Speed UTV

Well, sounds like financing is the way to go. Really didn't want to do that but if that is the only form of protection, it is the only option.

Here is my answer to your questions directly from Todd.

"You will be contacted Approx. 30 days prior to delivery for final payment options and delivery options"

1.) What does this vague language mean? Final payment is due prior to your custom vehicle leaving our factory.  This can be done via bank wire or through Freedom Road financial our Powersports lending institution. 

2.) What are the final payment options/terms?   Payment is due in full, prior to the custom vehicle leaving our facility.  

3.) Do I have to pay for this vehicle in full before it is delivered? Yes, this is why we contact you 30 days prior to vehicle leaving our facility. 

   a.) If so, what is the recourse for damages, misinstalled options, incorrect options, faulty systems, manufacturing defects, etc.? our process is identical to order a new vehicle from any manufacture.  If there is an issue on delivery, it is our responsibility to make it 100 percent correct.  Customer or a Dealer  is required to sing off on the physical appearance of the vehicle and allaccessories prior to accepting delivery.  

4.) Where is the vehicle delivered to?  Many of our customer will elect to have it delivery to our Havasu location or a local Speed UTV Dealer. 

5.) At what point do we get the pink slip/title?  This depends on your state and if you have a loan.  Example.  The state of Utah does not issue a title unless the vehicle is free and clear.  If you are have paid in full, we will provide you the MSO upon delivery.  If it is a bank loan, we provide the MSO to the bank.

6.) How is the vehicle insured during delivery?  We are bonded and insured.  

7.) What are the repercussions for failed or incorrect delivery? All vehicle will be in New condition and if anything is incorrect of damaged prior to delivery it is our responsibility to fix what is incorrect.  
I think financing is for sure the way to go.  At least you are not forking out a ton of money all at once 30 days before delivery.  With that said I can't imagine they would be issuing final pay order without the vehicle being off the assembly line and ready for delivery.                                                  . 

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Got my final buyers order, and the terms and conditions aren't sitting well with me.

I have an email drafted, I don't really want to share it here, but I am all ears for suggestions to go into the email if I don't already have it in there.


View attachment 26194
Well maybe more information will surface tonight if they have a show. But I got a wonder if all these terms an conditions are going out to people like they already said to the first 1500. Does that mean they are really within say 30 to 60 days of delivering vehicles or is it still 90 to 120 days but they’re just already pushing the information out. 

I would say 60 days to production and 90 days to 120 for delivery. But what do I know it could be December?

Email sent.

Will report back.

No doubt the car is going to be badass and the value for us guys that got in early is phenomenal.

I have and have had no problem waiting and being patient. I'm currently at 29 months from date of preorder.

What I don't feel comfortable with is for me and others to throw down final balances and there being a chance for more delays.

It simply doesn't sit right with me.
Questions answered.

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Read the response email.

You may have misread my post. I am not concerned about paying now. They are not requesting payment now.

I am concerned about paying 30 days before I can see my car.

Also they are asking for loan docs signed before the car gets on the truck.
I edited my post after I read your previous post and before you made this post.

While I wait for the speed. Do I put the wife back in a Turbo S or Pro Xp 4 seater. 72" vs 64"? Decisions decisions.

Paying in full before delivery is wrong on so many levels.  I have ordered trucks and vehicles in the past and never paid before delivery.  You never pay a contractor in full before the job is finished it almost never works out well for you.

And on top of that, not sure anyone can get financing before a VIN is issued.........

Just my thoughts and push to 200.

At least Tesla let's you pay the day before you get yore car...

Pretty much my thoughts.

I was almost thinking of responding with what are the payment terms for a non custom car if I take off all the options. 

I'm really trying to figure out how many early preorder customers think this is a good idea.

I've been in this from the beginning and seen every projection/deadline missed.

All of it I am OK with, but full payment between 30 days before delivery and leaving the factory is a tough call.
I am guessing that payment request does not come until your car has been assembled and off the line.  You already pre-paid for your accessories so it is not like they are losing out on that money (profit).  

I kind of get what they are doing if you are not a cash paying customer and are financing.  They are scared the customer might not qualify for financing.  

It is a really weird predicament to be in as the customer and as the manufacture.   You are in the financial game of trust. 

The missing ingredient here is where is the floor-plan company??? Normally, the dealer is invoiced for the unit, the flooring company holds the paper, upon delivery the warranty registration signals that the unit is sold, and the dealer has X number of days(not many)to settle(pay)for said unit with the flooring company. If there is financing involved they will make minor exceptions for delays in the finance company funding the dealer for the loan amount. Being direct sales, I am not 100% clear, but ASS-ume they can still floor the unit. Gotta say it is a bit of a bizarro thing to expect payment in advance.

So I thought RG said no desert racing until production started and cars were in customers hands.  He was out racing with Max this weekend in Laughlin at the BITD UTV race. 
