Since we are talking tech and not crap I’ll throw my two cents in.
Someone mentioned transparency and why when this broke was the world not told. It was an early issue that was easily addressed and if you were around talking with them they would tell you. Plus in one video Robby in a round about way tells you of the problem and why they went to a U shaped tab.
What had happened is the pre production cars with poor welds, bolts etc.. had a two tab trailing arm mount that was welded all the way around each tab. But during the weld process the tabs would distort with heat. So the spread might be 1/8 to 3/16 off. When you put the trailing arm in between the tabs and tighten them. The tabs bent in. Between the poor welds & distortion they believe this is what was causing the issue. The plan was to add a spacer that acted like the trailing arm to keep it right when welding. But that’s extra labor and how does the robot weld around it?
By making a U shaped tab they solve the tolerance issues at welding, it allows for more surface area of weld. Instead of only two tabs welded you have 3 inches top & bottom along the tube, then you have each side of the tab. Then they added the rosette hole in the center of the U tab. I personally would like to see an outer corner gusset on the sides of the tab and or a plate tying both tab pieces together farther out at the pivot. This is something that could be easily done or done by the consumer if they have access and know how to weld. But with this fix that might not be necessary.
The outer pivot tab is a forged part that also sleeves into the lower chassis tube, so that one is not of concern to me. Your going to have bigger issues if you rip that mount out of the chassis.
Once I have a car in my garage and I’m doing my personal prep of checking everything, paint marking the bolts, taping the axles, installing all my goodies etc.. I will look at those pivots and see if I should weld a small corner gusset in there. Might have to pull the fuel tank on the right side?