Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

Let's look at this for one second from a outside the box view.

If they fire you for not providing proof you got the jab, are they now requiring proof from new employee's that they did get it?  Is there a form for that ? is there someplace like E-verify that will track all of this information?  

I can see someplace like United and Southwest letting a small % of employee's go to make it look like they went thru the records.

A smaller shop that has 150 people or so what are they going to do? Labor is not expendable it's the hardest resource to resource .  What if you are one of the partners or owners do they think you are going to close down or fire yourself?  I see a round of "going to kick your butt down the line if you don't do this" and then months of we are "not sure what we are going to do with you now".

Joe, Not sure how big your company is but they know you will not be an easy guy to replace and it will be even harder  for them if you take employee's and customers with you.

for J she needs to try going about the exemptions route. Tell them she is allergic to one of the ingredients in the vaccine. If they ask what, then bring up HIPPA.

That being said Nephew for a private school had to get 14 vaccines or boosters in order to enroll. No Religious or Medical exemptions allowed, either get the shots or you don't come to class   on day one.

Covid was not one of the mandatory jabs but it was one of the recommended ones.

I understand drawing a line in the sand. You are the only one to decide if this is a battle worth fighting. But own it, don't get a fake card. 

Us DoD civilian employees have until November 8th to have the second jab. 14 day unpaid suspension can start on the 9th to compel you to comply. Stricter disciplinary measures can be taken if you don’t become compliant.

Wonder where AFGE is in all of this??? Not really, they endorsed both Osama and Hitlery.

 I really don’t see DoD being able to back fill over 50% of their workforce. Especially those of us with Secret clearances, and in some cases over 40 years of Military experience.

She works Southwest and they are a "gov contractor" so they are mandating everyone. We're double effed because we're in SoCal
It's BS they are mandating for everyone, but they are exempt themselves from having to get it as my understanding???

I got the jab.. but it is a personal choice... I'm a Libertarian.. not a Dem.. not a Republican.. I believe in limited govt... etc.

Not sure I'd suggest using a fake card.. I'm not 'up to date ' on that deal.. 

Tough choices for sure.. ..  Government overreach.. think about  it.. I've NEVER gotten a flu shot.. my kids .. wife.. parents .. all have gotten the flu shot .. and the FLU!.. a bunch of times.. Me.. NEVER gotten it.. even when EVERYONE in the house gets it... WHY?... am I immune?... I grew up in Garden Grove.. so as I kid I was sick all the time.. bet I had a bunch of Asian crap that makes me immune to some of these things.. just my guess.. looks like I'm on the 'right side' of that choice.. plus it's like 35% effective.. eff that...

My son is the only hold out.. and you will have to DRAG HIM.. KICKING n' SCREAMING.. to get the COVID shot... 

I'll defend his rights.

Can I got back to 1990.. when I graduated from HS.. life was SOOO easy.. and I didn't even have a friggin' dollar to my name.. remember having more 'fun' then.. the older you get.. well .. you know.. that bitch with the sickle.. well she's coming.. been chasing my ass forever.. I've been shot at twice.. besides  'other' near death experiences.. I've lost count.. 



PS. Always been a more Black Sabboth.. Led Zeppelin, .. Metallica fan than G n R.. but that was the times.. just brings back memories of smoking crack.. and what not..  

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How does this all end? Half of us are expecting people to go to jail and Nuremberg trials to start, and half of us don't see the slightest problem and (some) want you to die.

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How does this all end? Half of us are expecting people to go to jail and Nuremberg trials to start, and half of us don't see the slightest problem and (some) want you to die.
Life just goes on.....players come and go ......but the sick GIANT machine just keeps on churning and burning. Our lives DO NOT MATTER (only to a few around us) People with money dominate everything across the board evading taxes with their wealth going UP .... UP......UP  and the little guy gets effed over and over again. That is what its all about ...MONEY and POWER!

Its all :bs:  Vacinated...unvacinated .....does not matter.......People that have money will come out AWESOME while the normal working guy gets run over in the name of safety and government concern.............

If I had to predict an outcome, Id say NOTHING CHANGES in the big picture.  Only thing that will happen is the rich will get WAY RICHER and normal folks will drop big time in motivation and lifestyle.

Brace yourself......The ride is gonna get bumpy!


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I'm interested in setting up a consultation about the vax being forced on us at work. My wife's been with her co 18 years and I've been with mine 27. It's a tough decision to toss it all away but it appears that's what coming if we can't get this crap resolved
I feel for you. You are honorable to do whats right in your mind. My whole family is losing thier jobs. 

