Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

So these are one sided examples, the main difference is that the fed and the propagandist media  is hiding the negative side of the vax side effects, things like DEATH or permanent disabilities from the change in chemistry to peoples bodies. I know a 70yr old woman who's been bleeding profusely(period type chit) that started after her 2nd shot(3 months ago). She hadn't had a period in 25 years... I know another who lost all control of their muscles/nervous system and is now permanently wheelchair ridden and requires 24hr care because he can't walk or function by himself. He was the sole income for the family but guess what,, big pharma hold no liability and good luck getting into the "fund" set up for these cases. That shits controlled by the fed and as sour as Pelosi's breath. 

The couple that got caught and went to jail did because they made a phony card for their 10 year old son. And no one that age is eligible for the shot. 
It's coming to a city near you in CA, NewScum is pushing for all kids K-6 to get it in the next couple months. We just got an email from the Corona/Norco school district informing us of that. I'd like to take that needle and jab it in his Effin eye

I am vaxxed, and I have many friends (and this board) tell me I am stupid, "sheep", and so on.  The bullying is coming from both sides.  I agree with everything above.  Nobody can see the middle anymore, thus the other side is always wrong and called names.  I call that bullying.

I suggest the people that are anti covid vaxx, go stand outside the Hospital and ask the people that are finally getting out of the covid ward and ask them what their thoughts are about the vaccine.  I bet 75% or more have changed their opinion.  I talked to my friend, 53 yrs old healthy, never has had  a medical issue in his life, the whole family got covid, nobody vaccinated, he ended up in a Ambulance and ICU.  Spent 7 days there trying to get healthy, he was anti vaxxed...................guess what he has changed his mind 100%.  FYI, He told me I was stupid, he apologized to me.

My MIL got Covid in December last year, she still can't leave San Diego because her lungs are damage and she can't breathe without O2 above 3,000 ft.  Motorhome is going on the market and planning on never camping again.

I know 5 acquaintances that have died from Covid, none vaccinated.  I currently don't know anyone that is vaccinated that has died from Covid.

That being said, I made an educated decision on what is out there (information), my real life experiences, and what my Doctor recommended about the vaccine.  I got the vax, but I am anti Mandate.  And I have said this before, I bet 70% that are being mandated and don't want the vaccine are saying no on principle, "being told what to do".  Mandates are not the way to force things on people.
I would never ridicule anyone for making a personal choice that suits them, I would expect the same from others but unfortunately we no longer live in that world. For me, it's more about the system of control at this point. I've had the virus and have anti-bodies as does my wife. We shouldn't be forced into a choice we're not comfortable with.

Curious if the folks here who have been jabbed, regardless of your reason for doing so, actually believe that the masks work or if they are for compliance and control?
Just like underwear and jeans stops a fart. By the way a fart molecule is 300 times bigger then exhaled aerosol vapor that Covid would be in if you are actually sick. Also asymptomatic spread was a made up term. While this is a funny example it is an accurate one. 

It's coming to a city near you in CA, NewScum is pushing for all kids K-6 to get it in the next couple months. We just got an email from the Corona/Norco school district informing us of that. I'd like to take that needle and jab it in his Effin eye
Yup!  Wanted to take my daughter to hockey game -she's 4yrs old.  At Staples Center - anyone over 2 yrs old needs to show vaccination or negative test in the last 72 hours.

She goes to private school - one of the reasons we went private was their stance on Covid - no mask requirement and they are against requiring Vax but I believe CA & Newsom are including private schools in the requirement.  

Admittedly, I do make some comments playing devils advocate. Not sure what I said that made me sound stupid however.  I'm just trying to give another side of the argument as I've never considered myself a "sheep".  I've made my choices based on what I feel is best for me and my family. Other than when I was heading out of the country on empty planes with my wife and anti vaxxer best friends and their wives, I have worked every day through this whole thing and only wore a mask when requested, especially by building inspectors (I'm a builder/contractor). I'm about the most don't give a eff, not paranoid guy you'll meet. 54 going on 18. I hate the government getting involved with pretty much everything from guns, to marriage, to abortion , to vaccine mandates. I'm not a conspiracy guy. I don't rely on Instagram, twitter, Facebook or Glamis Dunes, to supply me memes or GIFS to confirm my predisposed opinions. I do my best to research multiple sites, both conservative and liberal and try to educate myself the best I can. As far as the Covid situation, I don't personally fear the vaccine like others do. I don't even fear Covid that much, I just don't want to get sick period. If there's a jab that I can get that might reduce the risk of me getting sick then I'm cool with it. My wife (whos a nurse and gets her info first hand every shift she does, and actually treats patients with Covid and not from friends of friends) and I took the jab. My son and his girlfriend (who is a United stewardess and would have been forced) got it. My middle child (27) moved back into our house a couple months ago to save some money, is a un vaxxer, and literally got a positive for Covid the night she moved back. 2 weeks of being pretty sick and she's good now. Knock on wood, no one else got it.

