Speed UTV

I disagree with your assessment. For 99.99% of people in this world, you are right - it's the American dream to cash out and enjoy the good life. However, RG is the other .01% who is doing this to prove it can be done better than the other UTV mfrs (Polaris specifically) and run the company like an off road driver/enthusiast and make the decisions based on best practices, not by a committee of accountants who decide to shave a dollar here and 20 cents there and cut so many corners that the product that started out as a box ends up looking like a soccer ball, or a Pro R.

This is a passion play for him and he's enjoying building a better mousetrap, embarrassing the other UTV companies with their 200 layers of worthless executives and bean counters and making a few bucks in the process. Could he make tons more money selling out? Absolutely! However, he's stated many times that Polaris bean counters over rode him and made final decisions, so this time his name was going to be on the bottom line on this design and he was going to build it the way he knows it should be built.

I don't know everything, but I understand enough to realize the wisdom and engineering behind all of his decisions and that's why I laugh at guys who never rode in a trophy truck much less designed one, claiming that RG is wrong and they know more about suspension geometry and design than he does.

Good answer. 
most people don’t get it. When your in the 100+ million category you don’t sell. You innovative. 
that’s a scale most of us don’t get. 

I think they are more of approvals than anything. I think final loan docs are signed on delivery.

But I know in the real estate world and assuming here as well, the bank will only lock the rate and terms for a certain amount of time. 

If that expires, you could worse rate or terms, a second pull on credit, etc etc.
I don’t know what kind of loans are being given. Although I do know you need a vin# for the loan to even happen. Unless it’s a revolving credit card loan like the OEM’s offer at the dealership level. 

Nikal, I’m not sure you realize your a big part of the crap slinging along with DTA and LOTD And the rest of the Speed nut swingers. This whole thread started with the best of intentions. Then Robby, who you guys claim to be the God of offroad, says hey buy my bad azz speed car and you will have it for thanksgiving or New Years of 2020. No word of only 500 cars was spit out from the start. So people sell their toys to throw a down payment on a speed car to get in line for the latest and greatest. This is where you guys get lost. You guys have the financials to throw down a down payment along with payment for all add ons up front while you wait for the car to be built and delivered. You forget that most people don’t have your kind of cash laying around to burn on a possible bad azz or shizzy investment. We have the knowledge to know that there is no damn way RG can build a car from scratch and deliver on times as promised along with buying a first gen anything is a bad idea so we don’t make deposits but most others have no clue so they do. RG makes promises so people sell what they have for the down payment. You and us can call it dumb because we know better but the masses that don’t know get duped. Own the shizz RG promised. He made big promises to dupe the masses to help fund the Speed project. The percentage of us that know it couldn’t happen in his timeline is minute. The rest of the people helped fund this project not knowing any better. This is where you guys aren’t owning up to what is going on. You have money to burn and lots of knowledge on these type of things expecting that the rest of the investors know the same as you. Now RG makes videos bashing Polaris and CanAm for their sub par cars. He points out the bad suspension geometry and how the cars are basically pieces of crap compared to his car. That QC on the other cars is crap and his car is hand welded perfection and just plain the bomb. We point out that he promised cars by November and December of 2020 and nothing to show for it. You guys fight back with the promise was only for 500 cars. When this all started originally there was no 500 car cap. It wasn’t until a crap ton of people put down deposits that he realized he couldn’t deliver so a 500 car cap came into effect. So we fast forward to the video updates. Since he couldn’t produce a car to sell, weekly video updates started. Video after video of how Speed was dominant and the rest sucked. Then SSSS 2021 came. People came in droves to see the Speed car. The Speed UTV site was packed! Then people that know what to look at see the bolt heard round the world along with doors that don’t latch and uncomfortable rear seating. Again we bring up these things and you guys jump to RG’s defense. You say the bolt is a mishap but the rest of the car is bad azz. Forget the fact that the baddest UTV was just displayed with crappy welds and shizzy fit and finish. Instead of owning the short comings, you guys bash the other manufactures just like RG. Why? Because you just regurgitate the same things RG says on social media. Everything he says is gold. Let’s forget, according to you, he promised 500 cars in 2020 and still hasn’t delivered. Now he has one car built and is driving it all over putting miles on it in Havasu. Why Havasu? Cause that’s where the manufacturing plant is gonna be. Time goes by video after video  and still no cars to produce. You guys say it’s because he’s making improvements and that is kind of true. Covid hit and parts became impossible to get. So in order to keep investors happy, he started making changes to the build. Not because he loves the offroad community and wants to give them freebies, as you guys have suggested, but because he needs to build things in house to keep,the project moving along. This did make a better car but not what he planned for. Then parts made a huge stall. So to keep people vested he started updating things he could control. Now we have a Speed tool kit, speed rc car, speed car cover, new graphics, etc.. Video after video trying to keep investors alive. Next thing you know, they are only building El Jefes first. Never in the beginning of deposits did he say we are only building 500 cars for 2020 or 4 seat cars will be the first cars built. How many people made deposits for a Diablo before they found out that 4 seaters will come first? All along what happened to the manufacture in Havasu? Then UTV races came along. Max ran a built XX/ Speed car and did well. RG on the other hand ran his El Jefe but pussy footed around the track. He finished with a slow time but you guys were all about how he finished. Forget the questionable race line choices he made cause that’s another story. Now more video after video and let’s fast forward to last weekend. No new cars were delivered to any private purchasers or dealers. He has a stable of cars at the SSSS but the only turn key cars are his original beaters. The rest are rollers thrown together with used mock up parts. The fit and finish is still crappy. Then he takes old faithful out for a spin. Turns that bitch up to put on a show. Hits the jump and breaks the trailing arm mounts. Instead of you guys owning it was a disaster, you come to his aid saying this car had thousands of hard miles on it and that’s why it broke. Forget the fact that it’s broke at least once before but by the shizzy welds it looks like it’s broke a couple times. Now we own that the updated mount needs more bracing. Here is where I turn the page. After all of this, I feel the car is built way better than the other manufactures. I personally would like to own a Diablo. I personally think that these cars could be a game changer. I hope at a minimum that the Speed car concept pushes the other manufactures to step up their game. In the end, I think this thread would be a lot shorter if you guys would just own the mistakes and downfalls of RG and the Speed car. I own the short comings of my RZR as do the others with their CanAm. Pretending Speed and RG are perfect is exactly what is keeping this thread alive! Sorry Sand Shark, I hope this doesn’t kill your shot at 300!

Ok so I had way to much to drink last night to be on here! My mindset was to do a basic recap of how everything has gone down. My intentions weren’t to name call and for that I am sorry. You guys are super excited about your purchase and some super loyal to the project. 

I was just cruising through the speed group this morning on Facebook and the poster that got slammed around saying there's quite a bit of chit talking in there is right.  People are pretty upset. If you're always on there reading then you must be blind.

Here's one that's interesting apparently it's on a live video somewhere.


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cool walk around vid at production car. when i was at the ssss early friday i tested the doors on this red car and they worked flawlessly i bet with the people opening and slamming them shut repatedly probably made the door go out of wack or loosen somthing but if that is the case it could be fixed pretty easly by losening the bolts reset the door position then tighen it. doesnt  polaris and can am, after the break in period, have a manditory shop check up were they change the oil and check bolt tightness . it needs initial vibrations and retorqing to tighten it properly like a tie down strap. you strap it drive a few miles and retighten it for a good firm hold.  
