Speed UTV

This thread just gets more and more entertaining!  :lol:

I think RG's engineering talent is surpassed by his marketing genius.

"How do I get everyone, especially the losers/haters, talking about my UTV without spending a fortune on advertising, like Pos-laris and Can't Ham do?"

Last yr he welded a bolt into a conspicuous place on a pre-production vehicle at the SSSS and this yr he took an older pre-production vehicle off a jump and broke a couple of trailing arm tabs.

In both cases, he got millions of $$ worth of free advertising from all of the losers/haters clucking all over social media as if their lives depended on it. Did any buyers cancel their orders? No. Are people still on a waiting list to get one of his vehicles? Yes. Did all of the social media sites that talk about off-roading nearly break with videos of the notorious Speed jump? Yes.

What are the Polaris owners yapping about? The Speed UTV.

What are the CanAm owners clucking about? The Speed UTV.

Polaris, CanAm, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc. all paid for their spaces at the SSSS, but everyone is talking about the Speed UTV. Only the Speed UTV.

Pure genius!!  :lol:

Carry on, ladies.

This thread just gets more and more entertaining!  :lol:

I think RG's engineering talent is surpassed by his marketing genius.

"How do I get everyone, especially the losers/haters, talking about my UTV without spending a fortune on advertising, like Pos-laris and Can't Ham do?"

Last yr he welded a bolt into a conspicuous place on a pre-production vehicle at the SSSS and this yr he took an older pre-production vehicle off a jump and broke a couple of trailing arm tabs.

In both cases, he got millions of $$ worth of free advertising from all of the losers/haters clucking all over social media as if their lives depended on it. Did any buyers cancel their orders? No. Are people still on a waiting list to get one of his vehicles? Yes. Did all of the social media sites that talk about off-roading nearly break with videos of the notorious Speed jump? Yes.

What are the Polaris owners yapping about? The Speed UTV.

What are the CanAm owners clucking about? The Speed UTV.

Polaris, CanAm, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc. all paid for their spaces at the SSSS, but everyone is talking about the Speed UTV. Only the Speed UTV.

Pure genius!!  :lol:

Carry on, ladies.
LOL...great post. Good/Bad Press all same. It's just the internet and social media and controversy equals $$ whether folks love or hate you.



Let’s keep this thread about Speed and not attacking fellow board members. 
Who's getting attacked other than the washed up RV salesman?

I did years ago.

Although If I was trying to bring a new product to market, it wouldn't be the way this has been going. 

There are a lot of red flags here, but that's ok. Everyone is an expert. 
I'm not currently seeking any potential customers to sell anything to. I'm done with it. 33 years is long enough. 

The old adage that claims good publicity/bad publicity is good either way is so out dated. That was a phrase that came from PT Barnum in the early 1900's. There was no TV, cell phones, INTERNET. No offense @Crusty homie. I used to believe the same thing . Then I did some actual research. 

This thread just gets more and more entertaining!  :lol:

I think RG's engineering talent is surpassed by his marketing genius.

"How do I get everyone, especially the losers/haters, talking about my UTV without spending a fortune on advertising, like Pos-laris and Can't Ham do?"

Last yr he welded a bolt into a conspicuous place on a pre-production vehicle at the SSSS and this yr he took an older pre-production vehicle off a jump and broke a couple of trailing arm tabs.

In both cases, he got millions of $$ worth of free advertising from all of the losers/haters clucking all over social media as if their lives depended on it. Did any buyers cancel their orders? No. Are people still on a waiting list to get one of his vehicles? Yes. Did all of the social media sites that talk about off-roading nearly break with videos of the notorious Speed jump? Yes.

What are the Polaris owners yapping about? The Speed UTV.

What are the CanAm owners clucking about? The Speed UTV.

Polaris, CanAm, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc. all paid for their spaces at the SSSS, but everyone is talking about the Speed UTV. Only the Speed UTV.