 My biggest point through all of this is that anyone that has a private business should be able to set the rules for their business, period. I believe that if employees don't like their boss or workplace conditions, then quit and start your own business. Show them how easy it is to invest/risk everything you have. How easy it is to never be able to get work out your head at night. Make payroll. Constantly have to find work for you and your employees etc. Then, because you have it all figured out, let your employees tell you how to run your business. Then, come back on here and let us all know how that works out for you. As stupid as I may seem, I was smart enough to be my own boss since I was 20, and have done pretty damn good for myself. I hope that explains my position better.

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"My biggest point through all of this is that anyone that has a private business should be able to set the rules for their business, period."

But the government has told these companies to mandate the vax or suffer huge fines and penalties.

All I know is COVID and people's stance on it sure has made my world smaller...and I think that's a good thing.  You never know how much you can live without until you are "forced" to.

All these venues, business, restaurants, etc... are making it easy for me to decide who I want to support with my money and who I don't.  I can tell you that COVID has saved me a ton of money.  So thank you to the people drawing the line in the sand.  You simply don't get money for me anymore, and...I don't miss anything now looking back.

Again, I’m lost. I realize everyone has a right to make their own decisions. If you feel strongly against getting vaccinated than don’t. No need to criticize the ones that have done it by calling them sheep or selling out. The unvaccinated are taking a stand, quitting their jobs, losing out on retirement they have been working their life towards, putting their family’s well being possibly in danger, and all for what? Does this or will this action change anything? If you guys haven’t been paying attention, WE haven’t had a say so for our future in a long time. If the presidential race or even the NEWSCUM recall hasn’t proved that than I don’t know what will! I guess what I’m saying is if we as voters weren’t heard than how do you think quitting your job is gonna make the difference? 
I might have read this wrong but it sounds like you're say why fight just go along. 

You ask why take a stand against getting it, so here's a few. It doesn't work. It can kill you and they are hiding that number. They won't tell anyone what is actually in it. It can injure you. You can get myocarditis a heart disease that kills 60% of patients within 5 years. The remaining 40% likely won't live a full life. Side note the military will have killed more service members with this side effect of the vaccine. 20-22 died for Covid and now over 200 have myocarditis, so they are living deadmen we just have to wait to add them to the number killed by the vax. Back on topic blood clots and strokes, heart failure, neurological disorders. Did I mention it doesn't work and no one can tell you what types of cancer will develop from it. It takes years for cancer to manifest itself and there have been zero long term studies. We have been lied to about everything to do with this virus. Usually when someone is pushing something as hard as they are pushing this experimental treatment it's usually a very bad thing. So as an American I say NO I will not do that and once again a very small percentage will fight for freedom while the rest watch.

Where in Utah?  Beautiful state - not optimal for my work but retirement..?

Worried Texas may go Blue?  So many companies, particularly big tech going there and swing the state?  
It's a concern. The people moving to get away from CA aren't the problem it's the libtards that these big corporations are dragging with them. There is also a lot of home grown libtards here but mostly in the big cities which is a cancer every state has. If Texas and or Florida where to go blue the country is done. The more red voters that leave CA, where you throw your vote away with you tax dollar, and move to a red state the less likely that state is to turn blue. Also democrats are doing a good job of turning a lot of blue voters red.

... As I mentioned my family (even my 15 year old) all got the jab, except my 24 year old son. I support personal choice, freedom and everyone can evaluate your own risk. 

.. But let's get to the 'FDA Approved' portion of this debate. Back in the early 90's stressed going through college I was presdcribed Zantac (prescription at the time). Stress, I had ulcers and awful acid reflux. .. Zantac would become 'over the counter' and I have taken thousands.. I'd guess at least 2500 of those pills.. took the high dose 150mg twice a day for YEARS.. decades even. 

Well fast forward April of 2020 (nearly 30 years since I started using it), the FDA has pulled it off the market. Ranitidine is the pharmicutical name.

The bottom line is this drug reduces acid production which worked incredible for acid belly, acid reflux. However, one side effect is it made your body hold on to too much bile. Bile which we produce to get rid of toxins (and poop out) is carcinogenic. Therefore, habitual users like myself develop all sorts of 'gut' cancers. 

I will NOT be shocked if end up with pancreatic, stomach, intestine, colon, etc. cancer at some point. Heck, might have it now and don't know it.

