to validate their sad little lives by talking crap.
Sweet diagnosis of the consumer who has done well enough to purchase one of these mystery machines sight unseen. 

If you keep defending RG and talking about how great he is maybe he will call you up and ask you on a date. 

Two ways to deal with the comments.  Either roll with them using some humor (poke fun at himself) or just ignore them.  Having a melt down and telling people you are going to hunt them down is a response a kid would give or Liam Nieson in "Taken", not a business person.    

Some of the comments made are legit questions and concerns and a lot is just people trolling.  

Like I said producing the car and putting it in customers hands is the best way to shut people up.   

He has no one to blame for the comments coming at him, but himself.    He tells us how great the car is, how great of a designer he is and his team and then he puts out timelines that are not met.  Gives people hope by doing testing in his one-off custom car and again makes it seem like production will be starting shortly.    He tells us he is not racing until the Speed cars are done and then he is racing in Baja and SST series (yes, I get he has sponsorship commitments).   Why say that and then do the opposite?  
Because he can.

What good is whining about it going to do you? Has it ever worked for you in the past? Why do you think it's going to work now? 

Just being realistic. Anything that doesn't produce positive results for you is kind of a waste if time. I think RG has better things to do than defend his project on social media, but if it cuts down on the crap talking, then it was worth it.

One thing I learned in the Navy - orders and opinions flow downhill, not uphill.

I agree with you if you're just another member of the team and just trying to get along. As I mentioned above, I kept my mouth shut as long as I lived in my mom's house, because she used the Golden rule to the extreme.

In this case, it's just a bunch of haters crying about every possible made up issue. Might as well give them something to cry about, while they're waiting to get smoked when the Speed UTV arrives.

How would you feel if a bunch of nobodies went into your Jeep build thread and talked nonsense, invalid trash about your build? Would you really ignore it, or poke fun at your own build? Or would you defend it?

Fortunately for you, you're not RG, so a bunch of losers don't feel vindicated just by talking nonsense about you.

I prefer to concentrate on the technical advances and added features RG keeps adding to it, week by week. It now has a lot more added features than when I first signed up.
I'm not Robbie Gordon, nope.  If he didn't want the Internet to hate, he should stop posting on the Internet.  

If I was trying to sell stuff in that thread, I certainly would mind my Ps and Qs.  Since I'm not: heeeeeeelllllllll naw, anyone who makes fun of me will BUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!  :biggrin:

Because he can.

What good is whining about it going to do you? Has it ever worked for you in the past? Why do you think it's going to work now? 

Just being realistic. Anything that doesn't produce positive results for you is kind of a waste if time. I think RG has better things to do than defend his project on social media, but if it cuts down on the crap talking, then it was worth it.

One thing I learned in the Navy - orders and opinions flow downhill, not uphill.
I am not whining about anything.  I don't whine to get what I want, I figure out a way to get it done.   

RG seems to be the one whining about "mean" comments on the internet and his melt down shows that.  

If RG wants to shut those people up the best way is to put out the car he promised.  

I just want to see the car already to see if it is everything RG claims it to be.  By the looks of things I will get to check out the pre-production one at the sand show. 

I'm not Robbie Gordon, nope.  If he didn't want the Internet to hate, he should stop posting on the Internet.  

If I was trying to sell stuff in that thread, I certainly would mind my Ps and Qs.  Since I'm not: heeeeeeelllllllll naw, anyone who makes fun of me will BUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!  :biggrin:
I'll be the first to admit, this refund tactic is NOT an effective sales tool.    :lol:

I can see from the comments on FB that some people paid attention to the CAD drawings and the photos of the prototype parts and realized the clear superiority of his chassis and suspension designs. Other people obviously do not grasp the deign concepts in those same discussions and choose to find something to mock. Like the guys in the back row of class who laughed and joked all through class and failed at the end of the semester.

Nothing has changed. Same failures in class, failing in life.

I am not whining about anything.  I don't whine to get what I want, I figure out a way to get it done.   

RG seems to be the one whining about "mean" comments on the internet and his melt down shows that.  

If RG wants to shut those people up the best way is to put out the car he promised.  

I just want to see the car already to see if it is everything RG claims it to be.  By the looks of things I will get to check out the pre-production one at the sand show. 
I just don't see why haters feel the need to hate so much, unless they're so unhappy with their own lack of accomplishment they need to drag others down to their level. It's just mind boggling how much of it is out there on social media.

The car is a lot bigger in person than in the pics. The bottom edge of the roof is at least 67" high, the top is probably 69" or 70". A few inches taller than my 4 seat sand rail. I think you'll be impressed with how stout everything is, especially the hubs and suspension.