Pure genius!!  :lol:

Carry on, ladies.
Remember when Elon Musk threw a bowling ball or a rock whatever it was through the window of his car on the stage it was supposed to bounce off broke the window and they were posting from here to the moon about it oh yeah he not doing too bad

This thread just gets more and more entertaining!  :lol:

I think RG's engineering talent is surpassed by his marketing genius.

"How do I get everyone, especially the losers/haters, talking about my UTV without spending a fortune on advertising, like Pos-laris and Can't Ham do?"

Last yr he welded a bolt into a conspicuous place on a pre-production vehicle at the SSSS and this yr he took an older pre-production vehicle off a jump and broke a couple of trailing arm tabs.

In both cases, he got millions of $$ worth of free advertising from all of the losers/haters clucking all over social media as if their lives depended on it. Did any buyers cancel their orders? No. Are people still on a waiting list to get one of his vehicles? Yes. Did all of the social media sites that talk about off-roading nearly break with videos of the notorious Speed jump? Yes.

What are the Polaris owners yapping about? The Speed UTV.

What are the CanAm owners clucking about? The Speed UTV.

Polaris, CanAm, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc. all paid for their spaces at the SSSS, but everyone is talking about the Speed UTV. Only the Speed UTV.

Pure genius!!  :lol:

Carry on, ladies.
You're a Marketing / Advertising genius also?  @socaldmax.  :laugh1:  Damn this dude has some serious skills!!! 

" Nowadays, brands aren’t just competing with the consumer on price point and product, but also the brand and products social, environmental or political impacts.

That’s not say brands or companies can’t turn PR blunders into wins, but the work needs to be done in order to see positive outcomes from bad publicity. It’s no longer going to work for brands to shrug off bad PR and say, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”. We’re now living in an era where bad publicity not only exists but can also destroy businesses and the people who run them too.

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You're a Marketing / Advertising genius also?  @socaldmax.  :laugh1:  Damn this dude has some serious skills!!! 

" Nowadays, brands aren’t just competing with the consumer on price point and product, but also the brand and products social, environmental or political impacts.

That’s not say brands or companies can’t turn PR blunders into wins, but the work needs to be done in order to see positive outcomes from bad publicity. It’s no longer going to work for brands to shrug off bad PR and say, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”. We’re now living in an era where bad publicity not only exists but can also destroy businesses and the people who run them too.
Yet everyone is still talking about the Speed UTV...

the proof is in the pudding.    :lol:

This thread just gets more and more entertaining!  :lol:

I think RG's engineering talent is surpassed by his marketing genius.

"How do I get everyone, especially the losers/haters, talking about my UTV without spending a fortune on advertising, like Pos-laris and Can't Ham do?"

Last yr he welded a bolt into a conspicuous place on a pre-production vehicle at the SSSS and this yr he took an older pre-production vehicle off a jump and broke a couple of trailing arm tabs.

In both cases, he got millions of $$ worth of free advertising from all of the losers/haters clucking all over social media as if their lives depended on it. Did any buyers cancel their orders? No. Are people still on a waiting list to get one of his vehicles? Yes. Did all of the social media sites that talk about off-roading nearly break with videos of the notorious Speed jump? Yes.

What are the Polaris owners yapping about? The Speed UTV.

What are the CanAm owners clucking about? The Speed UTV.

Polaris, CanAm, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc. all paid for their spaces at the SSSS, but everyone is talking about the Speed UTV. Only the Speed UTV.

Pure genius!!  :lol:

Carry on, ladies.
We all know why people are still waiting, and it's not because a critical suspension piece broke so they ran to put an order in...  

What's the #1 selling point of this UTV that's been drummed into our heads over and over and over and over and over (including after it broke)?  This thing is built like a bank vault.  Polaris and Can Am are junk junk junk.  Over and over and over we've heard this.  What happens the right before they expect to finally deliver units to customers? It breaks and pics show this wasn't the first time it broke.  

This is not "marketing" and it's not good for a fledgling company's reputation. This may not sway deposit holders who've been waiting three years for their UTV, but it will have an effect on the future buyers needed to overcome the initial capital investment and make this a long-term profitable business.  

