Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

You said it yourself... looking forward to half empty concerts and planes. They will be half empty due to government mandates. Don’t get it twisted... enjoy your big government bro. 
   If people like you got vaccinated, the government wouldn't have an excuse to mandate it. You're the one forcing the government on us bro...

The issue I have is only company's with more than 100 people have to do it. If its such a big deal it should have to be everyone.  
Exactly .... IF it were so important...EVERY illegal coming across the border would HAVE to get vaxed to come in...they are NOT even testing most of them, so that tells you they really don't care... is it possible that the  2 MILLION illegals that have flooded into the country in the last 10 months... have driven a LOT of the surge we've seen...... Likely.....they have. 

The virus is real, the numbers are Bullshit, the mandates are political.... Let's go Brandon!

I got to say most of you are in a bubble and you have no idea how good life can be once you get out of it.

There are states that are saying no to this madness. States that are willing to tell the commies in DC, no. States where you can go to a restaurant, get a straw and enjoy a meal. States where they aren't banning plastic forks, spoons and chop sticks. States where we are living our lives and enjoying sports, concerts, bars, fairs, parties, friends and families. I don't even have a mask let alone carry one around. My biggest worry is how much Halloween candy to buy because it's goes off here. 

Get out and start a new life in a red state and make it redder. 

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Curious if the folks here who have been jabbed, regardless of your reason for doing so, actually believe that the masks work or if they are for compliance and control?
   If by "work" you mean they stop 100% of aerosol particles that a person exhales, then of course not. Will they stop a certain percentage? Of course they do. Do I wear one? Only when I'm asked to, although I've traveled a few times out of the country in the last 18 months and it seems like the prudent thing to do in a full airplane whether required or not. 

But you keep trying to say that a business should be allowed to. And while I do agree, it seems like you aren't comprehending that when the president tells osha to force every business with 100 or more employees to get the shot, that's the govt forcing vaccination. 
 Not true, I do get that and disagree. 

Question for you since you have all the facts.  I had Covid, proven documented case.  Pretty much had a sinus headache for a day....that's it.  I have natural immunity (proven antibody test).  Why should I be mandated to get the vaccine?  Are you better off than me with a vaccine which has been proven to wane over time?  Are you a less of a risk than me?  What do you have to say about the fact that natural immunity of the 43,327,364 (total US cases minus deaths according to John Hopkins) is just thrown by the wayside for the narrative. BTW, I like to be able to cite the origin my stats....    
 Never said I have all of the facts, in fact I said none of us truly know the facts , all we have is our opinions. I never said anyone should be mandated by the government, in fact I've said the opposite too many times to count at this point. I agree that natural immunity would be better than a vaccine. Perhaps we should all be injected with the actual virus, and then whoever survives can claim natural immunity?,,,,,,

This is a tough subject for everyone. The vaxxed vs the unvaxxed. 
Just another way to divide us. The government has developed this and we all get to deal with the circumstances. Whether you take the shot or don’t take the shot, we are being coerced in so many ways that never would have happened 20 years ago. What has changed? Our attitudes are definitely different.  We are being played from all sides. It’s really hard to see if you’re really independently thinking when you’re connected to TV, the internet, social media, MSM of any kind and list list goes on and on.  We don’t read books anymore. It’s just changed over the years.

Anyway, I don’t judge anybody for any choice they make. You don’t need people putting their stuff on you any more than they already are. 

Gob Bless anybody who has lost a loved one, or been left crippled by any part of what’s going on. We need to breathe and accept each other a little bit here.

fyi unvaxxed

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You're a cold hearted MOFO!!

I don't care either way , but for you to call people idiots for not wanting the vax, AGAIN EFFF YOU!

 Read between the lines dummy. My point, which clearly went straight over your head, is that both sides think that the other are idiots for not agreeing with their point of view. It wasn't meant to be taken literally.  

I got to say most of you are in a bubble and you have no idea how good life can be once you get out of it.

There are states that are saying no to this madness. States that are willing to tell the commies in DC, no. States where you can go to a restaurant, get a straw and enjoy a meal. States where they aren't banning plastic forks, spoons and chop sticks. States where we are living our lives and enjoying sports, concerts, bars, fairs, parties, friends and families. I don't even have a mask let alone carry one around. I biggest worry is how much Halloween candy to buy because it's goes off here. 

Get out and start a new life in a red state and make it redder. 
Bought a house In Utah, did an endurance bicycle race there a week and a half ago. Went to dinners, did some furniture shopping etc etc. maybe came across 5 people wearing masks (there were 700 riders). Nobody even mentioned Covid. Doing another event in 3 days in borrego springs Ca.. Masks mandatory in pits, proof of vaccination or recent test required for all racers and anyone in pits etc etc. Looking forward to making the final move to a red state soon. 

FYI, the state of California has a record on whether you have been vaccinated or not.  I would bet your insurance company might as well.

Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record (
Whoa.. that's a trip.. yeah, guess the fake card isn't gonna work. Got my record in a few seconds.. 

My 22 year old daughter who works at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach received her first booster shot 2 days ago (I think she got the first shot even before the old folks). No issues with the booster for her. 

My son will have to make his choice. I will support his right to not be forced to get the shot, but I will not financially support him (for life) if he can't find a way to make money. He graduates soon and in his field, he'll likely need the vax to succeed.

I don't think the government has any right to force folks to get the shot. Should be a personal choice. I do think COVID will be around forever so the eventual choices are..

