Gun porn

Oh! That’s the place where the next mass casualty shooting will occur. Saw those all over Chicago a few years back, they’re up to 1541 shot so far this year….
That's impossible! There is NO way that could be true! There are gun laws in Chicago and we all know criminals obey the law! :lol:  

I like pointy things too

my favorite is the Randall (third from left). But its too pretty to use. This one was made during vietnam. They were very common in the field. This one is mint in every aspect. The buck is a stout knife (2nd from left) Weighs many lbs. t ka-bar (far left) and camillus (far right). Top is a korean war era m1 garand bayonet.

i love history and have something militaria from every American conflict.


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I'm jealous, some nice arms here.  I just picked this up earlier this year, Keltec Sub2000 9mm PCC.  Quickly folds in half.


Along with a Savage 22LR bolt action (from my grandfather), and the ultimate cheap Saturday Night Special: a Jennings (Bryco Arms) 22LR semiauto pistol:


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I like pointy things too

my favorite is the Randall (third from left). But its too pretty to use. This one was made during vietnam. They were very common in the field. This one is mint in every aspect. The buck is a stout knife (2nd from left) Weighs many lbs. t ka-bar (far left) and camillus (far right). Top is a korean war era m1 garand bayonet.

i love history and have something militaria from every American conflict.

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Im a sukka for a KA-BAR lol

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I wonder what it's like shooting a shotgun with it ejecting so close to your face.  

@Bansh88, does that have 2 magazines below the barrel? 

I wonder what it's like shooting a shotgun with it ejecting so close to your face.  

@Bansh88, does that have 2 magazines below the barrel? 
Ejects under the action at the rear.  Straight down.  Shot my buddy's last year and didn't think twice about it.

2 mags tubes under barrel

Ejects under the action at the rear.  Straight down.  Shot my buddy's last year and didn't think twice about it.

2 mags tubes under barrel
Super cool. 

Sorry I was talking about 2 different things in the same post...  When I said "ejects by your face" I mean this one.  I went to their site & they have a left & a right and it accepts a great big drum for non stop fun.  LOL. 

Sweet New blade from local knife maker @dkb_ltd (doktor blades ltd) on instagram.

highly recommend, they have some great knives at good prices



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Another blade by local manufacturer anza knives

this is my preferred skinner/hunter. Made from a file

