Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

Fox will happily pump out story after story like this.  Meanwhile, their company vaccination rate is over 90% and if you work in one of their studios, you must be vaxxed or tested daily . . .
And that negates my post how?

Can you post the links please? I'm in alignment with this already but they keep taking this stuff down
I posted the video earlier in the thread: 

The Isreali study:

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Fox will happily pump out story after story like this.  Meanwhile, their company vaccination rate is over 90% and if you work in one of their studios, you must be vaxxed or tested daily . . .
IMO, daily or weekly testing is more efficient at preventing the spread than the vaccine.  The Vax are able to get and spread the Wuhan Flu so why do they get a free pass.  I had Covid and yet my natural anti-bodies hold no weight.

Didn’t mean to sound like I was singling you out. But as a whole, the people who got the vaccine look down upon those who don’t and want us to loose everything. 

I was just starting to get ahead and college was going to be a possibility for my kids. Now it’s not because I don’t want to put something in my body I don’t want or need. 

I was going to be the generation that turned things around for my family. Now it’s all gone. 
Because 1 guy made a decision and it changed the lives of millions. 
No Mike, 2 of you are making the decision. You are not a victim, you are exercising your freedom. I don't mean to sound harsh, but that is the truth of the matter. 

Now, have you already lost your position with your company, or is it just a possibility at this point? If you have not already been terminated, you have time to go and join a protestant orthidox church, or contact your Dr to verify that you are allergic to one of more of these chemicals:

Active ingredient

mRNA (Nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000 dimyristoyl glycerol (DMG)

Polyethylene glycol is the fluid that carries the nicotine and flavor in many vape systems. 

What are the side effects of polyethylene?

There are several known side effects of polyethylene in humans. One of these is it may cause slight skin irritation. When inhaled, it caused proximal scleroderma, Raynaud phenomenon, joint involvement, pulmonary manifestation, and esophageal involvement in some people. Moreover, it may cause asthma.

SM-102 (Proprietary to Moderna)

           Tromethamine: Indications, Side Effects, Warnings - …
Dec 29, 2020 · Shortness of breath, a big weight gain, or swelling in the arms or legs. Fever. This medicine may cause tissue damage if the drug leaks from the vein
Thomethamine hydrocholoride
Acetic acid
Sodium Acetate Common side effects of sodium acetate include:

sodium overload
excessive hydration
dilution of other serum electrolyte concentrations
fluid in the lungs, or
low levels of blood potassium ( hypokalemia)



I am sure you are allergic to something in there

"If the projected 15-20% refuse vaccination, we should be fine and perhaps could handle as much as 30% of the population unvaccinated considering some groups of people who are vaccine-hesitant were also the same that resisted compliance with mitigation policies and thus might be more likely to have protection from previous infection,” Morris writes. He predicts that once 70 to 75% of the population gets either the vaccine or a COVID infection, the virus will halt its exponential spread."

IMO, daily or weekly testing is more efficient at preventing the spread than the vaccine.  The Vax are able to get and spread the Wuhan Flu so why do they get a free pass.  I had Covid and yet my natural anti-bodies hold no weight.
My brother and sister in law just came back from Europe.  In Germany, in order to do basically anything you must be vaxxed AND get a rapid Covid test.  They are everywhere, free, and you know the results in 15 minutes . . .

"If the projected 15-20% refuse vaccination, we should be fine and perhaps could handle as much as 30% of the population unvaccinated considering some groups of people who are vaccine-hesitant were also the same that resisted compliance with mitigation policies and thus might be more likely to have protection from previous infection,” Morris writes. He predicts that once 70 to 75% of the population gets either the vaccine or a COVID infection, the virus will halt its exponential spread."



If you can show the data perhaps they may have a different opinion, but it will likely not change their previous opinion that mandates are legal.  The states have a broad power when it comes to health and safety.  This is why vaccine mandates have been upheld by the Supreme Court.   I think the fact the mandates seem to all have exemptions for religious or medical reasons will keep them upheld by the court. 

The key to the mandates are they are state or employer driven.  If the Feds imposed beyond the federal employees, then I think it would be overturned as overstepping the states powers under the constitution.

Our country has been down the vaccine mandate road before.  
Appreciate your response, no doubt you have far more knowledge of law than I do. 

I still don't understand why natural immunity is not a medical reason to be exempted from being required to take the jab? 

Natural immunity seems to be avoided by those who are implementing the mandates and those who support the mandates. Fauci was asked about natural immunity on a recent news program and his answer was "I'm not sure, I will have to look into it". 

