Speed UTV

Buff is the kid in school we all couldn’t stand cause he was so obnoxious. He’s just grown up now. 🤪

I know this much. If I had “Intell” like buff claims to have, I’d definitely let my dunning family know about it and not hide anything. Like who his whiskey sipping friend is. With a board name like buff, who would know who he really is, so what’s to hide? Either add something positive here or move on. But that’s what you get when we’re on a public forum such as this. Sometimes a bunch of 💩
I would say he's older, but not grown up. His need for attention, even negative attention, is only part of what makes him so obnoxious.

As for your last 3 sentences, it makes me sad to see that the keyboard warriors on social media like to poke fun or spread lies just for entertainment, since nobody is standing right in front of them, they think there are no repercussions. They feel they can say anything they want and since nobody steps up and stops them, they do get away with it for the most part. It's also sad to see people just accept that sort of bottom dwelling behavior as the new norm, it's just a fact of life now.

An example of that is a guy asked a question about Valence LiFePo4 batteries on a FB RV electrical page and some klown got on there and said that Valence batteries were junk because they had no onboard BMS. Well, it's actually the opposite, they have the most advanced BMS I know of, not only does it monitor every possible aspect of the battery, it keeps a record of every time any parameter is exceeded, as well as battery S/N, unit #, firmware Version # and even how many times the battery has been recharged. They're far more advanced and about half the price of Battle Born, which are ridiculously expensive for what you get.

I pointed that out to the members of the RV electrical page and told the guy if he had no clue what he was talking about, he should stop posting lies. Then a vendor who sells those batteries got on there and told everyone that they had recently started getting a lot of returns on those batteries, claiming that they were defective. The company paid the return shipping, including the extra $38 fee for Lithium batteries and another $8 for paperwork or hazmat stickers or something. Between the return shipping and extra fees, it wiped out the small profit they got from the sales of dozens of batteries. When they tested the batteries, they were all good and the customers confessed that they had heard on the internet that the batteries didn't have a BMS, the same crap the klown was spouting. The klown went back and deleted his posts, but of course the misinformation had already spread. I contacted the battery vendor and urged them to file a lawsuit against him for libel, since his lies had a material impact on their business and they suffered losses due to his lies. We'll see what happens, but I'd LOVE to see him lose a lawsuit and get forced to pay a large settlement for talking out of his ass. If more people took action when guys like that spread lies on social media, maybe then we'll start seeing people stick to the truth and stop acting like little kids in grade school.

Buff is the kid in school we all couldn’t stand cause he was so obnoxious. He’s just grown up now. 🤪

I know this much. If I had “Intell” like buff claims to have, I’d definitely let my dunning family know about it and not hide anything. Like who his whiskey sipping friend is. With a board name like buff, who would know who he really is, so what’s to hide? Either add something positive here or move on. But that’s what you get when we’re on a public forum such as this. Sometimes a bunch of 💩
Coming from a guy with a Speed UTV as his Avatar.. 🤣 I dont have all the answers but there is real risk here. If you can't see that pull your head out of your ass. Where there's smoke theres fire, you should have learned that from your time in school. Obviously you must have skipped school and only go with intuition. 

I hope this car goes into production and everything pans out for everyone. But at the same time be smart and ask the right questions. 

He's been wrong about everything he's posted. One example, he claimed that the El Diablo had broken a lot of belts during testing. Robby stated they didn't break any belts during testing. Who do I trust? The well known race car driver driving the vehicle, not the jealous clown posting total BS.

The better question: who is buff, and why does he post stupid crap? Other than being bored living in his grandma's basement.
All the sponsored racers for Polaris and Can Am use to talk about how they never broke a belt test driving the latest sport model.  Then the public got a hold of them and it was belt-a-plooza.  LOL!   I suspect the same thing will occur with the Speed UTV. 

They had the cover off the CVT for the testing, which was interesting.  Desert riding is not horrible on belts.  Dunes is another story on belts. 

