Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

They may be trying to create databases, but there is not currently one that encompasses every person. Too many variables. What if you spent the summer in Montana or Florida and that's where you got the shot? Also, if there was a database you wouldn't have to show the card, the TSA would just check the database, let you on the plane, and you'd have a grand ole time in Hawaii. But that's not how it's working. You've got to show the documentation. TSA agents aren't necessarily the cream of the crop and I don't think it'd be too hard to get a fake one past them. The girl that spelled Moderna wrong, yeah she deserved to get caught. I remember reading about a father and son that got caught with fake cards flying into Hawaii. Given that the article didn't praise the astute TSA agent that spotted the counterfeit I can only assume that some Karen tipped them off. Be it an acquaintance or just someone that overheard them laughing about it at Starbucks before the flight. 

Fake cards can be successfully done, the kicker is that you can't tell anyone, ever. Because if they can prove that you presented a fake card then that's it, yore fired with no recourse. That lack of integrity could follow you forever and possibly be a career ender. I certainly wouldn't quit though, I'd make them fire you. At least then there may be some recourse in the future if the world manages to right itself.

It's a tough call to make. Glad I don't have to make that decision. 
The couple that got caught and went to jail did because they made a phony card for their 10 year old son. And no one that age is eligible for the shot. 

"I personally think you'd have to be an idiot not to get vaxxed."

"Point is, I'm not going to lose any sleep if I end up getting any perks from what I would consider to be dumb choices by others"
Question for you since you have all the facts.  I had Covid, proven documented case.  Pretty much had a sinus headache for a day....that's it.  I have natural immunity (proven antibody test).  Why should I be mandated to get the vaccine?  Are you better off than me with a vaccine which has been proven to wane over time?  Are you a less of a risk than me?  What do you have to say about the fact that natural immunity of the 43,327,364 (total US cases minus deaths according to John Hopkins) is just thrown by the wayside for the narrative. BTW, I like to be able to cite the origin my stats....    

Well NOW you KNOW one. My Father died in my hands 5 days after the JAB! SO EFF YOU and your stats!
I don't know you , your father, or what happened to him. I do know people that didn't get it and died so am I supposed to tell you to eff off or be the adult in the room?

 I have similar experience . Know a bunch of people that SERIOUSLY effed up that didn't get the jab, 2 that had breakthroughs but not that sick. A few that died, no jab. Not one case of after affects from the jab. 
I think you need to reread the 1st line of MWB's post, maybe not but it sorta looks like you misread it

Question for you since you have all the facts.  I had Covid, proven documented case.  Pretty much had a sinus headache for a day....that's it.  I have natural immunity (proven antibody test).  Why should I be mandated to get the vaccine?  Are you better off than me with a vaccine which has been proven to wane over time?  Are you a less of a risk than me?  What do you have to say about the fact that natural immunity of the 43,327,364 (total US cases minus deaths according to John Hopkins) is just thrown by the wayside for the narrative. BTW, I like to be able to cite the origin my stats....    
 You're asking the wrong guy. For about the 20th time on this site, I don't think the government should mandate getting a vaccine. 

Sorry, I'm not following your logic. I never said I was looking forward to more goverment mandates, in fact I said the opposite many, many times. What I have said, is that a privately owned company should be able to establish rules for employment and their customers. Tell me whats not "conservative" about that? I made my own choice prior to any mandates, to get vaxxed. I wasn't pressured. I did my own research, waited about 6 months to see if there were a bunch of unknown side effects and got it done.  The fact is that NONE of us know for sure what the right thing to do is. We all have our opinions, that's all. I personally think you'd have to be an idiot not to get vaxxed, and many of you think that you'd have to be an idiot for getting vaxxed. Some call people that get vaxxed "sheep" and yet reading this whole thread, the same argument could be said about most of you. A sheep will follow wacked out, so called conservative BS that they read on the internet the same way a liberal will. Point is, I'm not going to lose any sleep if I end up getting any perks from what I would consider to be dumb choices by others. 
I am vaxxed, and I have many friends (and this board) tell me I am stupid, "sheep", and so on.  The bullying is coming from both sides.  I agree with everything above.  Nobody can see the middle anymore, thus the other side is always wrong and called names.  I call that bullying.

I suggest the people that are anti covid vaxx, go stand outside the Hospital and ask the people that are finally getting out of the covid ward and ask them what their thoughts are about the vaccine.  I bet 75% or more have changed their opinion.  I talked to my friend, 53 yrs old healthy, never has had  a medical issue in his life, the whole family got covid, nobody vaccinated, he ended up in a Ambulance and ICU.  Spent 7 days there trying to get healthy, he was anti vaxxed...................guess what he has changed his mind 100%.  FYI, He told me I was stupid, he apologized to me.

My MIL got Covid in December last year, she still can't leave San Diego because her lungs are damage and she can't breathe without O2 above 3,000 ft.  Motorhome is going on the market and planning on never camping again.

I know 5 acquaintances that have died from Covid, none vaccinated.  I currently don't know anyone that is vaccinated that has died from Covid.

