Speed UTV

Speed should have a production car built and sitting at Sand Shows for all the deposit holders to touch and look at. This is the least he can do for the delays and the unanswered serious questions, he's keeping from deposit holders! To many irons in the fire IMO!

If more deposit holders started pushing this company everyone would see more results or at least answers. 
Not even close. Part shortages, especially electronic components have a 1-2 year lead time.

Get back on your X-Box … dude


@buff everyone is entitled to their opinion that’s what makes life interesting but please proof read your post’s before hitting the submit button.

Carry on you all 

@buff everyone is entitled to their opinion that’s what makes life interesting but please proof read your post’s before hitting the submit button.

Carry on you all 
my whisky sipping friend poured me a tall glass. He did say he expects production cars to be delivered Q-2 2022. Maybe he sipped to much too!!

I recall from the absolute very beginning, when the plan was to have them produced last year, he was going to race a 2 seater at world championships before the actual car was released. 

Sounds like really nothing has changed except for the timeline and probably the specific race. 

I believe when he said he was not going to be racing that was originally stated regarding his trophy truck program.

Then that changed to the big 3 races, 250/500/1000 because of sponsorship contracts.

I also believed he stated this when races were getting shut down/delayed because of covid.

Just my understanding.

As for my opinion, I could give 2 Craps if he goes and races a 2 seater. More seat time the better IMO. Its not hindering the production or logistics of the UTV by going to race. Its not like RG is in China hovering over the assembly lines 24/7.
Are the parts he is posting in a China facility or the Texas facility? 

I think it's kind of funny how different people can watch the same video and come up with so many different interpretations of what was said. Like "concept car." The words concept car were never spoken in that video. Speed has enough tubes pre-cut to build 10 race El Diablos stored over in the NC race shop. They're going to weld up one to show off at the SSSS. That has no impact on production cars being built in TX. They've already built 2 El Jefes and 1 El Diablo, so unless those units are currently being used for testing, maybe they can have 1 or 2 of those available at the SSSS as well. I'd love to see a prototype or production one of each model.

The slideshow pics showed piles of chassis subassemblies and suspension arms and he said they now have 45 robot welding stations, which are definitely going to be able to crank out units quickly once the entire line is setup properly and all of the little details are ironed out.

I think the problem is some people like to interpret what they see and hear. Maybe it would be better if they just took the words and pics at face value and didn't try to interpret it all into further delays or doom and gloom. I think they're making good progress, based on what they've been showing us in pics and videos. In the meantime, I hope they're still testing, especially in the heat. I'd like to see what the limits are for belt longevity and heat resistance.

Are the parts he is posting in a China facility or the Texas facility? 
From what I understand, all of the welding and assembly is being done in  the TX facility. Perhaps some of the cast, molded or forged parts are from outside of the country, but that's no different than any other auto mfr. They source parts from all over.

From what I understand, all of the welding and assembly is being done in  the TX facility. Perhaps some of the cast, molded or forged parts are from outside of the country, but that's no different than any other auto mfr. They source parts from all over.
That is what I thought as well.   Thanks

Unless they have changed their M.O., which is entirely possible, when the Hisun rep came to the store trying to sign us on(Oh, HELL NO!) what I saw in their propaganda was finished chassis, and components sourced in China, and some final assembly in TX.  Time has passed, and this is certainly a different venture, so YMMV.

Unless they have changed their M.O., which is entirely possible, when the Hisun rep came to the store trying to sign us on(Oh, HELL NO!) what I saw in their propaganda was finished chassis, and components sourced in China, and some final assembly in TX.  Time has passed, and this is certainly a different venture, so YMMV.
Today's a big day at Speed boys! Some serious somber meetings taking place! 

Today's a big day at Speed boys! Some serious somber meetings taking place! 
No, today is a big day for you!  Today is the day you prove whether or not you have some special insider info, or are just a blowhard...


San Diego Padres fired their pitching coach today........was that RG's idea?? Was that the somber meeting. Well it was for Larry Rothschild

San Diego Padres fired their pitching coach today........was that RG's idea?? Was that the somber meeting. Well it was for Larry Rothschild
The SD Padres have how many World Series titles? oh...the same number of Speed UTV's sitting on showroom floors/owners garages right now....

LMAO....I can see the correlation now  :poke:

Man I hope you guys get these things soon, seriously.
