Speed UTV

Just drive down Holt Ave. in Pomona / Ontario....allot of the Insurance Shops have wrecked RZRs in their back lots.

I can't imagine they would be repairing them, these are not automobiles.

Who even wants to buy a wrecked wadded up UTV?
I have a buddy that used to buy them, repair them and then rent them out.  No issues with insurance or anything.  He stopped the rental business because he was done with all the idiots.

So do we get a show this week full of parts or a show discussion when production is starting?

The road to 200 must continue on.  

Looks like a lot of people got the email for final invoices. 

Looks like a lot of people got the email for final invoices. 
I was reading that.  So does that mean they have to pay or get there financing or is just a sign off for the order to be built?  

Just a sign off to be built.

I have discussed with many of my friends who have preorders. We will not be paying another dime until the rubber is sitting on pavement.

Its going to get interesting because I "think" they are going to expect payment before delivery. The details for final payment have not been discussed to my knowledge.

I'm paying cash and using that to my advantage, once I get to touch my car, you get payment. Not a second sooner.
What does the contract stipulate?

What contract? lol
Thats funny I ask because I put a deposit down about 12 days ago or so and have not even gotten a single email. I however called and had wrote an email to them asking for my Master # and also had a couple question in general. They did answer me back so I am not upset or anything but, I would have thought by now they would have sent me some documentation with how this is suppose to play out. Again not too worried I am like 2200ish in line and will wait for them to deliver the best they can as I have said before.

What contract? lol
I assume you have emails or paperwork with the total price and what has been paid as far as deposits and accessories.  The final build sign off as well.  So there is your contract so to speak. 

I agree I would not give them a dime more until you get to see your vehicle and inspect it. 

I ordered September 2019. The communication is poor I admit. Hopefully the product exceeds expectations.

Either way, they may be in for a big surprise. Many of the first 200 or so preorders are guys who are paying in cash.

Meaning, there could be a mexican standoff. I've done my part and put up over $12k to fund things to get them moving.

I can't wait for my car, but I'll hand over a stack of hundies when I can sit in it.

I do recall a conversation I had with Todd a while back. Meaning maybe 1-2 years ago. He did mention they were expecting cars to be fully paid for before they got on the truck. Back then I may have been in agreement with that. 

But now with so much time going by, my viewpoint of final payment has changed.

This changes if they allow me to put the full final balance on plastic. I'll take those points and security all day.

Correct, however its basically a build sheet. Not a contract. Meaning if I wanted all my money back today, legally I could get it.

It also does not spell out any terms or conditions as a traditional contract would describe. 
You paid some money up front for what is on that build sheet.  They now have a duty to perform.  Although it is not a traditional contract in that it does not spell out all the terms, it would be good enough.  