Bottom line, the FDA approval means diddly to me. You could argue that this cancer side effect wouldn't have presented itself for sometime, but I'll bet there was 'evidence' a hell of a lot earlier than 30 after it was created years ago... OK. .sorry 40 years ago 'Ranitidine was discovered in England in 1976, and came into commercial use in 1981'

Food for thought for those who are weary about the jab. As someone else stated, I've put more crap in my body, did more wild things, etc. for me to be worried about this jab. But that's just it, personal risk assessment. The only one (it seems) that can kill ABC.. is ABC.. 

Sorry for the long post.. I hate reading long posts.. without pictures... 


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Waiting for something like this with Omeprazol (Prilosec). Been taking two 75mg capsules since nerve damage from a stroke in June of 2000. Wife has tried to get me to stop but I gave it a shot and the GERD was miserable. Would rather perish from all of the cancers than the insane heartburn.

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Waiting for something like this with Omeprazol (Prilosec). Been taking two 75mg capsules since nerve damage from a stroke in June of 2000. Wife has tried to get me to stop but I gave it a shot and the GERD was miserable. Would rather perish from all of the cancers than the insane heartburn.
Word.,.. yeah for me it was heartburn and not a sour stomach. Reflux was insane. At one point I was only eating like water and bread.. sufferered for many years.

I actually have a bullet proof stomach now and haven't been taking acid medicines for several years. I guess I just don't freak out anymore. Spicy food, booze, I never have stomach issues anymore. So glad that's over with.

Anyhow, FDA doesn't mean diddly to me. They're just agents of big pharma IMO.


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"My biggest point through all of this is that anyone that has a private business should be able to set the rules for their business, period."

But the government has told these companies to mandate the vax or suffer huge fines and penalties.
 Once again, I agree with all of you on this point except for possibly government employees which I haven't thought through that much. Ex. When you join the military, you voluntarily give up many freedoms. As a Fed employee, do you de facto agree to abide by your employers (the Fed) rules that may be different than the private sector? I don't know the answer, but I'm sure there are layers of BS rules that the typical private sector doesn't have. 

I might have read this wrong but it sounds like you're say why fight just go along. 

You ask why take a stand against getting it, so here's a few. It doesn't work. It can kill you and they are hiding that number. They won't tell anyone what is actually in it. It can injure you. You can get myocarditis a heart disease that kills 60% of patients within 5 years. The remaining 40% likely won't live a full life. Side note the military will have killed more service members with this side effect of the vaccine. 20-22 died for Covid and now over 200 have myocarditis, so they are living deadmen we just have to wait to add them to the number killed by the vax. Back on topic blood clots and strokes, heart failure, neurological disorders. Did I mention it doesn't work and no one can tell you what types of cancer will develop from it. It takes years for cancer to manifest itself and there have been zero long term studies. We have been lied to about everything to do with this virus. Usually when someone is pushing something as hard as they are pushing this experimental treatment it's usually a very bad thing. So as an American I say NO I will not do that and once again a very small percentage will fight for freedom while the rest watch.
 Can you site your sources?

I might have read this wrong but it sounds like you're say why fight just go along. 

You ask why take a stand against getting it, so here's a few. It doesn't work. It can kill you and they are hiding that number. They won't tell anyone what is actually in it. It can injure you. You can get myocarditis a heart disease that kills 60% of patients within 5 years. The remaining 40% likely won't live a full life. Side note the military will have killed more service members with this side effect of the vaccine. 20-22 died for Covid and now over 200 have myocarditis, so they are living deadmen we just have to wait to add them to the number killed by the vax. Back on topic blood clots and strokes, heart failure, neurological disorders. Did I mention it doesn't work and no one can tell you what types of cancer will develop from it. It takes years for cancer to manifest itself and there have been zero long term studies. We have been lied to about everything to do with this virus. Usually when someone is pushing something as hard as they are pushing this experimental treatment it's usually a very bad thing. So as an American I say NO I will not do that and once again *a very small percentage will fight for freedom while the rest watch.
Yes, please site your sources. I find this very interesting. Frightening even, because I have the shot, x2.

*That ranks right up there with "95% of my friends won't have the guts to share this". If you want me to respect your opinion, please have the decency to return the favor. No one owes you anything. 

Yes, please site your sources. I find this very interesting. Frightening even, because I have the shot, x2.

*That ranks right up there with "95% of my friends won't have the guts to share this". If you want me to respect your opinion, please have the decency to return the favor. No one owes you anything. 
I believe @Squatcher posted a video about this very topic and there video from a clinic where the staff is watching it happen, yet the gov is sweeping it under the rug. We'll never know the real rate because they're hiding those numbers from us
