Speed UTV

E-85 is a PIA IMO, if you have ever run it in a vehicle you don't use "often"  unlike a FlexFuel daily driver where its mostly OK.

I have run it in my race car, my hot rod, my sand car, and set up a few LS sand cars for it including FlexFuel sensor on the ECM... If you really want the HP and are willing to deal with all the extra work that comes along with it, its an affordable alternative to race gas (and 02 sensor friendly - kinda) especially for anything boosted - its amazing and 40% more fuel consumption is worth it.

I agree most people that are not trying to toast their buddy with a Canned Ham Turbo on E85  won't need it or bother even if they have the SPPED key.

Where I disagree is that $1250 or even $2000 is a deterrent to anyone that wants more HP, especially if its financed ... Seeing some people signing paperwork for ~65K RZR's has convinced me. its like a "middle-aged guy" buying a Red Corvette.

I still believe the SPEED if it makes it to MASS production is the best value in the SxS market for the high end, if not the best overall design
Shameless plug I know but... Using Rev X E85 fuel treatment has proven itself to me. Long term storage no problem. I consider 6 months as long term.  Never a problem and going on 7 years using E85 with Rev X in multiple cars.

They have already done quite a bit of testing on E85 in the past and on the dyno. The final testing they are doing now is more function and logging miles to see how things last or wear. They already know the parts will hold the additional hp. Sure more HP could accelerate the wear, but the little issues they are finding and addressing are not effected by HP or tunes. And if the configuration they are running is able to do 102 mph I think they are going to see the details that need to be addressed without spending more time on E85. 

When talking to Rob Harris, he and I’d guess Robby know that less then 15% will ever use a Speed Key tune. At first more might only because they are getting it virtually for free. But buyers after Dec 2020 I think , have to pay the full price of $1,250 for the Speed Key accessory. I’d be shocked if 1 of 10 sold at the dealerships buys the Speed Key. Robby has been saying and reconfirm it this past show that this car does not really need more then the 230hp in the stock tune. He’s been very impressed with the power and how it gets to the ground.  I’d guess only pure dune guys would be the ones to want the Speed Key. 

Unless the Speed Key tune unlocks other features, without needing to run E85, then I know I will never turn it on. It’s actually a disadvantage for me as you will see a loss in Mileage on E85. 
I think people will pay the extra money for the Speed key just to say they have it.  Whether they use it will be another story.  

Shameless plug I know but... Using Rev X E85 fuel treatment has proven itself to me. Long term storage no problem. I consider 6 months as long term.  Never a problem and going on 7 years using E85 with Rev X in multiple cars.
Helpful plug  :dude:   Everything I have used as a storage/stabilizer has been minimally effective  - I will have to hit you up and try Rev X 

Shameless plug I know but... Using Rev X E85 fuel treatment has proven itself to me. Long term storage no problem. I consider 6 months as long term.  Never a problem and going on 7 years using E85 with Rev X in multiple cars.
How is this product compared to the  Lucas ethanol treatment? I have been using this for years along with a little marvel mystery oil in the tank. During the summer in the heat I start and run the car maybe once per month. I also do at least one drain and fill. (Only leave a couple of gallons in it.)

@Dune-Track-N did you get to go for a spin in it? What did you think if so?
No, I didn't even ask. They were out going out to test around 3:30pm (most days), cruzed by camp. We all waved and Robby saw my Wildcat XX and turned around just to say HI  :1904:  . We just shot the BS for 3min, about riding and told him to come by anytime for a ICB  :coors:  .

Service is so poor on Shea Rd, I barely got those images loaded. I kinda wished he would have come back I had a tech question for him on my XX. Plus I wanted to know a couple of the canyons they run and to invite him to do some serious ROCK crawling the next day.

We went over to Cienega Springs rd (aka The Desert Bar road) and hit the big stuff. YES I FOLLOWED IN MY XX, just no pics cuz I was driving.

PLUS I can totally see where the sequential trans would be AWESOME out in Parker, AZ. I needed to go from HI to LO, 4W-DIFF LOCK to HI, and certainly could have used a 3rd gear. I saw 220deg air temp on my belt exhaust pipe, so the belt was way higher.


This is a 40" tire, climbing that water wall, so my little 30" tires had to WORK!
View attachment IMG_1954.MOV

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When talking to Rob Harris, he and I’d guess Robby know that less then 15% will ever use a Speed Key tune. At first more might only because they are getting it virtually for free. But buyers after Dec 2020 I think , have to pay the full price of $1,250 for the Speed Key accessory. I’d be shocked if 1 of 10 sold at the dealerships buys the Speed Key.
At that point you might be better off not getting the speed key and going with an aftermarket tune. 

At that point you might be better off not getting the speed key and going with an aftermarket tune. 
That is if there will be any aftermarket tunes.   For the tuners there has to be enough of a market to make it worth their while to spend the money and time to crack the ECU and develop a tune. 

That is if there will be any aftermarket tunes.   For the tuners there has to be enough of a market to make it worth their while to spend the money and time to crack the ECU and develop a tune. 
plus not get sued by RGM..... that's why there are almost zero aftermarket parts for the Wildcat XX
wraps, pipes, clutches, and ECU tunes are about all you can get
no cages, arms, axles, etc...

watched alittle of that, feel like if you put a professional driver in any car the average customer is going to be wowed. they might think it was ok if i was driving but then put someone that actually can drive and that same person same machine would have a different reaction. 
Of course, but you’re also going to get people saying “RG did it, so hold my beer and watch this!”

watched alittle of that, feel like if you put a professional driver in any car the average customer is going to be wowed. they might think it was ok if i was driving but then put someone that actually can drive and that same person same machine would have a different reaction. 
I totally agree. But when you hear stuff like how the machine handled certain sections of the terrain or thinking they’re in trouble but your not or how it just soaks up whatever is thrown at it without bottoming out, well I think that’s suspension design making a statement. 

I totally agree. But when you hear stuff like how the machine handled certain sections of the terrain or thinking they’re in trouble but your not or how it just soaks up whatever is thrown at it without bottoming out, well I think that’s suspension design making a statement. 
Suspension design with a good shock set up makes a world of difference.  Car looks good.  I had friends that rode in it and there sentiment was much the same as the video.

I have seen videos like this with people giving reviews after they test drove the latest and greatest sport UTV.  None of course being taking for a ride with a professional driver.

Having a professional driver at the wheel can make the experience even better.  Years ago I was a SEMA when the new Vette (the model prior to the current one) was released.  Chevy had professional drivers take us for test rides.  It was really fun. 

Hopefully one of my friends will get their Speed UTV and let me drive it.    

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