Speed UTV

Just watched RG insta post and he said he is 10,000% confident cars will be here this season....Does that mean I need to post my rail for sale now?
But is he 1,000,000% confident? When you hear him say that then you'll know it's coming for sure.

Buff: (self) Hmm, seems as if RG may be close to delivering cars. Must switch focus to the owners.

Buff: Hey, that may work,,,,,

Buff: Speed owners don't drive their cars! Most will sit in camp!

Buff: Self, does that good? Yes, keep it up. OK, I will.

He's gonna run with the money, there will never be a car, he's gonna (has to) charge more before delivery. Buff is just "evolving". Thank him for just being entertaining.

I think most people sit in camp alot and think and say how bitchen their car is. I know I do, I'm not a power user, but still want the best(?) car.

But there will be plenty of guys who will "beat on this car"!

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He's gonna run with the money, there will never be a car, he's gonna (has to) charge more before delivery. Buff is just "evolving". Thank him for just being entertaining.

I think most people sit in camp alot and think and say how bitchen their car is. I know I do, I'm not a power user, but still want the best(?) car.

But there will be plenty of guys who will "beat on this car"!

Sunrise at 7:00

Breakfast at 7:30

1st Ride at 8:00 (2 hour ride)

Back to camp at 10am before anyone else wakes up.


Sunrise at 7:00

Breakfast at 7:30

1st Ride at 8:00 (2 hour ride)

Back to camp at 10am before anyone else wakes up.

10:00 rest of camp wakes up

11:00 rest of camp has breakfast

12:00 camp starts talking about a ride

12:10 someone runs to the mall to get a flag and some riding gloves

12:30 camp is starting to round up for the trip to olds (1st ride of the day)


10:00 Back at Camp.  Look around to see rest of camp barely waking up. 

10:10 Decide to do a quick trip to olds.

10:20 Fuel up

10:30 Trip to Olds (1.5 hours)

12:00 Back at Camp (Just in time to fill up for the camp ride to Olds)

12:30 Round up for the 3rd ride of the day!


10:00 rest of camp wakes up

11:00 rest of camp has breakfast

12:00 camp starts talking about a ride

12:10 someone runs to the mall to get a flag and some riding gloves

12:30 camp is starting to round up for the trip to olds (1st ride of the day)


10:00 Back at Camp.  Look around to see rest of camp barely waking up. 

10:10 Decide to do a quick trip to olds.

10:20 Fuel up

10:30 Trip to Olds (1.5 hours)

12:00 Back at Camp (Just in time to fill up for the camp ride to Olds)

12:30 Round up for the 3rd ride of the day!
Sounds about right. Other than 12-1 is lunch time.   Smaller groups are much easier to get people rounded up for a ride. 

The lag between getting ready for the ride and actually going has become so varied, that when someone says "Hey, we're getting ready for a ride." I respond "Right now, right now or right now, later??"  Then wait until I see people start fueling/packing/gearing up before I do the same.

I got tired of waiting for people. All I do now is let everyone know I’m leaving on a ride in 30 min. At the 30min marker, I roll out. Since I’m the dune leader, people tend to get ready!
Same here. Ready or not I’m out. See you chumps at olds. Then regroup there and do our rides. The worst part is being all geared up ready to roll out and the stragglers saying just a sec I need to fuel up real quick and scramble all through camp gathering their passengers and gear. Or worse yet the 2 stroke guys needing to mix fuel. Pssh fuel up the night before or shortly after a ride so you’re ready for the next one. Some people just don’t  get it. 

Same here. Ready or not I’m out. See you chumps at olds. Then regroup there and do our rides. The worst part is being all geared up ready to roll out and the stragglers saying just a sec I need to fuel up real quick and scramble all through camp gathering their passengers and gear. Or worse yet the 2 stroke guys needing to mix fuel. Pssh fuel up the night before or shortly after a ride so you’re ready for the next one. Some people just don’t  get it. 

Man no kidding. Trying to round up our group is stupid impossible. @michael.gonzalez nailed it!!  Need to hook up with you and @Sand Shark for those morning runs. 🤙🏽
When we have a large group there is usually an early morning ride around 8:00a or sometimes earlier depending on time of year.  The early group sets a time and if you are not ready to go they leave.   Go out for a few hours and come back to round up the people that sleep in and try get another ride in around 10:30.   Come back to camp for lunch and relaxing.  Head out for an afternoon ride when the sun is no longer in the "no shadows provided" zone.   Afternoon ride usually ends up coming back after the sun has set (depending on time of year).   Sometimes there are night rides where the adventure really begins. 

@kat-a-tonic is really good about getting those early morning rides.  

I give a time for the ride around the campfire the night before, 50/50 chance they adhere to that time.
That works as long as most are not hammered at the campfire when the time is set.  LOL!

I sure hope the Speed owners in the groups are much like the name and speed to get ready for rides. 