For me belts have never been a concern.   I took out 3 belts on my last X3 - first was on a dry lake bed holding it floored for way too long and the other 2 were in the dunes.  The last belt I broke was more because the clutch faces were worn out.  

You really think we don’t know there is a risk here?! Life is all about risks. You gamble, play the stocks buy bitcoins etc. it’s all a risk. But the returns can be great. I really doubt that RG will not see this to fruition and that he’ll just take all of our money and run. That’s like committing career suicide. Not only for him but for all those involved including his up and coming son Max. He’d be the most infamous man in off-road and wouldn’t be able to show his face at any event without being at the very least chastised. Are the cars taking a bit longer to come to production, yes but it hasn’t even been a full year yet. And everyone is having a rough time right now with parts and such. Sucks but that’s what it is. But why you are  so upset and angered with this endeavor is kinda weird. If you really know something credible, just share it. 

Coming from a guy with a Speed UTV as his Avatar.. 🤣 I dont have all the answers but there is real risk here. If you can't see that pull your head out of your ass. Where there's smoke theres fire, you should have learned that from your time in school. Obviously you must have skipped school and only go with intuition. 

I hope this car goes into production and everything pans out for everyone. But at the same time be smart and ask the right questions. 
Buff, I see you have 30 posts. Looks like all of them are related to the speed UTV. Maybe it is how you come across. I don't see you have any constructive conversation in any other threads. Most members here are true duners and could share a conversation around a campfire. That is what this site is about.  I doubt you care but might try a different approach. 

You really think we don’t know there is a risk here?! Life is all about risks. You gamble, play the stocks buy bitcoins etc. it’s all a risk. But the returns can be great. I really doubt that RG will not see this to fruition and that he’ll just take all of our money and run. That’s like committing career suicide. Not only for him but for all those involved including his up and coming son Max. He’d be the most infamous man in off-road and wouldn’t be able to show his face at any event without being at the very least chastised. Are the cars taking a bit longer to come to production, yes but it hasn’t even been a full year yet. And everyone is having a rough time right now with parts and such. Sucks but that’s what it is. But why you are  so upset and angered with this endeavor is kinda weird. If you really know something credible, just share it. 
Ahhhh......isn't that what Justin from Revenge.....arrrrrr.......Shock Therapy did??? And now he is a rockstar...again.

Disclaimer: This is just a point being made, I believe the  Speed will happen. 

A LOT of people crash SxSs all the time on stuff that makes no sense to crash on.  Again, I have no problem with mine and rather enjoy it... but there's def truth to what RG is saying (just jack yours up and watch the tires travel inward...).

“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”

I would say he's older, but not grown up. His need for attention, even negative attention, is only part of what makes him so obnoxious.

As for your last 3 sentences, it makes me sad to see that the keyboard warriors on social media like to poke fun or spread lies just for entertainment, since nobody is standing right in front of them, they think there are no repercussions. They feel they can say anything they want and since nobody steps up and stops them, they do get away with it for the most part. It's also sad to see people just accept that sort of bottom dwelling behavior as the new norm, it's just a fact of life now.

An example of that is a guy asked a question about Valence LiFePo4 batteries on a FB RV electrical page and some klown got on there and said that Valence batteries were junk because they had no onboard BMS. Well, it's actually the opposite, they have the most advanced BMS I know of, not only does it monitor every possible aspect of the battery, it keeps a record of every time any parameter is exceeded, as well as battery S/N, unit #, firmware Version # and even how many times the battery has been recharged. They're far more advanced and about half the price of Battle Born, which are ridiculously expensive for what you get.

