Speed UTV

On the positive side.. I think it’s another good sign that RG is fine tuning the graphics on the wraps. To me that means everything else is top notch  :thumb:  or he’d just leave those detail alone for now and concentrate on more critical items. 

Raising prices on something that has not even hit the streets yet. interesting.... 
They have to make up what they lost in the profit margin with the first batch of cars that had the cheaper set price.  I believe they raised prices on the accessories too.

I knew the seats and other items on the Base were different, but weren't the shocks supposed to be the same on early orders???

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They were. But it wasn't very specific. 

It is a base model after all.
They said all the models will come standard equip.  But upgrades like they keep saying are seats beadlocks, graphics etc.  For them to turn around and change base models right at production is not cool.  I missed the part about what they will be sticking in there in its place? Anyone?

Website looks exactly the same when it comes to description of suspension whether you go to buy a base Diablo or LE Diablo In fact I believe it’s exactly the same since back in February when I looked at it. Except for the cost which one up $1000 on the base.

I hope the change is only for cars sold after July 15 as I put deposit back in February

copy pasted only five minutes ago 

Simulated bead locks, plastic seats and different graphics that’s all it says. I hope I’m mistaken on how he described it today. I wrote an email to Todd to ask him.



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Remember they are not changing anything on the cars that were pre ordered. When they first took orders, you could not even order a base model. It was not until recently, I believe you could order a base. I’d hope those who did might have still get the bypass shocks as that what they thought they were getting. Then again who knows how many bases they took deposits on? Guessing not very many. Base models  were dealer ordered vs. customer ordered. 

As far as what shock it will be replaced with. Im pretty sure it’s the same shock, just the inner sleeve will not be drilled and flapper valves, and no rebound control. I can’t imagine Robbys going to design a smaller shock or put a vendor shock on his car. It will be a RG/Speed shock, just not bypass. 
They offered base models pretty much from the get go I am pretty sure.  I put my deposit down for a El Jefe Base Model back in Sept 2020.  November 2020 I upgraded to LE (thank my boys for convincing me to do so)  I did not catch if Todd said ALL pre-orders will still get the normal shock and not the detuned one.  