Are you going Sat.? That's the day I'm going, maybe I'll see you there!

For all those that keep preaching timelines and dates. 

Show me in the contract where a delivery time was stated? Do you even have a car on order or are you just an armchair quarterback / troll? 

The cars that were mentioned to be delivered by Thanksgiving, how many cars was that? How many of each model? 

Since that time how many times Robby & Todd have stated this is taking allot longer, but your not getting the concept car they originally planned on building in limited production. 

And because they missed the goal of releasIng a limited amount and got hammered for it. They learned to not give out dates until they have cars rolling off the line. But now you bash them for not giving you a date or being transparent. That’s a joke! They have shown you more then any manufacture, not just in the UTV industry either.  

Regarding Pre paid accessories. No one made anyone buy accessories, and the terms were made clear. Don’t like the terms? Don’t buy!  Buy accessories after you get the car. Don’t cry you bought accessories and paid upfront. That’s being a pussy! 

I used to really like posting and sharing on this thread, then it became a chit show and had nothing to do with the progress or support of something new. Then this site crashes and this thread is started over and has become a bigger failure and is toxic. This is why I quit sharing my opinion or insight. This will be my last comment on this thread. 

BTW I agree Robby spoke without thinking last night and that was a huge mistake. He needs to let the haters hate and let the supporters lift him up. But put yourself in his shoes. He’s 200% in on this and put it all on the line. Instead of supporting and embracing the innovation. People just want to tear each other down. Then the horrible comments like him getting Covid was Karma! That’s disgusting! I guess it makes them feel better or more important. Like Buff. It’s a shame what society has become. It’s so toxic and many on here are just that! 

See you all on another thread, just not on this one! 
Amen, very well said!

I just don't see why haters feel the need to hate so much, unless they're so unhappy with their own lack of accomplishment they need to drag others down to their level. It's just mind boggling how much of it is out there on social media.

The car is a lot bigger in person than in the pics. The bottom edge of the roof is at least 67" high, the top is probably 69" or 70". A few inches taller than my 4 seat sand rail. I think you'll be impressed with how stout everything is, especially the hubs and suspension.

Are you going Sat.? That's the day I'm going, maybe I'll see you there!
I will be there Friday and Saturday.    It looks like a big car from the pictures especially when they put it next to the 4 seat XX they made.  I have seen the 4 seat Speed XX in Glamis and it was a good size car. 

Social Media brings out the worse in some people.  People just have way too much time on their hands and like to s---talk.   

For all those that keep preaching timelines and dates. 

Show me in the contract where a delivery time was stated? Do you even have a car on order or are you just an armchair quarterback / troll? 

The cars that were mentioned to be delivered by Thanksgiving, how many cars was that? How many of each model? 

Since that time how many times Robby & Todd have stated this is taking allot longer, but your not getting the concept car they originally planned on building in limited production. 

And because they missed the goal of releasIng a limited amount and got hammered for it. They learned to not give out dates until they have cars rolling off the line. But now you bash them for not giving you a date or being transparent. That’s a joke! They have shown you more then any manufacture, not just in the UTV industry either.  

Regarding Pre paid accessories. No one made anyone buy accessories, and the terms were made clear. Don’t like the terms? Don’t buy!  Buy accessories after you get the car. Don’t cry you bought accessories and paid upfront. That’s being a pussy! 

I used to really like posting and sharing on this thread, then it became a chit show and had nothing to do with the progress or support of something new. Then this site crashes and this thread is started over and has become a bigger failure and is toxic. This is why I quit sharing my opinion or insight. This will be my last comment on this thread. 

BTW I agree Robby spoke without thinking last night and that was a huge mistake. He needs to let the haters hate and let the supporters lift him up. But put yourself in his shoes. He’s 200% in on this and put it all on the line. Instead of supporting and embracing the innovation. People just want to tear each other down. Then the horrible comments like him getting Covid was Karma! That’s disgusting! I guess it makes them feel better or more important. Like Buff. It’s a shame what society has become. It’s so toxic and many on here are just that! 

See you all on another thread, just not on this one! 
I haven't read every post here, but I don't remember anyone saying COVID for him was Karma...

