Speed UTV

So far he has been pretty spot on with his "expert" opinions.  Meanwhile the masses were all thinking they would have their Speed UTV cars before this season started. How is that looking ? 
Exactly what has he been spot-on about?  


The biggest reason you see so many Can Ams and Polaris's on  the lid and crashed is simple......

There are so many. 

Sit out at the Swingset and 90% of the Side by Sides are either Rzr's or X-3's . So naturally they are going to seem to be over driven the most because they are driven the most.  Add to that that Can-am and Polaris make it easy to sign and drive for anybody who has a pulse. 

Sit out in the dunes on a ridge between any of the destination points and you would be shocked at the number of groups who have no idea what so ever how to dune. They straight line up and over, up and down because the GPS is telling them there destination is 1/4 mile directly in front of them. I have actually seen a group of 5 cars transition over a dune go to the bottom of the bowl, diamond the bottom of the bowl go up and straight over the other side 20 feet away from where the first guy transitioned .  It's laughable and scary at the same time.

Once the Speed Car is out there I am going to guess you will see more Yamaha YXZ's in a weekend then you will Speed cars, Hell even if every Speed owner was out in the dunes on one weekend. There still wouldn't seem like there are that many.  Add to that like I said earlier they will be driven by the guy's who think they are Robby but at least know they are not. Oh they will push them hard I am sure and some will end up on the lid but it won't be because of a rookie driver. 
Oh the fun of sitting on a ridge taking a break and watching the other groups plow through the dunes.   Such great entertainment.  LOL!!!

I think you are giving way more credit to the Speed UTV drivers.  If the Speed UTV makes it to dealers you will see some rookie drivers.

Wife walked by when the picture came up.  Answer was "that is a 12 year old kid jumping a rzr" LMAO!!!!!!!
BTW.. The kid lost his sponsership from Razor... Guess they didnt like him crashing all the time lol

All joking aside I sure hope he can get these cars built. Can't imagine the stress he is under.  I have good friends with orders. Whole world seems to have gone off the rails and a bad time for a large venture like this. I could see having one to beat in the desert. As mentioned it will be interesting to see how well they do in the dunes compared to the current offerings. Do we know the weight on a two seater? Can't remember if that had been posted. 

All joking aside I sure hope he can get these cars built. Can't imagine the stress he is under.  I have good friends with orders. Whole world seems to have gone off the rails and a bad time for a large venture like this. I could see having one to beat in the desert. As mentioned it will be interesting to see how well they do in the dunes compared to the current offerings. Do we know the weight on a two seater? Can't remember if that had been posted. 
I want to say he mentioned 1,950 for the 2 Seat El Diablo and add a couple hundred more for the 4 seater. No mention about The little 2seat Bandit. 

BTW.. The kid lost his sponsership from Razor... Guess they didnt like him crashing all the time lol
Probably don't want to promote some kid really hurting himself.   I saw that he had a Polaris XP Pro desert racer built and he was going to race Vegas to Reno.  

All joking aside I sure hope he can get these cars built. Can't imagine the stress he is under.  I have good friends with orders. Whole world seems to have gone off the rails and a bad time for a large venture like this. I could see having one to beat in the desert. As mentioned it will be interesting to see how well they do in the dunes compared to the current offerings. Do we know the weight on a two seater? Can't remember if that had been posted. 
I believe the weights were a few hundred more than the  Can Am.

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In the video here, they have 10 diablo RACE cages getting ready to be built up

wonder when this video was produced, clearly a while ago with all the XXs in it

What has he been wrong about ?  Maybe I missed something
He just spouts a lot of things that can't be proven or are unknown yet (you won't get them 'til blah-blah, or ever, they will suck in the sand, etc. etc.).  It's petty easy to be right when you say "there will be delays" but don't actually provide any hard info. 


What has he been wrong about ?  Maybe I missed something
He's been wrong about everything he's posted. One example, he claimed that the El Diablo had broken a lot of belts during testing. Robby stated they didn't break any belts during testing. Who do I trust? The well known race car driver driving the vehicle, not the jealous clown posting total BS.

The better question: who is buff, and why does he post stupid crap? Other than being bored living in his grandma's basement.

Buff is the kid in school we all couldn’t stand cause he was so obnoxious. He’s just grown up now. 🤪

I know this much. If I had “Intell” like buff claims to have, I’d definitely let my dunning family know about it and not hide anything. Like who his whiskey sipping friend is. With a board name like buff, who would know who he really is, so what’s to hide? Either add something positive here or move on. But that’s what you get when we’re on a public forum such as this. Sometimes a bunch of 💩