The only silver lining here is hopefully they realize their "updated" tab isn't going to prevent this failure and address it.  Based on Sunday's speech on top of the upside down showcase model, I'd say this is a slim hope.

Remember when Elon Musk threw a bowling ball or a rock whatever it was through the window of his car on the stage it was supposed to bounce off broke the window and they were posting from here to the moon about it oh yeah he not doing too bad
Elon isn't doing too bad.  The Cyber Truck project, however...  Yeah.  Not the best example for fans of Speed UTV...

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I don’t know if anything broke and neither do you. Could they of fixed it later in the day or by the next day, WE don’t know. How many miles were on that thing? Was it a newer built car? Don’t know. Speed car had over 10k hard ass miles as RG was trying to break it since it’s inception. This jump was the straw that broke its back. It’s since been rectified (hopefully).
Like you said, it’s an off-road vehicle stuff will break. And so will the Speed cars. Hopefully not to the point of needing a new chassis 
Per some the Can Am can not even go 20' without breaking.  Per RG all the other manufactures have weak pivot points and pretty much poorly designed.   That video showed Can Am can handle some abuse whether new or not.   That video shows RG's Speed UTV can break and perhaps his design is not as great has he says.   Now this was him driving. Joe Blow is a whole over level of good times waiting to happen.  

RG knows how to drive so his 10K of hard miles are much different than Joe Blow in just 2,000 miles.   All the manufactures do testing with their drivers.  As we quickly find out the best way to find a week spot is to give the car to Joe Blow and let them have at it.  

The Speed UTV has a well designed frame and structure that looks like it can handle a lot of abuse.  Hopefully they addressed the tab so it is not an issue.  

If I was purchasing one I would be more concerned with them shoring up the fit and finish.  

Seems most agree (even deposit holders)that the demo with that car was a poor decision. I'm sure he'll get the tab issues resolved, if it isn't already.  What about the doors/tailgate though?  I looked over the cars and noticed some issues, but wasn't there for any of his presentation/speeches.  Do they have a plan to deal with that? I think @CampfiresNbrews said they were OK on Friday, but bad by Saturday.  I was only there on Saturday.  Are they just really easy to knock out of adjustment or something?  I know the doors and tailgate might seem like minor stuff compared to the chassis, but it's an important first impression and would be annoying as an owner if they don't work well. I considered asking Robby about it, but he seemed agitated, so I chose not to. Anyway, is this something that they've already acknowledged and are resolving?

This thread just gets more and more entertaining!  :lol:

I think RG's engineering talent is surpassed by his marketing genius.

"How do I get everyone, especially the losers/haters, talking about my UTV without spending a fortune on advertising, like Pos-laris and Can't Ham do?"

Last yr he welded a bolt into a conspicuous place on a pre-production vehicle at the SSSS and this yr he took an older pre-production vehicle off a jump and broke a couple of trailing arm tabs.

In both cases, he got millions of $$ worth of free advertising from all of the losers/haters clucking all over social media as if their lives depended on it. Did any buyers cancel their orders? No. Are people still on a waiting list to get one of his vehicles? Yes. Did all of the social media sites that talk about off-roading nearly break with videos of the notorious Speed jump? Yes.

What are the Polaris owners yapping about? The Speed UTV.

What are the CanAm owners clucking about? The Speed UTV.

Polaris, CanAm, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, etc. all paid for their spaces at the SSSS, but everyone is talking about the Speed UTV. Only the Speed UTV.

Pure genius!!  :lol:

Carry on, ladies.
I suppose he is a marketing genius in that regard.   

The show in general was just okay including the Speed stuff.  The only reason people are even talking about Speed is because he broke it and it was caught on video.   

Did you guys have a VIP badge burning or poor out some of the free beer in honor of said breakage?  LOL

Yeah, no question the show crowd is on the abusive side :)  I just hope the door issue is resolved by adjusting it and not something that will be constant.  Maybe the aftermarket can come up with a better solution or something.