Neice’s husband 10 year career coast guard

brother  berkshire hathaway

brother 30 year career airline pilot (15 years capt American airlines losing  250k$+ year job)

brother in law hazmat company mesa az

brother in law already lost job military contractor

sister chemist/biologist 26 years pharma industry

Neice cpa san diego area utility company

my wife 14 years usps (if mandated)

we stand with you

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 My whole family is losing thier jobs. 

Neice’s husband 10 year career coast guard

brother  berkshire hathaway

brother 30 year career airline pilot (15 years capt American airlines losing  250k$+ year job)

brother in law hazmat company mesa az

brother in law already lost job military contractor

sister chemist/biologist 26 years pharma industry

Neice cpa san diego area utility company

my wife 14 years usps (if mandated)
WOW !!!! I am glad I ended up getting the shot soo I dont have to go thru this crap. I think it is CRIMINAL for our leaders to put people in this situation. The Government is way over the line on this mandate and it will come out in all the law suits that get filed. In the meantime LOTS of good healthy people will go thru Hell trying to fight for their rights!

I truely hope your family gets restitution and I agree with your right to choose. 

This covid has hit us hard. We lost an INCREDIBLE friend.....almost lost another buddy and my mother in law. All were un vaccinated.

I honestly don't know what is the right way to go.......I wasnt gonna get it and after I did get it.....I was very scared.....thats worn off since then and now Im just trying to stay healthy and in shape..........

This whole situation SUCKS!

And you would think HIPPAA would be the precedence against this type of intrusion into personal medical information.
You would think but the Governor threw that out the window with the stroke of a pen.  Not a week after my mom trsted positive for the Rona a "local" govt office called my house asking all kinds of personal questions.  After 10 minutes of him not answering questions he said something to the affect of "it does not apply any more,, this is for the good of the community "......  

I told him he would not be getting any questions answered so he hung up. 

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You would think but the Gov threw that out the window with the stroke of a pen.  Not a week after my mom got the jab a "local" govt office called my house asking all kinds of personal questions.  After 10 minutes of him not answering questions he said something to the affect of "it does not apply any more,, this is for the good of the community "......  

I told him he would not be getting any questions answered so he hung up. 
Texas Banned the mandate. Glad I moved here!

Us DoD civilian employees have until November 8th to have the second jab. 14 day unpaid suspension can start on the 9th to compel you to comply. Stricter disciplinary measures can be taken if you don’t become compliant.
Got word that it was Nov 22nd but the Navy implementation policy hasn't been put out yet and will address medical and religious exemptions

People this is all a distraction from what they are really doing.... if the 3.5 T bill as we know it will be done... 50 MILLION unlawful residents will be granted amnesty and full voting rights...texas, Idaho, Montana..... Won't matter.....nowhere to hide.....Dems play long ball.....and they are going to win....

People this is all a distraction from what they are really doing.... if the 3.5 T bill as we know it will be done... 50 MILLION unlawful residents will be granted amnesty and full voting rights...texas, Idaho, Montana..... Won't matter.....nowhere to hide.....Dems play long ball.....and they are going to win....
Not Texas and not by a long shot.

WOW !!!! I am glad I ended up getting the shot soo I dont have to go thru this crap.

This whole situation SUCKS!
Maybe for right now but soon you will need a "booster" and every 6 months. If you think this is a one and done your lying to yourself. Just look at Isreal, the most vaccinated country on the planet and now they are not fully vaxed unless they get the 3rd jab. It looks like this will become a every 6 month thing.

This is not going to end with compliance. 

I understand drawing a line in the sand. You are the only one to decide if this is a battle worth fighting. But own it, don't get a fake card. 
Being able to decide what goes into our body is a battle to fight for. To bad so many others that are willing to get the shot don’t stick up for our choices only reticule us. 

Im throwing away my retirement and my career so I am able to look my kids in the eye and tell them to stand up for what they believe in. 

Tried to say hi to you at chevron when you were putting propane in your motorhome but guess you didn’t hear me. 

I moved to Texas and I have to say, if you don't read about this stuff on the internet or watch propaganda TV, you would never know the VID is still a thing. We haven't played pandemic for months and I don't think many would be willing to start playing again. It's amazing when you get out of a crap hole blue state how much better your quality of life is. 

I moved to Texas and I have to say, if you don't read about this stuff on the internet or watch propaganda TV, you would never know the VID is still a thing. We haven't played pandemic for months and I don't think many would be willing to start playing again. It's amazing when you get out of a crap hole blue state how much better your quality of life is. 
