Gun porn

M21 Marine Sniper rifle, given to me by the vets after a veterans ceremony.  YFZ was the man who put it together for me. Most beautiful and best shooting gun I’ve ever pulled the trigger on.  Solid. D9227496-1AC1-4092-B602-7E4223857B73.jpeg

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Picked these up last year.  Winchester 1300's.  


Looks like a fun target.  How far are the shots, and what makes it move?
The moving target was 350 yards and we moved back to 650 later. It moves on a trolley system with an electronic motor. 

The shots in the IG link were at 1778 yards 

Picked these up last year.  Winchester 1300's.  

View attachment 3710

It needs to keep the other one company..

Having gun twins is fun.  I have identical Walther PPS-M2 twins,  identical LCPs, and Fraternal Ruger P89s(one is a blued DA/SA, the other is a stainless DC.)

View attachment 3744
Oh i get it I have twin Gen 2 Glock 19 and twin sig p220's

I am just a sucker for old shottys.
