Gun porn

Romanian Md.65 with Hungarian 'Tanker' mag.  Sling is an Afghan brinback. 


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Wish i got about 100 of these when big 5 was selling them for 80$/each
No Chit, sold one I bought at a gun show in the 90 for $100 cash and carry in the box with all the accessory.

Sold just the rifle last year for $750

Yep.  That dark wood was actually 1 of a pair 15 years ago.  My buddy and I split the $300 cost for both.

Paid a bit more this time around.

BUT, as described:  hindsight on guns NOT purchased is always regret.  So I jumped on some.

"Tomorrow is always too late"


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Some wheelers

.44 redhawk and .44 super redhawk

.357 model 27

.22 ti airweight

.38+p undercover lite

.22 single 6


My new magazine fed 12 Ga by Genesis Arms.  This is with a 15 round magazine installed.  I now have a 22 round mag for it so I could do the old Pedo Joe Biden deal and fire 2 quick blasts off the back porch and still have 20 more where those came from.

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My new Glock 29 in 10mm. Have 10, 15, and 25 round magazines for it.

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Bad ass I have a g20 as my outdoors camp gun. I also reload so making full power rounds is no problem and cheaper than buying the underwood.

imo only way to take full advantage of the 10mm is buy the ammo you did or reload otherwise it’s just a powerful 40. But definitely a great round I still prefer my 9mm for ccw and my 1911 for target. 

Just got this MP Express Match .45.

Kinda of a long story as I could of had it years ago from the original owner. He was a retired La Verne pd and this was his retirement gun he had it custom made hence the unique S/N. I am thinking some pimp grips on it are due, never a fan of dated Pacs.



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went out to Phoenix a couple weekends ago and picked up a P365X Macro for tte Mrs and P322 for Jr. Loving these! Picked up a P320AXG Combat for myself just after Christmas too