Per some the Can Am can not even go 20' without breaking.  Per RG all the other manufactures have weak pivot points and pretty much poorly designed.   That video showed Can Am can handle some abuse whether new or not.   That video shows RG's Speed UTV can break and perhaps his design is not as great has he says.   Now this was him driving. Joe Blow is a whole over level of good times waiting to happen.  

RG knows how to drive so his 10K of hard miles are much different than Joe Blow in just 2,000 miles.   All the manufactures do testing with their drivers.  As we quickly find out the best way to find a week spot is to give the car to Joe Blow and let them have at it.  

The Speed UTV has a well designed frame and structure that looks like it can handle a lot of abuse.  Hopefully they addressed the tab so it is not an issue.  

If I was purchasing one I would be more concerned with them shoring up the fit and finish.  
I’m just having a hard time understanding this I guess. If 10k hard torturous abusive miles of trying to break the car by RG only amounts to a broken tab, I’ll take it. With the new designed pivot point and a couple of gussets we should be good to go!! 
Yes,  Joe public will break anything including the RG cars. I’m not denying that at all. It’ll just be harder for them to do so I believe. 

You got what like 7k miles out of your previous can-am and needed a whole new car. Then took that car and added strength and supports all over it including a cage. I don’t think you’re the average Joe, but you still only got very little life out of your car. That’s the crap RG calls out and the average guy gets pissed about. They spend good money on a car they’re led to believe is safe and reliable then surprised when they need to dump time and money in making it right. I applaud Polaris, Can- am and the rest for paving the way but RG is just raising the bar and hopefully the rest will follow. Maybe some don’t like his tactics? To that I say, stop watching him so much then. Stop coming on here and start enjoying life!! Find something more productive to do with your time on earth. It’s just a FRIGGIN TOY PEOPLE!! 😁

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I’m just having a hard time understanding this I guess. If 10k hard torturous abusive miles of trying to break the car by RG only amounts to a broken tab, I’ll take it. With the new designed pivot point and a couple of gussets we should be good to go!! 
Yes,  Joe public will break anything including the RG cars. I’m not denying that at all. It’ll just be harder for them to do so I believe. 

You got what like 7k miles out of your previous can-am and needed a whole new car. Then took that car and added strength and supports all over it including a cage. I don’t think you’re the average Joe, but you still only got very little life out of your car. That’s the crap RG calls out and the average guy gets pissed about. They spend good money on a car they’re led to believe is safe and reliable then surprised when they need to dump time and money in making it right. I applaud Polaris, Can- am and the rest for paving the way but RG is just raising the bar and hopefully the rest will follow. Maybe some don’t like his tactics? To that I say, stop watching him so much then. Stop coming on here and start enjoying life!! Find something more productive to do with your time on earth. It’s just a FRIGGIN TOY PEOPLE!! 😁
You don't see the irony of calling out others for weakness - specifically not having strong pivot points and then the person calling that out goes and breaks it on his touted superior car?  That is just good humor to me.

It was 8,000 miles before the frame broke.   A majority of the SXS owners put 2000 miles on their cars over a 3 year period (just look at many of the for sale ads and how little miles are on them).  I will have over 2,000 miles on my new X3 and I only have been driving it since last October.  I use my vehicle. 

  Never claimed the frame of the Can Am was superior.  There is a reason Can Am added thicker material in areas of the car over the next model years after mine.   Yes I was fortunate to build my new Can Am the way I wanted it.   I could of done less and it would of been plenty strong.  It was my decision to go overboard. 

I am not sure RG is raising the bar.  He is adding to the UTV segment.  

