Gun porn

Got creative and repurposed an old Harbor Freight remote winch box I had sitting around the shop.



20220921_155353.jpgOld foam was thrown away.

20220921_155356.jpgThe piece left was too shallow.


20220921_154302.jpgI used some old fuel cell foam.  Settle down, this never had fuel in it.  ATL Fuel Cell uses scrap pieces of foam as packing material when they ship new fuel cells.  Me being me, I kept it for no particular reason.




Looked at a few videos and guys are using rattle can bed liner to spray the foam to give it a more 'finished' look and make it a little more rigid.  Haven't done that yet.  If anyone wants one of these cases I have 5 more.

Built the wife a custom SP01 by wickedarms with some other goodies 

•CZ SP-01 SA/ DA 9mm 

•Banshee Slide Cut

•Precision Milled for Holosun

•Slide Refinished in Graphite Black

•CGW Pro Trigger Package

•CGW Race Hammer

•CGW 10X Barrel Bushing

•CGW Old Style Trigger

•CGW Extended Firing Pin

•CGW Reach Reduction Kit

-CZ customs stainless barrel hand fit


Lil baby EDC. Got tired of my Ruger LC9. as is for $700 ain’t bad plus the mags and xtra goodies. Lil ported barrel too. Pew pew


from what I understand, the 10MM is a new slide as well. I think it's shared with the .40 slide... lost of thoughts here :lol:  
I got to fondle them in Montana......they are really nice feeling in the hand.  Some day.

I think only  the single shot 9mm are on the roster......
no sir, that was a custom... the M18 is now on the roster as well as the P365. The only difference is that they have mag disconnectors so the trigger is immobile when the mag is removed. Pretty effin lame and honestly serves no purpose