That being said, I made an educated decision on what is out there (information), my real life experiences, and what my Doctor recommended about the vaccine.  I got the vax, but I am anti Mandate.  And I have said this before, I bet 70% that are being mandated and don't want the vaccine are saying no on principle, "being told what to do".  Mandates are not the way to force things on people.

I don't know you , your father, or what happened to him. I do know people that didn't get it and died so am I supposed to tell you to eff off or be the adult in the room?
You're a cold hearted MOFO!!

I personally think you'd have to be an idiot not to get vaxxed, and many of you think that you'd have to be an idiot for getting vaxxed.
I don't care either way , but for you to call people idiots for not wanting the vax, AGAIN EFFF YOU!

I am vaxxed, and I have many friends (and this board) tell me I am stupid, "sheep", and so on.  The bullying is coming from both sides.  I agree with everything above.  Nobody can see the middle anymore, thus the other side is always wrong and called names.  I call that bullying.

I suggest the people that are anti covid vaxx, go stand outside the Hospital and ask the people that are finally getting out of the covid ward and ask them what their thoughts are about the vaccine.  I bet 75% or more have changed their opinion.  I talked to my friend, 53 yrs old healthy, never has had  a medical issue in his life, the whole family got covid, nobody vaccinated, he ended up in a Ambulance and ICU.  Spent 7 days there trying to get healthy, he was anti vaxxed...................guess what he has changed his mind 100%.  FYI, He told me I was stupid, he apologized to me.

My MIL got Covid in December last year, she still can't leave San Diego because her lungs are damage and she can't breathe without O2 above 3,000 ft.  Motorhome is going on the market and planning on never camping again.

I know 5 acquaintances that have died from Covid, none vaccinated.  I currently don't know anyone that is vaccinated that has died from Covid.

That being said, I made an educated decision on what is out there (information), my real life experiences, and what my Doctor recommended about the vaccine.  I got the vax, but I am anti Mandate.  And I have said this before, I bet 70% that are being mandated and don't want the vaccine are saying no on principle, "being told what to do".  Mandates are not the way to force things on people.

Sorry, I'm not following your logic. I never said I was looking forward to more goverment mandates, in fact I said the opposite many, many times. What I have said, is that a privately owned company should be able to establish rules for employment and their customers. Tell me whats not "conservative" about that? I made my own choice prior to any mandates, to get vaxxed. I wasn't pressured. I did my own research, waited about 6 months to see if there were a bunch of unknown side effects and got it done.  The fact is that NONE of us know for sure what the right thing to do is. We all have our opinions, that's all. I personally think you'd have to be an idiot not to get vaxxed, and many of you think that you'd have to be an idiot for getting vaxxed. Some call people that get vaxxed "sheep" and yet reading this whole thread, the same argument could be said about most of you. A sheep will follow wacked out, so called conservative BS that they read on the internet the same way a liberal will. Point is, I'm not going to lose any sleep if I end up getting any perks from what I would consider to be dumb choices by others. 
You said it yourself... looking forward to half empty concerts and planes. They will be half empty due to government mandates. Don’t get it twisted... enjoy your big government bro. 

It started with "we are all in this together" repeated a million times in every medium across the globe, leveraging the thought of a community bond and duty to your brothers and sisters to entice you to do it for your fellow man. Then the idea of cooperation and harmony went out the window and after a year and a half of terrifying the lemmings they've shifted it to the "haves" and the "have not's" to divide and conquer. This will continue until people stand up (and I mean something more than just saying no) or they conform and get assimilated.

Again, do what you want - I'm not judging, just don't come around judging me for doing what I want. :effu:

 You're asking the wrong guy. For about the 20th time on this site, I don't think the government should mandate getting a vaccine. 
But you keep trying to say that a business should be allowed to. And while I do agree, it seems like you aren't comprehending that when the president tells osha to force every business with 100 or more employees to get the shot, that's the govt forcing vaccination. 

This will continue until people stand up (and I mean something more than just saying no) or they conform and 
I'm of the opinion that the reason we don't see any real, meaningful movements by the right is because they have too much to lose. They also understand it'll be real ugly. 

I don't think a lot of conservatives are ready to go out there and do what needs to be done yet.. (Not until every shred of doubt is gone, anyway..)

Take the ability to work away and we will see a lot of Americans with nothing to lose. They'll be a different kind of protesting going on I believe.

It's almost like they know it, too. (Government) they already made conservatives domestic terrorists. Anybody that stands up will be dealt with very harshly. 

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This is not a vaccine that puts inactive viruse in your body to cause an immune response. This is a first of its kind to ever be used RNA treatment. If you get sick after getting the jab it's your body reacting to the jab not an immune response.

NO BODY knows what effect 2 jabs will have in 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years and we never will because in 3 years the fully vaxed will have 8 jabs if they stay on pace. What we do know is the people that said we all need to be vaccinated are pushing for population control.

On a side note, in Germany they are handing out yellow buttons to wear to show you're vaxed. They did something like this before to people they killed off. 

Curious if the folks here who have been jabbed, regardless of your reason for doing so, actually believe that the masks work or if they are for compliance and control?

The issue I have is only company's with more than 100 people have to do it. If its such a big deal it should have to be everyone.  
