Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

Not gong to lie. As someone that chose to get vaxxed, I'm kinda looking forward to half empty planes, concerts, etc... 
LOL a self proclaimed “true conservative” looking forward to more government mandates and stripping of people’s basic rights. 

I too have strong beliefs. It’s all in the way you want to interpret it. I believe in God and his all knowing plan. I believe everything that happens in this world, good or bad, is all part of his plan. If I die do to the vaccine, it is his plan. Where I draw the line will be if I have to take the mark of the beast to continue living. Other than that, I will continue moving forward. That’s how I interpret it and understand that others see it differently. Either way, I do agree our jobs forcing a mandate is crap.

Sorry I didn’t mean to offend. After reading what I wrote it didn’t come out right. What I meant was I don’t understand how people can be forced out especially for how long they have been there. I hope this clarifies.
Not offended at all, just a reply 😉 I get people that think they need it and I get people like me who are against it. I don't get those who have had it thinking they are gonna change my mind about it :lol:  

I wonder how SCOTUS would rule for those that had Covid and have natural immunity that the science says offers more protection than the jab? I'm assuming there are a crap ton of unvaxed that have natural immunity.

I understand that the main issue would be does a business have the right to mandate whatever they want as long as it doesn't violate the law. If so, then would natural immunity carry no weight?

Just curious. Unfortunately, common sense probably does not apply in this matter.
If you can show the data perhaps they may have a different opinion, but it will likely not change their previous opinion that mandates are legal.  The states have a broad power when it comes to health and safety.  This is why vaccine mandates have been upheld by the Supreme Court.   I think the fact the mandates seem to all have exemptions for religious or medical reasons will keep them upheld by the court. 

The key to the mandates are they are state or employer driven.  If the Feds imposed beyond the federal employees, then I think it would be overturned as overstepping the states powers under the constitution.

Our country has been down the vaccine mandate road before.  

I applaud the people that are willing to walk away from being financially secure to being on unemployment. You are better than me, I am not that person.  I have values, but not to the point of downsizing everything in my life (and my families) to the bare minimum for the sake of taking a glorified flu shot.  

FYI, I am against mandates, it isn't the way to raise kids or get the public to adhere to your wishes.  But if my career/job said I needed it, I would get it.

People need to unite and walk off their jobs / pull kids from public school... don’t support any business / venue requiring proof of vaccination.  CRASH THE SYSTEM.

unless you’re the type of cocksucker that supports these mandates.
This is the only thing that will work. When enough people are pushed to the limits / Only then can a tyranical government be defeated.  Until then, the people get pushed around!


If you can show the data perhaps they may have a different opinion, but it will likely not change their previous opinion that mandates are legal.  The states have a broad power when it comes to health and safety.  This is why vaccine mandates have been upheld by the Supreme Court.   I think the fact the mandates seem to all have exemptions for religious or medical reasons will keep them upheld by the court. 

The key to the mandates are they are state or employer driven.  If the Feds imposed beyond the federal employees, then I think it would be overturned as overstepping the states powers under the constitution.

Our country has been down the vaccine mandate road before.  
The Fed did impose beyond Fed employees by stating any company over 100 need to comply or face penalties... that's what's driving this

I applaud the people that are willing to walk away from being financially secure to being on unemployment. You are better than me, I am not that person.  I have values, but not to the point of downsizing everything in my life (and my families) to the bare minimum for the sake of taking a glorified flu shot.  

FYI, I am against mandates, it isn't the way to raise kids or get the public to adhere to your wishes.  But if my career/job said I needed it, I would get it.
This will be the tricky part. It is going to come down to how the company let you go.  Some are just saying you are suspended with out pay for failure to comply with company policies and therefore are ineligible for unemployment. 

Just like say your company had a random drug screening program  and you refused to go in for what ever reason. You would be in violation of company policy and suspended until you comply,  

This is the only thing that will work. When enough people are pushed to the limits / Only then can a tyranical government be defeated.  Until then, the people get pushed around!

I honestly don't think we've seen the tyranny yet, but it's coming

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I never get any vaccine. So I’m not just anti covid vaccine. I’m not being a hypocrite and picking and choosing. 

My body my choice sure went away real quick. 
So if you take vaccines with years of testing and proven safety but not some by definition, not an actual vaccine, that uses RNA technology, that has never been successful and killed every animal in trials, I'm a hypocrite.

Then there are other factors like, knowing they are lying about deaths from the vax and there are close to 50,000 vaccine deaths. Rumors that put that actual number at 150 000. Knowing people that have been killed or harmed from it. All for a viruse so deadly they have to lie about how many died from it and have lied about everything to do with COVID. Knowing it destroys your natural immunity. I could go one for over an hour on this topic but I'll stop here.

So because I make an informed intelligent decision, I'm a hypocrite. I will put this as nicely as possible, your conclusion is unsound and devoid of logic.

The Fed did impose beyond Fed employees by stating any company over 100 need to comply or face penalties... that's what's driving this
As far as I know OSHA has not written the rule.  Most of what we are currently seeing are mandates imposed by states, schools, or employers.  

LOL a self proclaimed “true conservative” looking forward to more government mandates and stripping of people’s basic rights. 
Today’s Republicans are yesterday’s Democrats. Yesterday’s Democrats are today’s Communist/Socialists. It’s us Libertarians that want less and smaller government, our freedoms left intact.

Some things are more important. We were raised to hold our beliefs paramount to money. I’ll lose it all before i give in to blatant tyranny. For me its not about the vaccine, its the force. Im not one of those that thinks the vaccine is poison. But it most definitely is not necessary and every study shows it is dangerous to children. 

Ask yourself whats next. Tyranny only grows if not checked. Look at how far we have come in the last year and a half
that was my thought also, at work. At first I was like ok i prob should get it, then they really started the propoganda and talking about it on every conf call, then the more they talked about it, the more i pushed back and kept pushing back. the more they told me, the more stubborn i got, its my choice, not yours to get it, had they left it alone i probably would have got it. 

My son gave in, he plays football locally at a d2 school and was dead set against it. got covid early on, was ok with it, then all the forced rules came down and his thought was I don't want to miss another season, i'll just get the damn shot. 

I won't lie, I tried to sign up at work as we had people coming in to give the shots. they filled up, no room for me. ok.

i go to cvs, no shots not enough people came in to open the bottle today. ok

then i thought hell maybe its a sign, never did get it. but did get covid eventually lol

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Per the Isreali study, if you get the Vax you are 7X more likely to get the Coof.

Per Veritas per Fizer scientists: your own immune system is more robust than the Coof vax. 

Per the .guv: Do as we say or else!
Can you post the links please? I'm in alignment with this already but they keep taking this stuff down
