Gun porn

Put a back up/ training rife together. I need to swap rings to my taller set.

-Zues terminus action with QC barrel setup
-6.5cm prefit Benchmark Heavy Palma barrel for training
- Triggertech diamond trigger
- MPA BA comp chassis with internal weight kit
-Vortex Razor gen 2 EBR-7c 4.5x2720211106_172058.jpg


What is your favorite gun?

this is mine. I’ve had this since i was a kid. I used to shoot pistol tournaments as a little squirt with it. Its got a ton of work done to it and is a smooth operator. I’ve got two para’s that i’ve had some work done to as well and have alot of slam fire issues with both. This one is solid




Rhodesian mags came in!   Been a while since I've been gun related excited.

Now to research original country of origin for each.  At least one is South African.  Unfortunately that one appears to have remnants of dog chit Zimbawean brown paint on it 



New rifle for NRL hunter competition 

-Terminus Zues action with QC system
-Benchsource 6.5cm heavy Palma barrel
-MPA hybrid chassis
-Leupold Mark 5, 5-25 with H59 reticle
-ARC rings
-Triggertech diamond trigger


The NRL hunter rifle in the wild at her first match 20220306_140639.jpg


After 25 years I decided to get another ar. This time built a pistol from stripped receiver. 
Anderson lower

psa 10.5 upper

sb ma4 brace. 
so far been a great shooter had fun with it other day. 



Nice! Armalite is in Phoenix and their stripped lowers are all of $85.00 I've bought 2 :lol:  
My a2 is an armalite axtually too its just not made in phx.But it is nice being able to get  a gun buying bug head down street come home with it.Thats what happened with the pistol build stopped by new shop on way back from work bought the lower.

My a2 is an armalite axtually too its just not made in phx.But it is nice being able to get  a gun buying bug head down street come home with it.Thats what happened with the pistol build stopped by new shop on way back from work bought the lower.
I'm looking for a lower with the old roll mark that came out of Illinois before they moved the manuf. part. Been looking for an older upper and lower because everything is marked differently now

I'm looking for a lower with the old roll mark that came out of Illinois before they moved the manuf. part. Been looking for an older upper and lower because everything is marked differently now
That’s where mines stamped. But it ain’t for sale. Genesco Illinois 
