Speed UTV

Lots of cool info and tour of the factory fab shop while operating and then back to the engine shop side which was also working. I would love the opportunity to be able to walk and learn what and how they are doing everything. 

Super cool for Robby to share so damn much of how this is all being done. 

It would be awesome if they took all this footage and made a documentary of it. 
I watched some of it.  Very cool to see some of the process.   It looks miserably hot in that factory.  

Sounded like they are making many adjustments to streamline the assembly to get it done quicker. 

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Interesting how they are stamping out the 4130 plate for the arms vs laser cutting each piece. I think he said they can stamp 3 sheets in one punch. They looked very clean and were even punching the tabs that lock the pieces together. None of it looked distorted or had rolled edges. Super clean & made of 4130 Chromoly. 

Say what anyone wants about Hisun. But this is top level manufacturing that I doubt many are doing at this level. In the manufacturing world I bet allot are looking at Hisun as leaders in this market. You don’t have 7.1 million sqft just building Hisun products. Being that many other recreational companies use Hisun as a CM for parts. I bet even more are taking notice of what they are now capable of, if your willing to pay for that level of quality.  

Plus like Robby said there are allot of factory’s not just Hisun involved in this build. Robby mentions that several factory’s are involved in making parts for just the gearboxes. 

In the second video posted today he shows the new machining to seat the seal on the engine plate,  and then the retainers to hold the seal from working its way out. These are details I’ve never seen in the UTV market before. Polaris way to solve the seal issue was to installl it from the inside out. Sounds great until your CVT belt damages the seal and your told they have to rebuild the engine to change the seal. Now it’s a stupid design fix! 
The manufacturing is looking good.  I am guessing it was not looking as good until RG and the team showed up to fix issues.  There is a reason there are piles of discarded parts.    

Which model Polaris does a seal result in an engine rebuild?  If I remember correctly on the XP you could pop the seal out to replace it or maybe that is on the X3.  

Interesting how they are stamping out the 4130 plate for the arms vs laser cutting each piece. I think he said they can stamp 3 sheets in one punch. They looked very clean and were even punching the tabs that lock the pieces together. None of it looked distorted or had rolled edges. Super clean & made of 4130 Chromoly. 

Say what anyone wants about Hisun. But this is top level manufacturing that I doubt many are doing at this level. In the manufacturing world I bet allot are looking at Hisun as leaders in this market. You don’t have 7.1 million sqft just building Hisun products. Being that many other recreational companies use Hisun as a CM for parts. I bet even more are taking notice of what they are now capable of, if your willing to pay for that level of quality.  

Plus like Robby said there are allot of factory’s not just Hisun involved in this build. Robby mentions that several factory’s are involved in making parts for just the gearboxes. 

In the second video posted today he shows the new machining to seat the seal on the engine plate,  and then the retainers to hold the seal from working its way out. These are details I’ve never seen in the UTV market before. Polaris way to solve the seal issue was to installl it from the inside out. Sounds great until your CVT belt damages the seal and your told they have to rebuild the engine to change the seal. Now it’s a stupid design fix! 
Hence the reasons why they are building another plant in Mexico not just for Speed but for other customers they definitely got their chit together even if it’s from another country sad to say we can’t do the same over here but I believe we have lost that battle already.

My family was all a commercial fishing family on my wife side and my side we lost that industry here in San Diego many years ago and we’re never gonna get it back.

I Had to adapt and overcome what three generations before me did without even thinking twice was practically a God-given right many of them never even graduated from high school.

anyways I could go on and on but this is one hell of a thing he’s doing and I hand it to him it’s easy to be a hater specially with the Internet.

Kuddos to RG, he is defiantly in the trenches doing the dirty work in these most recent videos.

Respect for getting down and dirty, knowing your product.

I'll tell you what, you can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.  :cow:

I see this UTV, I see its potential.

My only question is what if there is some colossal failure on the motor, etc that cause a recall type scenario.

How would Speed UTV take that kind of hit, how deep are there pockets.

Another thought is RG creating this product, then selling it off patents, design, the whole shabang.

He's either going to be $$$ or broke. I want to see him succeed, what a great American Racer story that would make.

Kuddos to RG, he is defiantly in the trenches doing the dirty work in these most recent videos.

Respect for getting down and dirty, knowing your product.

I see this UTV, I see its potential.

My only question is what if there is some colossal failure on the motor, etc that cause a recall type scenario.

How would Speed UTV take that kind of hit, how deep are there pockets.

Another thought is RG creating this product, then selling it off patents, design, the whole shabang.

He's either going to be $$$ or broke. I want to see him succeed, what a great American Racer story that would make.
Cannondale Motorsports.

Interesting how they are stamping out the 4130 plate for the arms vs laser cutting each piece. I think he said they can stamp 3 sheets in one punch. They looked very clean and were even punching the tabs that lock the pieces together. None of it looked distorted or had rolled edges. Super clean & made of 4130 Chromoly. 

