Speed UTV

Good week on the path to 200.  I go out of town for work, jump on today and I think you guys added 10 pages.  Of course roughly three people made up 75% of the posts.
It was a good week for the thread.

Maybe a weekly recap is needed.  LOL!

Good news is Speed UTV is steps closers to delivering cars to customers. 

I know allot of you guys have a hard on for this topic to get to 200 pages. Not sure what 200 means, but whatever! It would mean more to get to 200 if the discussion was actually about the Speed car and being constructive vs the dumb chit that gets talked about on here just to get to 200. 

If you want to blow out 5 pages talking about the Pro R front shock clevis, maybe take it to the Polaris Pro R thread where it would have more meaning and someone could learn or share about their Polaris Pro R. 

Also why are so many pricks to each other, and constantly put each other down? Don’t we have enough of that crap In this country? Do we need it here too? Some of it is fun banter, but allot of it is just being a D!ck! Most of us don’t even know each other outside of GD and this is how you want to be known or represent yourself? If I met a few of you in person outside of this website my first  impression is your a azzhole. I liked coming on GD as a way to get away from the daily stress of life we all have, and then you find this crap. 

After the original thread was lost, I decide not to participate in this thread due to all the negativity and the fact many just came on hear to cause trouble and hoped to see this fail. But then the thread got better and I decided to participate again. Then I see the crap show the past couple of days, and again I lose interest in participating or sharing what I think or find out. 

On Race Dezert’s Harbor Freight thread I talked about a story were a new guy invited to camp with us was talking crap about only owning the best tools and would rather walk home then buy or use a HF China crap tools. Well the next day he had a rear VW stub axle bearing going out on the way from PC to the Iron door. We had a new bearing and seal at camp for him, but he did not have a 32mm socket. So he was parked for the rest of the weekend. Later that night sitting around the fire I mentioned that it’s a bummer he did not have a 32mm and how I did, but it was a China made socket and I knew he would not use it, and did not want to insult him by offering it to him. He got pissed, and probably embarrassed. He loaded up his trailer and went home all bent. 

Moral of the story, don’t be a pee pee and talk down what someone has, is doing, or is working to get. Because one day you might need that guys help or actually meet that person face to face and you don’t want to feel like a jackass. 
I agree 100% for what it’s worth this is the only social media I belong to in the entire world other than having a text group with some of my desert friends

It has gotten ridiculous but I figure the moderator or person in charge at GD would basically make some comments or keep some type of control but hey free speech is very important to me

as far as the road to 200 it’s ridiculous at this point (but ridiculous overall in general) because at least 1/3 of this doesn’t have anything to do with the speed UTT 

for what it’s worth a little bit of good information and truth that I have found in this thread is what keeps me hanging in here I will bow out in due time I believe I have more in common with most of you for instance as a group we all like the desert and the outdoors and that’s where we need to have our strength in numbers so no one closes down the desert at 53 years old I’ve seen it go in that direction already a couple times in different places and still continuing in places like Pismo and others 

I know allot of you guys have a hard on for this topic to get to 200 pages. Not sure what 200 means, but whatever! It would mean more to get to 200 if the discussion was actually about the Speed car and being constructive vs the dumb chit that gets talked about on here just to get to 200. 

If you want to blow out 5 pages talking about the Pro R front shock clevis, maybe take it to the Polaris Pro R thread where it would have more meaning and someone could learn or share about their Polaris Pro R. 

Also why are so many pricks to each other, and constantly put each other down? Don’t we have enough of that crap In this country? Do we need it here too? Some of it is fun banter, but allot of it is just being a D!ck! Most of us don’t even know each other outside of GD and this is how you want to be known or represent yourself? If I met a few of you in person outside of this website my first  impression is your a azzhole. I liked coming on GD as a way to get away from the daily stress of life we all have, and then you find this crap. 

After the original thread was lost, I decide not to participate in this thread due to all the negativity and the fact many just came on hear to cause trouble and hoped to see this fail. But then the thread got better and I decided to participate again. Then I see the crap show the past couple of days, and again I lose interest in participating or sharing what I think or find out. 

