Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

I wish you folks would quit teasing and start PMing! I too would like to go to some games and concerts, and take some flights. Just not taking the jab to do it.
Cards are not hard to get, I just chose not to go that route. 

I can't sell out my beliefs for a pay check, I've been in my field 27 years and there's only 1 person on this continent that has more experience than I do, possibly 3 or 4 people in the world. My wife works as a CSR for SW and sad to say, she could be replaced and they could train someone but her experience still stands as well.
Not sure of the size of your company but I would talk to the highest person who knows your name, not who you know but knows you.  Tell them your stance explain to them you have no issue asking for and receiving the religious exemption. Then at that point they have two choices.

1.) create a form for religious exemption and have you sign it


2.) take the chance that you leave and start up your own smaller company taking employees and customers with you.

You can also hire J to answer the phones for you. You will have to get out of California ASAP though your going to need the California cash out to start the new shop.  

Being able to decide what goes into our body is a battle to fight for. To bad so many others that are willing to get the shot don’t stick up for our choices only reticule us. 

Im throwing away my retirement and my career so I am able to look my kids in the eye and tell them to stand up for what they believe in. 

Tried to say hi to you at chevron when you were putting propane in your motorhome but guess you didn’t hear me. 
Sorry I missed you, I was a bit distracted that day. 

I don't ridicule you. I chose to get the shot as soon as it was available to me. My wife did the same. That was my personal choice. You have your personal choice, and I would fight and die to protect your right to choose one of the most basic of human rights, what to do with your own body. You can say that I am firmly in the Pro Choice camp.

Sorry I missed you, I was a bit distracted that day. 

I don't ridicule you. I chose to get the shot as soon as it was available to me. My wife did the same. That was my personal choice. You have your personal choice, and I would fight and die to protect your right to choose one of the most basic of human rights, what to do with your own body. You can say that I am firmly in the Pro Choice camp.
Didn’t mean to sound like I was singling you out. But as a whole, the people who got the vaccine look down upon those who don’t and want us to loose everything. 

I was just starting to get ahead and college was going to be a possibility for my kids. Now it’s not because I don’t want to put something in my body I don’t want or need. 

I was going to be the generation that turned things around for my family. Now it’s all gone. 
Because 1 guy made a decision and it changed the lives of millions. 

I can't sell out my beliefs for a pay check, I've been in my field 27 years and there's only 1 person on this continent that has more experience than I do, possibly 3 or 4 people in the world. My wife works as a CSR for SW and sad to say, she could be replaced and they could train someone but her experience still stands as well.
problem with that is companies dont care about experience any more. if they have a body in the spot, they are covered. We see it in our company every day. We are hiring in people for positions that the majority of the company sit back and question wtf they are thinking. its just checking a box, instead of having the best person for the job. at least in large companies.

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Didn’t mean to sound like I was singling you out. But as a whole, the people who got the vaccine look down upon those who don’t and want us to loose everything. 

I was just starting to get ahead and college was going to be a possibility for my kids. Now it’s not because I don’t want to put something in my body I don’t want or need. 

I was going to be the generation that turned things around for my family. Now it’s all gone. 
Because 1 guy made a decision and it changed the lives of millions. 
i agree with you on the whole looking down on deal. 

I was just at a tenants house, called for a filter change on the hvac system. I get there and daughter shows up. she knows i had covid. asked me if i was going to get the shot now, since i've experienced it. I said NOPE, I'm not. She's all for it. She said why not, and i told her it was none of her business why, and if its my time, then its my time. She is actually a friend of my wifes from highschool, known each other for 35 years and she posts chit on FB about those that don't get shots.

Well hate to tell her, her fat a$$ should worry about diabetes and stroke, and take a walk instead of worrying about why I did or didn't get a shot.

Not gong to lie. As someone that chose to get vaxxed, I'm kinda looking forward to half empty planes, concerts, etc... 
This is bigger then that and if you can't see that, well I'm really sorry. I had family @ Auschwitz and to me, this is pushing the envelope and opening up that type of behavior from our Gov. This is America, not Nazi Germany. THIS IS NOT OK. What happened to the libs "my body my choice"? If the vaxxed are so protected, why are they so afraid of us who are not? 

I don’t understand this. I too didn’t want to get the shot. I waited til the last possible moment before I got mine. My company hasn’t forced us yet but they are pushing. What made me do it was the fact that two of my biggest accounts forced it. So either get the shot and continue with work as usual or not get it and lose out on a lot of work and money or worse yet my job in the future. Trying to find a good job these days is near impossible. 
Some things are more important. We were raised to hold our beliefs paramount to money. I’ll lose it all before i give in to blatant tyranny. For me its not about the vaccine, its the force. Im not one of those that thinks the vaccine is poison. But it most definitely is not necessary and every study shows it is dangerous to children. 

Ask yourself whats next. Tyranny only grows if not checked. Look at how far we have come in the last year and a half

I can't sell out my beliefs for a pay check, I've been in my field 27 years and there's only 1 person on this continent that has more experience than I do, possibly 3 or 4 people in the world. My wife works as a CSR for SW and sad to say, she could be replaced and they could train someone but her experience still stands as well.
Sorry I didn’t mean to offend. After reading what I wrote it didn’t come out right. What I meant was I don’t understand how people can be forced out especially for how long they have been there. I hope this clarifies.

Some things are more important. We were raised to hold our beliefs paramount to money. I’ll lose it all before i give in to blatant tyranny. For me its not about the vaccine, its the force. Im not one of those that thinks the vaccine is poison. But it most definitely is not necessary and every study shows it is dangerous to children. 

Ask yourself whats next. Tyranny only grows if not checked. Look at how far we have come in the last year and a half
My reply didn’t come out the way I intended. Check my last post. I do agree.

My reply didn’t come out the way I intended. Check my last post. I do agree.
I didnt take anything negative from your reply.

the left has gone to war. Look at what is on the table today. They killed free speech, 2nd ammendment is next. They are now trying to outlaw dissent at public forums, another 10 years and this forum is worthless all of this will be illegal. Glamis will be closed. Its over if people dont start saying NO

To start: I don't care if you're vaccinated or not. Just like I don't care if you slam heroin to make you feel better at night. It ain't my business. And I don't think it's your employer or governments business either. But for the love of god, people need to stop talking about it. It's become the new crossfit or being vegan. Someone must tell you they're either vaccinated or not in the first 45 seconds of every single conversation. We have to fill out a form every other week at work about it. I'm over it.