1. You get COVID

2. You get the SHOT


3. You get the SHOT .. and you get COVID (I'm sure I'll be in this category and maybe undenounced to me, I already have.


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Bought a house In Utah, did an endurance bicycle race there a week and a half ago. Went to dinners, did some furniture shopping etc etc. maybe came across 5 people wearing masks (there were 700 riders). Nobody even mentioned Covid. Doing another event in 3 days in borrego springs Ca.. Masks mandatory in pits, proof of vaccination or recent test required for all racers and anyone in pits etc etc. Looking forward to making the final move to a red state soon. 
I love Utah, my buddy is in Morgan. It was #1 on my list but house have skyrocketed and we have 4 grandkids here in Texas. 

Your posts don't read like that. I didn't think you were as stupid as you've sounded in this thread. Are you purposely trying to play devils advocate here? 
Admittedly, I do make some comments playing devils advocate. Not sure what I said that made me sound stupid however.  I'm just trying to give another side of the argument as I've never considered myself a "sheep".  I've made my choices based on what I feel is best for me and my family. Other than when I was heading out of the country on empty planes with my wife and anti vaxxer best friends and their wives, I have worked every day through this whole thing and only wore a mask when requested, especially by building inspectors (I'm a builder/contractor). I'm about the most don't give a eff, not paranoid guy you'll meet. 54 going on 18. I hate the government getting involved with pretty much everything from guns, to marriage, to abortion , to vaccine mandates. I'm not a conspiracy guy. I don't rely on Instagram, twitter, Facebook or Glamis Dunes, to supply me memes or GIFS to confirm my predisposed opinions. I do my best to research multiple sites, both conservative and liberal and try to educate myself the best I can. As far as the Covid situation, I don't personally fear the vaccine like others do. I don't even fear Covid that much, I just don't want to get sick period. If there's a jab that I can get that might reduce the risk of me getting sick then I'm cool with it. My wife (whos a nurse and gets her info first hand every shift she does, and actually treats patients with Covid and not from friends of friends) and I took the jab. My son and his girlfriend (who is a United stewardess and would have been forced) got it. My middle child (27) moved back into our house a couple months ago to save some money, is a un vaxxer, and literally got a positive for Covid the night she moved back. 2 weeks of being pretty sick and she's good now. Knock on wood, no one else got it.

 My biggest point through all of this is that anyone that has a private business should be able to set the rules for their business, period. I believe that if employees don't like their boss or workplace conditions, then quit and start your own business. Show them how easy it is to invest/risk everything you have. How easy it is to never be able to get work out your head at night. Make payroll. Constantly have to find work for you and your employees etc. Then, because you have it all figured out, let your employees tell you how to run your business. Then, come back on here and let us all know how that works out for you. As stupid as I may seem, I was smart enough to be my own boss since I was 20, and have done pretty damn good for myself. I hope that explains my position better.


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Speaking of private businesses making heir own rules, curious of different scenarios. If you are good a private business requiring the jab are you good with the same business mandating that you can't have an abortion? Would you be ok if they required that you get an abortion?

Not that long ago "we" were crushing private businesses in the name of social justice if they wouldn't bake a fkin cake for a cause they didn't believe in, cancelling or compelling them to do what they, as a private company, didn't believe in. Now it's "let the private business do their thing and make their own rules" as long as it coincides with the progressive agenda.

Fk that. Picking and choosing winners and losers with a stacked deck. Get me back to the land of freedom and liberty before I lose my chit. 

Speaking of private businesses making heir own rules, curious of different scenarios. If you are good a private business requiring the jab are you good with the same business mandating that you can't have an abortion? Thats probably the position of many private employers already, no? Many private schools? Would you be ok if they required that you get an abortion?

Not that long ago "we" were crushing private businesses in the name of social justice if they wouldn't bake a fkin cake for a cause they didn't believe in, cancelling or compelling them to do what they, as a private company, didn't believe in. Now it's "let the private business do their thing and make their own rules" as long as it coincides with the progressive agenda. You should be able refuse service or hire  just about anyone for almost any reason including race or sex IMO. 

Fk that. Picking and choosing winners and losers with a stacked deck. Get me back to the land of freedom and liberty before I lose my chit.  Agreed.

Again, I’m lost. I realize everyone has a right to make their own decisions. If you feel strongly against getting vaccinated than don’t. No need to criticize the ones that have done it by calling them sheep or selling out. The unvaccinated are taking a stand, quitting their jobs, losing out on retirement they have been working their life towards, putting their family’s well being possibly in danger, and all for what? Does this or will this action change anything? If you guys haven’t been paying attention, WE haven’t had a say so for our future in a long time. If the presidential race or even the NEWSCUM recall hasn’t proved that than I don’t know what will! I guess what I’m saying is if we as voters weren’t heard than how do you think quitting your job is gonna make the difference? 

Again, I’m lost. I realize everyone has a right to make their own decisions. If you feel strongly against getting vaccinated than don’t. No need to criticize the ones that have done it by calling them sheep or selling out. The unvaccinated are taking a stand, quitting their jobs, losing out on retirement they have been working their life towards, putting their family’s well being possibly in danger, and all for what? Does this or will this action change anything? If you guys haven’t been paying attention, WE haven’t had a say so for our future in a long time. If the presidential race or even the NEWSCUM recall hasn’t proved that than I don’t know what will! I guess what I’m saying is if we as voters weren’t heard than how do you think quitting your job is gonna make the difference? 
Well said!!!!