On Race Dezert’s Harbor Freight thread I talked about a story were a new guy invited to camp with us was talking crap about only owning the best tools and would rather walk home then buy or use a HF China crap tools. Well the next day he had a rear VW stub axle bearing going out on the way from PC to the Iron door. We had a new bearing and seal at camp for him, but he did not have a 32mm socket. So he was parked for the rest of the weekend. Later that night sitting around the fire I mentioned that it’s a bummer he did not have a 32mm and how I did, but it was a China made socket and I knew he would not use it, and did not want to insult him by offering it to him. He got pissed, and probably embarrassed. He loaded up his trailer and went home all bent. 

Moral of the story, don’t be a pee pee and talk down what someone has, is doing, or is working to get. Because one day you might need that guys help or actually meet that person face to face and you don’t want to feel like a jackass. 
If you think this thread is bad I guess you missed all the dom versus chromoly, the President Bush years, did you see my car at the drags, and every other summer thread. This place is full of adrenaline junkies and hard-working men that come here to unwind after living life all day. I don't think 90% of the people here take this chit seriously because the people you see fighting here on the website are out in the dunes helping each other.

Inevitably someone always got their panties in a wad though... got to have thick skin around here. 

If you think this thread is bad I guess you missed all the dom versus chromoly, the President Bush years, did you see my car at the drags, and every other summer thread. This place is full of adrenaline junkies and hard-working men that come here to unwind after living life all day. I don't think 90% of the people here take this chit seriously because the people you see fighting here on the website are out in the dunes helping each other.

Inevitably someone always got their panties in a wad though... got to have thick skin around here. 
This place is mild compared to Pirate4x4 back in the day.  

This place is mild compared to Pirate4x4 back in the day.  
or mustangworld

Free speech is important here.

Full on tech threads are tough to keep on point because one person critiques another persons opinion, practice or process and then it starts getting personal.

If people could take criticism, threads would not go south far off the path like they do at times.

It always makes me chuckle when the Intellectual or Technical types get so offended by guys joking around.

This place is a virtual campfire in the dunes.

Truly confident people don't mind being proved wrong. They feel finding out what is right is a lot more important than being right. And when they're wrong, they're secure enough to back down graciously. Truly confident people often admit they are wrong or don't have all the answers; intellectual bullies never do.


If you think this thread is bad I guess you missed all the dom versus chromoly, the President Bush years, did you see my car at the drags, and every other summer thread. This place is full of adrenaline junkies and hard-working men that come here to unwind after living life all day. I don't think 90% of the people here take this chit seriously because the people you see fighting here on the website are out in the dunes helping each other.

Inevitably someone always got their panties in a wad though... got to have thick skin around here. 
Yep.  Never leave another duner stranded, even if they're not in your run group.  To me, this site is an extension of the campfire.  Sure, sometimes there are really informative discussions, but most times those devolve into laughing at each other.  I've never had a bad experience with anyone I've met from the site, including Mr. Bug Squasher. :biggrin:

This place is mild compared to Pirate4x4 back in the day.  
LOL, most of that moved to Irate4x4.com... :biggrin:

Yep.  Never leave another duner stranded, even if they're not in your run group.  To me, this site is an extension of the campfire.  Sure, sometimes there are really informative discussions, but most times those devolve into laughing at each other.  I've never had a bad experience with anyone I've met from the site, including Mr. Bug Squasher. :biggrin:

LOL, most of that moved to Irate4x4.com... :biggrin:
Idk. The snowflakes over @ irate gave me the ban hammer. Wusses. Lol

Idk. The snowflakes over @ irate gave me the ban hammer. Wusses. Lol
Lol!  I use to know one of the moderators on pirate and he would tell me some good stories.  His kid and my kid went to the same school.  

Saw the car Wednesday and man I did not like the door latches like that. Rear passengers would pay the price for sure. So happy they fixed that. 
surprised at a lot of little things that made me smile. 
seats - hands down one of the best for stock.  Even my fat ass felt good in them. 
tilt wheel tilts the dash also. 
ride height - way higher than my can am. Wasn’t expecting that. 
belt housing cover - two clamps vs 14 effing useless screws. 
3000 miles out of a set of tires. 
walked away feeling good about my deposit a long time ago. So many new options added sense then, my rep told me to go through them again and he will be calling in May. 

It could be very cool to have an "Early" model, gen 1 or whatever...

Isn't that the difference here?  Because an MFG like Polaris is just like 

Not even apples to oranges. 
But if Robbie made a great chili mix and did away with the rubber band, I would consider it. 

I thought they were teaming with Hisun Motors in McKinney,TX but now I’m hearing they are in their own building. Don’t know if it’s in TX or not. Anyone have any details?