Say what anyone wants about Hisun. But this is top level manufacturing that I doubt many are doing at this level. In the manufacturing world I bet allot are looking at Hisun as leaders in this market. You don’t have 7.1 million sqft just building Hisun products. Being that many other recreational companies use Hisun as a CM for parts. I bet even more are taking notice of what they are now capable of, if your willing to pay for that level of quality.  

Plus like Robby said there are allot of factory’s not just Hisun involved in this build. Robby mentions that several factory’s are involved in making parts for just the gearboxes. 

In the second video posted today he shows the new machining to seat the seal on the engine plate,  and then the retainers to hold the seal from working its way out. These are details I’ve never seen in the UTV market before. Polaris way to solve the seal issue was to installl it from the inside out. Sounds great until your CVT belt damages the seal and your told they have to rebuild the engine to change the seal. Now it’s a stupid design fix! 
Laser cutting is only used for relatively small parts runs because it requires no custom tooling. Stamping only makes sense if there’s enough parts made to offset the tooling costs. For churning out thousands of a part, especially one that isn’t flat, stamping is the way to go and is as old as mass production. :biggrin:


Since the tooling is brand spanking new, rollover and other imperfections shouldn’t exist. The money is spent on how long a manufacturer uses tooling and how often they inspect and repair before eventually retiring. 

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I wonder if anyone else read this in the comments on Instagram?  Sounds like it could be close on delivery at the sand show   

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I know Robby is working themselves to death and hope they get some rest soon.  But SSSS is less then 1.5 months away and RG said they might just miss it as not to deliver 1/2 ass.  Im not surprised one bit nor am I mad since I gave up on an actual delivery date.  I have my toy to get me through another season.  Showing rows and rows of machined parts keeping us on our toes, RG NEVER mentioned anything about any parts already on a ship heading over.  

From what I have read in internet, its takes weeks for a boat to make it over to Long Beach then a few more weeks to get them off loaded.  Finally few more days or even weeks to get them on a truck.  SSSS 6 weeks away so I doubt it.  

What would be nice if they show the Texas final assembly warehouse with said crates or hell even enough parts to put together just 5 actual production cars and say at least they will have to show at SSSS.  They will piss off even more people if they just bring the same car they have been travelling around the west with.  

If that one H badged unit they showed off in Hisun plant in Mexico is a full production unit then rip off the stickers and haul that over to the show.  

I’m sure it helps that RG is there and is onsite for any changes or issues. From what I gathered they were not there to solve issues, but make sure it’s being built to spec. Then test to make sure it’s right. Plus like Robby has said he’s learning allot about large scale manufacturing. One thing about Robby that no other CEO I know does. Robby knows every detail of everything that happens. Not to knock the Polaris or Can Am CEO’s but they have no idea how the fixtures work or what the tube gap tolerance is wanted. Would any other CEO know about a seal retainer? No! Not there job or care to know. They are paper pushers, not field workers. Robbys a hands on CEO, who gets in with the lowest of jobs. 

Regarding discarded parts. I don’t think that just a Speed quality control. I’d bet they all have piles of parts that don’t meet spec. My company’s production has the same thing in our factories. Some can be re-worked, some is truly scrap. 

Regarding the crank seal. I know the ProStar 900 & 1000, and I’d assume the turbo unless they made a change. Alba had a replacement seal you could press in from the outside, but you had to first dig the bad seal out. 

Didn’t the X3 have an issue with the same crank seal behind the CVT and if the belt cords got warped up behind the CVT it damaged the seal? I though Alba and a few others were making a seal guard or something to protect it? 
X3 seal behind the secondary you can get out pretty easily.  Watched my friend replace it in camp.   Like you said it was from the belt cords getting wrapped behind the secondary clutch. 

If RG was not hands on Speed UTV would not be happening.  I suspect once the manufacturing is operating smoothly he will not be as hands on with the manufacturing and focus back on developing other products.   

I know Robby is working themselves to death and hope they get some rest soon.  But SSSS is less then 1.5 months away and RG said they might just miss it as not to deliver 1/2 ass.  Im not surprised one bit nor am I mad since I gave up on an actual delivery date.  I have my toy to get me through another season.  Showing rows and rows of machined parts keeping us on our toes, RG NEVER mentioned anything about any parts already on a ship heading over.  

From what I have read in internet, its takes weeks for a boat to make it over to Long Beach then a few more weeks to get them off loaded.  Finally few more days or even weeks to get them on a truck.  SSSS 6 weeks away so I doubt it.  

What would be nice if they show the Texas final assembly warehouse with said crates or hell even enough parts to put together just 5 actual production cars and say at least they will have to show at SSSS.  They will piss off even more people if they just bring the same car they have been travelling around the west with.  

If that one H badged unit they showed off in Hisun plant in Mexico is a full production unit then rip off the stickers and haul that over to the show.  
they should have a bandit a Diablo and the El jefe all at the show even if they’re the handbuilt ones in Carolina that they are now building for the race teams I agree don’t bring the same ones but show all the new improvements in person and put some big screens up with some videos playing some of this excellent footage of the factory. Have a party and know that they will be here by Christmas for the very first customers. As somebody who’s 3000 and something in line that would make me happy. I also still have my other car so I am set for another year.