I pointed that out to the members of the RV electrical page and told the guy if he had no clue what he was talking about, he should stop posting lies. Then a vendor who sells those batteries got on there and told everyone that they had recently started getting a lot of returns on those batteries, claiming that they were defective. The company paid the return shipping, including the extra $38 fee for Lithium batteries and another $8 for paperwork or hazmat stickers or something. Between the return shipping and extra fees, it wiped out the small profit they got from the sales of dozens of batteries. When they tested the batteries, they were all good and the customers confessed that they had heard on the internet that the batteries didn't have a BMS, the same crap the klown was spouting. The klown went back and deleted his posts, but of course the misinformation had already spread. I contacted the battery vendor and urged them to file a lawsuit against him for libel, since his lies had a material impact on their business and they suffered losses due to his lies. We'll see what happens, but I'd LOVE to see him lose a lawsuit and get forced to pay a large settlement for talking out of his ass. If more people took action when guys like that spread lies on social media, maybe then we'll start seeing people stick to the truth and stop acting like little kids in grade school.
Do you have a link for these batteries?  I am not finding anything but used for the kind of prices that you are talking about.

You really think we don’t know there is a risk here?! Life is all about risks. You gamble, play the stocks buy bitcoins etc. it’s all a risk. But the returns can be great. I really doubt that RG will not see this to fruition and that he’ll just take all of our money and run. That’s like committing career suicide. Not only for him but for all those involved including his up and coming son Max. He’d be the most infamous man in off-road and wouldn’t be able to show his face at any event without being at the very least chastised. Are the cars taking a bit longer to come to production, yes but it hasn’t even been a full year yet. And everyone is having a rough time right now with parts and such. Sucks but that’s what it is. But why you are  so upset and angered with this endeavor is kinda weird. If you really know something credible, just share it. 
We will be at year two of when the Speed UTV was announced and deposits taken when the Sand Show happens in September. 

I really hope for all the Speed UTV deposit holders and RG he has at least the 10 or so pre-production cars on display.  Going to be very uncomfortable for RG if he only has the one off built Speed UTV on display.  I should say uncomfortable for whoever has to work the booth for Speed.  RG and Todd will be racing in Baja for party of the weekend. 

Something that is not really getting mentioned in this thread concerning the delays in bringing these to market is what implications the last year and half has thrown at the entire automotive and manufacturing industry.

I would be willing to bet that without the effects of Covid over the past year and half, if the scales of production and demand had stayed steady as they were in the previous 5 years, I would bet that we would have already seen production models of these cars running around as of early 2021. 

The fact is, demand skyrocketed and supply chains were heavily impacted by Covid. From factory's closing for weeks/months due to local enforcements, shipping delays due to less planes and ships moving around, and general lack of raw materials to make these components. This entire economy is unprecedented. 

If someone would have forecasted the events of the past year and half in January of 2020, I would have told them they were diving too deep down the rabbit hole of the internet conspiracy theories. But here we are. 

Do you have a link for these batteries?  I am not finding anything but used for the kind of prices that you are talking about.
Yes, they are all used, but that's just a technicality. The ones I bought had only been cycled 2 or 3 times, I think the most cycled one was about 20 times. Considering they're good for many thousands of cycles, that's essentially new. After the rated number of cycles, they've lost only 20%, so they maintain 100% cap. for years before losing any cap. at all. They all came out of Office Depot delivery trucks and the EV delivery truck project was canceled immediately. They're also 138 Ah ea, vs 100 Ah that most batteries are rated for. 

The next best value price wise would be Zoom batteries on Amazon. They're identical to Chins or Ampere time with the same parts, but they're only $400 for a 100 Ah vice $500 for Chins or Ampere time.

All the sponsored racers for Polaris and Can Am use to talk about how they never broke a belt test driving the latest sport model.  Then the public got a hold of them and it was belt-a-plooza.  LOL!   I suspect the same thing will occur with the Speed UTV. 

They had the cover off the CVT for the testing, which was interesting.  Desert riding is not horrible on belts.  Dunes is another story on belts. 

For me belts have never been a concern.   I took out 3 belts on my last X3 - first was on a dry lake bed holding it floored for way too long and the other 2 were in the dunes.  The last belt I broke was more because the clutch faces were worn out.  
You are completely ignoring my entire point.

Buff lied. Period.

