Speed UTV

CARB people.... This is still a major hurdle!!! 

Id bet my bottom dollar that no cars are out before next year

Why do you think CARB is a major hurdle? Do you think there is an issue? 
I would assume one of the cars that rolled off the assembly line was shipped to CARB for whatever testing is needed.  

Cool vid, that damn rear bed plastic finally broke off at 4:20 mark :lol:

So folks got cryptic emails today?
When it broke off he went faster.  LOL!

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Why do you think CARB is a major hurdle? Do you think there is an issue? 
I heard straight from Todd two weeks ago that all of the carb and EPA testing is done they are basically waiting on getting their paperwork back, those were his words. 

he told me a little about the process I’m not gonna quote things I don’t remember I don’t want no one to shoot the messenger here.

The one thing I will say is he said if it takes longer for the carb paper work to show up then the EPA which is probably true they could release cars to 49 state customers prior to California. Again he said the testing was completed.

I also asked about that rollover test that Robbie talked about he said that was completed also, I believe he even said that is a self administered test.

no birdie here that is what he said himself I could’ve said this two weeks ago but it’s better to come from Speed and I hope that is exactly the way it is.

I’m so far down the line in order it don’t make a difference to me.

Let’s have some fun! 

Buff, Let’s say I have no idea who James Lin is. Why don’t you tell us, and not just something found on Google. 

What is his relationship with Robby or how did Robby & Todd find James? As you said James is not a UTV tuner.

 By your account they are working with James because the CARB/EPA is not going smoothly, and someone must have referred them to him to help fix the mess Robby got himself into? 

So please educate us. 
Oh oh!! This is going to be really really good. I’m on team @NIKAL  

The Feds plan on raising the rates several more times this year.  Expect home mortgage rates to be in the 7% - 7.5% range.   Powersports loans were in the 6.99% range depending on credit score before all this inflation.  I would expect the loans to jump up to 10%.  Manufactures might offer lower interest rates for a 2 or 3 year loan.  Money is going to get expense.   
I don’t think so.  The way the current administration is spending non-existent money, after stupid goals, and now a total of $400 Billion to Ukraine; think the screwing we’re gonna get will set all time highs. It’s gonna be a very rough road ahead. 

The Pro R is a 4 cylinder motor.  Not sure how much it weighs.  The cars will shed a little weight with a paddle tire set up as those 32" dirt tires/wheel combo are in the 65lb+ range.  All the little stuff they put on the UTV just add up.  

I thought you did a lot of stuff to shave some weight off you car.  

I will be curious to see how much my friend's Funco will weigh when he is done with his remodel.  He has a Gen 4 that he is removing the back seats and making a 2 seater. Adding a big fuel cell, converting the suspension to the bigger stuff, and he will be running a turbo Honda motor.  
Seems everything your friend is doing will only add weight. 

I foresee a big glut of 1 - 2 yr old luxury RVs for sale in the near future. Between storage costs, huge fuel price increases, campground price increases, campgrounds being full, dispersed camping areas getting closed due to trash and the realization they're paying a house payment for something they use only once every couple of months after the novelty wears off, there's going to be a big group who are going to sh1t their pants when they see how upside down they are when they try to unload the thing in a buyer's market.

I'm sure the boat sales will follow the same pattern.
Hope so. I’ll be in the market 😁

Because passing has been an issue....Why else would they be at James Lin for months? Nikal do you even know who James Lin is? They are the best of the best and charge accordingly. Robby/Todd are not with them because this went smooth and they were the tuner of choice. They are not a UTV tuner if you don't know that.

I will re enter this chat in Sept.In the  meantime, sip the kool aid gingerly please! LOTD
Bufu is so desperate to connect dots, the next story is gonna be that most of the RGM crew was arrested for being at the sightseeing tour at the Capitol building on Jan. 6th and will be serving time for taking as many pics as Japanese tourists. The Dems. are calling it an "insurrection."

Unfortunately for Bufu, he hasn't been taking his meds so he's getting taken back to the funny farm and isn't expecting to get out until Sept.

When he says little birdies were chirping, in his reality, he means literally. Paranoid schizophrenics quite often exhibit hallucinations and paranoid delusions. The meds normally help immensely.

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Ford F150 over 200K on order you are still waiting if you have one on order. They have now started doing demo rides though. 

Tesla to stop taking orders on some models due lack of parts to build.

Hold on its gonna be awhile with the world we live in now.

Ford F150 over 200K on order you are still waiting if you have one on order. They have now started doing demo rides though. 

Tesla to stop taking orders on some models due lack of parts to build.

Hold on its gonna be awhile with the world we live in now.
Supply chain is a mess everywhere.    

Hello, Buff are you out there?

  Are you going to educate us? 
🤫 Shhhh.  He’s still on Wikipedia looking up who James Lin is and his connection to RG. Oh as well as RG’s other failed business ventures, still waiting for that reply. He’ll be with you shortly.  :moof:

🤫 Shhhh.  He’s still on Wikipedia looking up who James Lin is and his connection to RG. Oh as well as RG’s other failed business ventures, still waiting for that reply. He’ll be with you shortly.  :moof:
My guess is the whitecoats grabbed him last night and he's back at the funny farm with electrodes in private places, plugged into 240v.