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I have no dog in this fight as I am a sand car guy and always will be. With that said my family does have SxS's for the desert and I have driven pretty much every model of every brand for the last 5 or 6 years. So I want someone to school me on SPEED. Honestly I don't get the hype. Are they beefier than the rest? sure I will give them that. Do I see the Ultimate SxS that is going to change the industry and take it over? absolutely not. Some one tell me whats the Wow factor. The best part of the whole car is the shifting. Being able to change gears would be cool in the dunes. Other than that what is there? Cool screens? Polaris has that. Crazy travel? Can am and Polaris have that. Insane power? The Pro R has that. The best suspension out there? I wasn't impressed watching them in the fox area. The toe, camber, and bump steer looked all over the place. Not saying Polaris and Can am don't do the same thing but Speed does it too so really where is the game changing chit that RG keeps talking about? Having my entire front suspension mount to the diff is an automatic no for me. I hit a rock and bent my arms and mounts? I don't just buy new arms and bend and repair the mounts. I now have to buy a whole Effing Diff? makes no sense to me but hey I'm not a car builder I just like driving them. Now the car breaking when he was in the fox area, I totally get it. Pre production car, old weld that had been repaired, blahh blahh blahh. Its fine, I saw the pictures. It was definitely a repaired car so no big deal. The real question I have is why the hell are you doing all the driving in an old production car? we've seen videos of the pre production car for years. Get in a supposed PRODUCTION car and show us it runs, drives, and does everything your promising. I had a little hope and excitement for the car but after looking at it I feel its the same chit as every other SXS. Nothing new, nothing ground breaking, nothing that is going to change the industry or take over

We all know why people are still waiting, and it's not because a critical suspension piece broke so they ran to put an order in...  

What's the #1 selling point of this UTV that's been drummed into our heads over and over and over and over and over (including after it broke)?  This thing is built like a bank vault.  Polaris and Can Am are junk junk junk.  Over and over and over we've heard this.  What happens the right before they expect to finally deliver units to customers? It breaks and pics show this wasn't the first time it broke.  

This is not "marketing" and it's not good for a fledgling company's reputation. This may not sway deposit holders who've been waiting three years for their UTV, but it will have an effect on the future buyers needed to overcome the initial capital investment and make this a long-term profitable business.  

The only silver lining here is hopefully they realize their "updated" tab isn't going to prevent this failure and address it.  Based on Sunday's speech on top of the upside down showcase model, I'd say this is a slim hope.

Elon isn't doing too bad.  The Cyber Truck project, however...  Yeah.  Not the best example for fans of Speed UTV...
I agree with the Tesla truck I got a friend on order with one and I’m gonna beat him getting my speed  even at 3400 and something in line. I was just saying any publicity is good publicity.

All these off-road cars break sooner or later I have welded on $100,000 Tatum’s and I have welded on a $2000 VW rail and everything in between. The year before last I stopped to help a brand new buckshot that was broken by the swingset they needed a second Jack to try to get the swing arm back in place and rig it to get back to camp. What I’m trying to say is you put enough abuse on these cars and they will break

I believe that if Speed group had a stock Can-Am and a stock Polaris any model they make and drove it along side of that car that #4 pre production car that broke on last week back when they were doing their testing and broke that on the first time that you probably would’ve had more major things break on the Polaris and the Can-Am frames that car had a chit load of miles and purposely has been driven to break it their biggest mistake was they should’ve never used it for last weekends sideshow 

last thing is all that 2 wheeling he does where he takes off and drives on two wheels I think that puts a very heavy side load on those swing arms and that’s not a normal way of driving but whatever it broke it got fixed and then they broke it again. 

I do think the new design will be a lot stronger but it will be a place I pay attention to on mine for sometime to come.

Agree, not a good look at all! Especially since he’s done so much bragging and bagging. This outta humble him a bit. But I also don’t think it’s the end of the world. Should be an easy enough fix. Just glad I’m not in the first run of builds.  :classic_ninja:

Doors opened and shut good early Friday. By the next day they were a mess. Hopefully that also gets sorted out. Maybe a simple adjustment and some TIGHTENING up of some bolts! 😠
@Sand Shark I posted this On Sunday. I don’t always like how RG comes off but I didn’t like how Donald Trump came off at times either. 🥴 That’s just how they’re built I guess. I know you have a woody for your Can-an just as much as I do for my future Speed car. I’m not changing your mind and neither am I. Speed “looks” to have more of the stuff I’m looking for in a SXS. And that list is pretty long. That’s all. 
