Speed UTV

This is gonna be a great car and make others step up as they are doing now. The only problem is they took pre orders on a car that had nothing built. I have a friend that was gonna order one and i told him he would be stupid. Let the car come out. Let them fix the problems. Remember the rule you never buy the first year. I really think all will be great and remember they are having the same problems as the rest of the country getting materials, helo, and parts delivered.

I did the math, 39 pages to go. 
The SSSS is in about 3 months. 
That’s about 13 pages a month, until then. 
Are you guys still with me?

 The weekly average would be about 3.25 pages. 
About a half a page a day. 

I’m tired. Someone finish, then we can argue about the math. 
We can get it done 

Whats your car model #? You have a master # and a model #. I’d guess they will build in rounds of 500. 

Originally they were going to do two rounds of 500 of 4 seaters, then 500 of the Diablo, then another round of 4 seaters, then Diablos. Then after the Jefe & Diablo’s were built they would start Bandits. But I’ve also heard this has changed to rounds of 400, then I heard because of the demand for 4 seaters, they could do 3 rounds of 4 seaters, then jump to Diablos. So if your car model # is within 400-500 your probably is the first round of Diablos. If higher then 500, then I’d guess second round.

But as Todd said after the Sand Sports release they hope to have all pre orders built within 60 days and delivered by the end of the year if possible. At least that’s the goal. 

If you just plan for the first of the year, then you should not be disappointed and maybe happily surprised if it’s earlier then that. 
Hopefully in the next 90 days full production starts and we will find out which plan they stick to. 

Hopefully in the next 90 days full production starts and we will find out which plan they stick to. 
And then stop the line because of some other unforeseen problem that plagues all production lines.