Holy ch!t, I didn't read all the back and forth since last night... but wow.  I'll just add a couple thoughts:

  • I'm glad RG opened by clarifying that what we've been seeing a PRE-production.  That makes sense, and aligns with everything we've been seeing in the pics
  • As for refunding deposits, I'm sure they "can" do that (did any of you actually read the fine-print in your deposit T&Cs?  I know I did...   not).  It's an odd move though, and not a great look, but it's 110% RG.  He reminds me a lot of Trump, says/does what needs to get done but if he just worded it a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle different the softies would feel better.  Instead of saying "if you bitch online we'll cancel your order and refund you deposit" he had said "for anyone that expresses concern about the timeline for delivery of their car, we'll happily refund their deposit" everybody would be reacting differently 
  • ^^That said, my concern is not the deposit itself.  The deposit is just that: a deposit and I expected delays (thought I admit, not this long, I thought I'd have it *this* spring/summer) and IDGAF about $1500 sitting another year with them if that's what it takes.  Where Speed did misstep IMHO was taking $ for all of the accessories up front.  THAT was a bad move, again just my opinion.  That's an actual product or service (warranty) that we've paid for, that has not been delivered, vs. a deposit.  They haven't delivered on the cars, so they haven't delivered on the accessories, so really they're in breach of the sales contract made when we paid for this stuff.  I used my CC for my accessories intentionally, and I'm sure I wouldn't have trouble disputing those charges at this point.  That would be a disaster for Speed.  Not so much because of the money (I'll get to that) but because of the PR disaster it'd create and CC companies refusing to work with them going forward
  • With respect to money, I always laugh when I see people talk about the deposits "funding" this project.  What are there, 3,000 actual customer pre-orders (not dealer)?  At $1500 that's only $4.5M.  Let's say it's 5k units at $2500 instead, that's STIL only $12.5M.  You do NOT build a new company of this magnitude, buy buildings, bring manufacturing online, R&D a new motor/trans/diff/blah/blah on $12.5M.  There is no doubt RG and Todd got outside investment, and that's where the REAL money is

Anyway, I'm just watching the vid now, only ~10min in so I might have some more thoughts later... 

I agree on the pre-paid accessories.  I have had a chance to buy two different Speed cars recently, and both times the amount of costs that I would have to pay for the accessories killed the deal for me.  It is one thing to have $1500 tied up for however long it takes for the car to come to market, or even lose the $1500 if something happens and the car does not get built.  It is a completely different story to have $12,000 tied up for an undetermined amount of time.

I got to sit in the one that was down in Escondido last Saturday. They are rather large that one was the four seater.  There was other brands across the way to sit and compare to. I only wonder how the engine will perform and last over time if driven hard with speed key. The 1000 CC barrier seems like its gonna work its ass off in sand. As far as trails or hardpack should be just fine. I know on my Manx I went from a VW to a 2.5 Subaru normally aspirated to adding a turbo and until I got up to that 250ish HP and TQ level I was switching gears all the time to keep from getting stuck or bogging out in sand. Now I put it in 2nd or 3rd and no worries. The day I made this video I could see he was turning some rpms in this thing to get around in the sand. In the end if its compared to other SXS it will do great but not sure its gonna keep up with a group of V8 sand cars. Everyone needs to have realistic expectations and hopefully it will exceed all. I look forward to seeing some out before end of this season

For all those that keep preaching timelines and dates. 

Show me in the contract where a delivery time was stated? Do you even have a car on order or are you just an armchair quarterback / troll? 

The cars that were mentioned to be delivered by Thanksgiving, how many cars was that? How many of each model? 

Since that time how many times Robby & Todd have stated this is taking allot longer, but your not getting the concept car they originally planned on building in limited production. 

And because they missed the goal of releasIng a limited amount and got hammered for it. They learned to not give out dates until they have cars rolling off the line. But now you bash them for not giving you a date or being transparent. That’s a joke! They have shown you more then any manufacture, not just in the UTV industry either.  

Regarding Pre paid accessories. No one made anyone buy accessories, and the terms were made clear. Don’t like the terms? Don’t buy!  Buy accessories after you get the car. Don’t cry you bought accessories and paid upfront. That’s being a pussy! 

I used to really like posting and sharing on this thread, then it became a chit show and had nothing to do with the progress or support of something new. Then this site crashes and this thread is started over and has become a bigger failure and is toxic. This is why I quit sharing my opinion or insight. This will be my last comment on this thread. 

BTW I agree Robby spoke without thinking last night and that was a huge mistake. He needs to let the haters hate and let the supporters lift him up. But put yourself in his shoes. He’s 200% in on this and put it all on the line. Instead of supporting and embracing the innovation. People just want to tear each other down. Then the horrible comments like him getting Covid was Karma! That’s disgusting! I guess it makes them feel better or more important. Like Buff. It’s a shame what society has become. It’s so toxic and many on here are just that! 

See you all on another thread, just not on this one! 
I for one appreciate your insight and updates. It seems the haters are the ones that don't have any skin in the game. Ignore the haters and keep us updated. I have one on order and understand the delay's they are now experiencing. If the delays bring about a better product, I don't mind waiting.