Something that is not really getting mentioned in this thread concerning the delays in bringing these to market is what implications the last year and half has thrown at the entire automotive and manufacturing industry.

I would be willing to bet that without the effects of Covid over the past year and half, if the scales of production and demand had stayed steady as they were in the previous 5 years, I would bet that we would have already seen production models of these cars running around as of early 2021. 

The fact is, demand skyrocketed and supply chains were heavily impacted by Covid. From factory's closing for weeks/months due to local enforcements, shipping delays due to less planes and ships moving around, and general lack of raw materials to make these components. This entire economy is unprecedented. 

If someone would have forecasted the events of the past year and half in January of 2020, I would have told them they were diving too deep down the rabbit hole of the internet conspiracy theories. But here we are. 
That's probably one of the best posts in this thread. RG was making good progress through the prototype stages, but things have slowed down a lot now that they're needing higher volumes of parts.

RG hasn't spoken of it, so I never speculated about it. I posted a video in another thread that explains the global shortages from all angles, but since I'm not currently in a mfg environment, I'm not as aware of the details of the shortages of materials needed for off road vehicles like you are, you are right on the front lines of the shortages the entire industry is facing.

I know this next part is not going to be popular with deposit holders and will give ammo to haters, but Tesla takes 4 yrs to bring out a new model of an existing chassis and drivetrain. To be fair to RG, as much as I respect the guy and admire his desire to build the best before putting his name on it, I don't think it's fair to expect him to build a whole new vehicle from a blank sheet of paper in less than 4 yrs.

Sure, RG was wildly optimistic when he predicted his original timeline, but that's not really a sin. Factor in whatever shortages his vendors are facing and the complexity and detail he probably didn't predict and I'm still not concerned about the current level of progress. Personally, I'm not going to pick up a pitchfork or light a torch until we hit the 4 yr mark. If we get them sooner, great, but 4 yrs is what it takes Tesla, so I'm not going to demand that RG accomplish more in only 2 yrs. 

The biggest problem RG has , and this is my opinion , is the EPA and CARB. RG backed into a corner with 225 and 300 hp.  To run lean enough to pass CARB and get to 225 hp with out melting down is a tall order. A month ago he  had pictures of a new turbo housing that leads me to believe that thy need more air to pass CARB. I may be wrong and hope so but RG never talks about the motor.  I ordered my car in July of 20, low 800 number. 

We will be at year two of when the Speed UTV was announced and deposits taken when the Sand Show happens in September. 

I really hope for all the Speed UTV deposit holders and RG he has at least the 10 or so pre-production cars on display.  Going to be very uncomfortable for RG if he only has the one off built Speed UTV on display.  I should say uncomfortable for whoever has to work the booth for Speed.  RG and Todd will be racing in Baja for party of the weekend. 
Yes, but the cars weren’t expected to ship until end of 2020. So that makes it not even a year late. But a lot has also changed for the better and the whole world turned upside down so a little more delay doesn’t bother me.
I sold my Sandrail at a great price I don’t mind sitting out this season. I gots friends I can still ride with while still enjoying the camping aspect of it. I also believe we’re locked in at the entry level price tag and that’s another win. Can always sell it and make more money off of it later down the road. 

Something that is not really getting mentioned in this thread concerning the delays in bringing these to market is what implications the last year and half has thrown at the entire automotive and manufacturing industry.

I would be willing to bet that without the effects of Covid over the past year and half, if the scales of production and demand had stayed steady as they were in the previous 5 years, I would bet that we would have already seen production models of these cars running around as of early 2021. 

The fact is, demand skyrocketed and supply chains were heavily impacted by Covid. From factory's closing for weeks/months due to local enforcements, shipping delays due to less planes and ships moving around, and general lack of raw materials to make these components. This entire economy is unprecedented. 

If someone would have forecasted the events of the past year and half in January of 2020, I would have told them they were diving too deep down the rabbit hole of the internet conspiracy theories. But here we are. 
Stop being logical, and smart... that has no place in this thread! 

