Speed UTV

Best practice is to be involved daily with your manufacturing partners. If in another country it’s best to have a representative of your company in that country that speaks the language, can be in local meetings, visit corp offices and factories. 

I got both the hat & the jacket on this. 

You would be shocked to find out who owns most of the company/brands we are buying in Motorsports. And even more shocked when found out where the products are made. 
China an China.  whole the industry will be Walmart Quality in 10 years. 

I know, I know, BUT if(30 plus years ago)the globalists, the MBAs, the EPA, etc hadn't decoupled our domestic economy from reality wages would have risen here along with prices. IE the proverbial rising tide that raises all boats. Instead, we got the rip-tide of offshoring.


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Of all of the vehicles in the world and all of the people in the world, this vehicle is most closely tied to it's designer. Based on what RG has posted so far, he's one of the few people I feel confident will take it very personally if a production problem turns up in this vehicle. He seems to be very pro-active and hands on about things, so if more than a couple of these have the same problem or analysis shows a mfg defect, I'm sure he'll take good care of the customer.

He's certainly not going to tell his customers to eff off like Polaris corporate policy.

Also, that shop looks cleaner than some shops I've seen pics of here in the U.S..
If he doesn't like what the customer is saying he for sure is going to tell them to EFF off, that has already happened.

Clarified made? They might assemble, but they are not casting or making parts. 

Back in 2019 Polaris was the loudest voice with the Trump China Tariffs. Scott Wine supported the the goal of freer trade, but Polaris claimed the China tariffs were costing Polaris another $110 million dollars and resulted in a 3% price increase for their products. Part of the complaint was they wanted a waver of paying the increased tariff as their other competitors, like BRP were avoiding much of the China tariffs by building in Mexico. 

I know on of the guys who works for MethodTensor (aka Thompson Street Capital) 100% of their products are made in China. First it was the tariffs, now it’s the container ships & tariffs. 

You would be shocked to find out who owns most of the company/brands we are buying in Motorsports. And even more shocked when found out where the products are made. 

Thats why the whole Made in America will be an endless discussion.  I smoked some killer beef ribs on my pellet grill with grill most likely manufactured in China and assembled in Lowes.    Pellets maybe US, Beef from local butcher,  and the Salt Pepper and Garlic from USA (i think)  Can I proudly say Made in America?  Or should I correct my sarcasm and say cooked in America?

Clarified made? They might assemble, but they are not casting or making parts. 

Back in 2019 Polaris was the loudest voice with the Trump China Tariffs. Scott Wine supported the the goal of freer trade, but Polaris claimed the China tariffs were costing Polaris another $110 million dollars and resulted in a 3% price increase for their products. Part of the complaint was they wanted a waver of paying the increased tariff as their other competitors, like BRP were avoiding much of the China tariffs by building in Mexico. 

I know on of the guys who works for MethodTensor (aka Thompson Street Capital) 100% of their products are made in China. First it was the tariffs, now it’s the container ships & tariffs. 

You would be shocked to find out who owns most of the company/brands we are buying in Motorsports. And even more shocked when found out where the products are made. 
All the high end mountain bikes are made in China.  $10k+ for those bikes.

Seems all the wheel manufacturer are in China.

Good to hear the manufacturing of parts is going along and sub assembly is moving along as well.  Sounds like the Texas location will be not be a long term location and once they have the capital a final assembly plant will be moved closer to where the core of the customers are located. 

What does a majority of customers mean?   Is he saying they will have over 6,000 cars done by September (that would be very impressive) or we talking about the first 250-500 cars?

That record does not seem to be broken, or is it?


You Einsteins do realize that the only reason I bash on Polaris is in direct response to all of your crap talking about Speed. The more you guys bash, the more I respond.

That plus all of the millions of pics and videos of burning or wrecked Rzrs. Hell, someone even made a video about a day in the life at Glamis Fab, and the #1 vehicle dragged in there was Rzrs with broken a-arms.


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They said "2023 models and 49 State / 50 State certifications requested."

I read that as Cars not getting delivered this year in 2022 and then the ones that do...first batch will be 49 State.

Since CA no longer issues Green / Red, will that mean the 49 State cars will only be allowed on closed tracks or Glamis / Dumont.

Something that might become an issue for folks who'll want to use them anywhere in CA outside of Glamis.

https://ohv.parks.ca.gov/pages/1234/files/2007 carb revised riding seasons.pdf

People with 49 State Speed UTV will need to buy Nonresident OHV Use Permits.

Part of that permit is Non-California residents must comply with the California Air Resources Board Red Sticker riding season requirements.