Logic tells me that if you are naturally immune, it is certainly a strong medical reason to not take the jab? It is easy to determine if you have the antibodies, hell, just give blood and the Red Cross will let you know if you have antibodies.

BTW...I'm not asking to adjudicate this on a forum, just stating my opinion on something that really baffles me.

No Mike, 2 of you are making the decision. You are not a victim, you are exercising your freedom. I don't mean to sound harsh, but that is the truth of the matter. 

Now, have you already lost your position with your company, or is it just a possibility at this point? If you have not already been terminated, you have time to go and join a protestant orthidox church, or contact your Dr to verify that you are allergic to one of more of these chemicals:

Active ingredient

mRNA (Nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000 dimyristoyl glycerol (DMG)

Polyethylene glycol is the fluid that carries the nicotine and flavor in many vape systems. 

What are the side effects of polyethylene?

There are several known side effects of polyethylene in humans. One of these is it may cause slight skin irritation. When inhaled, it caused proximal scleroderma, Raynaud phenomenon, joint involvement, pulmonary manifestation, and esophageal involvement in some people. Moreover, it may cause asthma.

SM-102 (Proprietary to Moderna)

           Tromethamine: Indications, Side Effects, Warnings - …
Dec 29, 2020 · Shortness of breath, a big weight gain, or swelling in the arms or legs. Fever. This medicine may cause tissue damage if the drug leaks from the vein
Thomethamine hydrocholoride
Acetic acid
Sodium Acetate Common side effects of sodium acetate include:

sodium overload
excessive hydration
dilution of other serum electrolyte concentrations
fluid in the lungs, or
low levels of blood potassium ( hypokalemia)



I am sure you are allergic to something in there
Thanks for the information. That is helpful. 

it would be a whole different story if the vaccine actually worked. But it doesn’t. At best you get less severe symptoms that’s the only benefit.  

I personally know multiple people that are vaccinated and still caught it. 

I know a person who died 5 days after his shot. 

Thanks for the information. That is helpful. 

it would be a whole different story if the vaccine actually worked. But it doesn’t. At best you get less severe symptoms that’s the only benefit.  

I personally know multiple people that are vaccinated and still caught it. 

I know a person who died 5 days after his shot. 
Because it truly isn't a vaccine, it is just a flu shot for the most part.  Vaccines remove the chance to ever get the disease or virus again (99% chance of not).  Flu shots do not eliminate the chance and because viruses constantly change..... you still have a chance of getting the flu even though you have had the flu shot.  

FYI, most of the symptoms people get after the Covid shot are the same as the Flu shot.......I know people that have been mandated for the flu shot as well.

This country has many sheep. 

continue to do what ever your master says. See where that leaves your children and grandchildren.  

look what’s happening to Australia. That will be America very soon if we don’t grow a spine soon!
hmmm... I don't know if I would be slamming people who chose to get the shot when you were complaining that you were being ridiculed... just sayin... 

This country has many sheep. 

continue to do what ever your master says. See where that leaves your children and grandchildren.  

look what’s happening to Australia. That will be America very soon if we don’t grow a spine soon!
We are already well on our way there. The discussion on this thread is only one example of many.

DOJ labeling certain groups as domestic terrorist based on their political beliefs/affiliation. The recent declaration by the DOJ on school board meetings is one example.

BLM and Antifa are considered righteous groups that are exercising their first amendment rights while burning down buildings and destroying public property with NO repercussions while conservative protest are far right domestic terrorist. 

Proposals to allow the government to monitor our bank accounts.

Critical Race Theory being forced on the public through the schools and in the workplace, even the military. And the only result is harming the very people they claim to be helping and causing racial division.

Leftist Governors tyrannical lockdowns of their citizens in the name of public health.

If you oppose any of the lefts initiatives you are labeled a racist or any of the other "ist" they can think of. Hell, if you state that a man can't get pregnant you are attacked as being homophobic and several of the "ist" words.

There are many more examples, far too many to list. Step back and take a holistic view of what is happening. I am very concerned for my children and grandchildren about the direction this country is going. Even Europe is criticizing the US for it's woke policies that are bleeding over into their countries. 

I am reading American Marxist right now, I just finished chapter 2. So far it is very interesting and disconcerting the direction the left is taking us. Just from reading the first two chapters I would recommend this book. It may open some eyes on where we are headed if we don't fight back.

Sorry if I took this way off the subject, but this is one of the many things that is tearing our country up. And it will only get worse before it gets better unless we wake up.

hmmm... I don't know if I would be slamming people who chose to get the shot when you were complaining that you were being ridiculed... just sayin... 
My philosophy is do what you want, but don't force me to live by your choice. 

Great lines from a great movie: 


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