Gun porn

OK, I admit it.  I have had my fair share of government training and free ammo.  But I blame them for my current love of firearms.  I don't care, pull the trigger it goes bang, I am all in.

As a High Master Class NRA Competition shooter in both High power and High power Long Range, I get asked about what I shoot all the time.  I always reply: whatever is cheapest.   LOL

Seriously, It is like golf.  People spend thousands of dollars on new guns, golf clubs and the best ammo and gear each time something better is on the market.  The best advise I could give is spend the money on "TRAINING" and you will be happier shooting anything well, and less disappointed shooting the high dollar stuff poorly.

Colt 2012.jpg

More to love.jpg


New project.jpg

Looking for some off roster pistols if anyone is selling here in CA

Think it's really going to be that easy so quickly?
Well as of now its about a 18 month process. Will only get easier with new ruling. San diego is a “may issue” county. In the past two years the sheriff has actually started issuing  because crime has gotten so bad. 

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Kind of OT, but I was shopping at Nordstrom's Rack yesterday and big sign on front door saying 'no guns allowed'.  Never seen that before.

Kind of OT, but I was shopping at Nordstrom's Rack yesterday and big sign on front door saying 'no guns allowed'.  Never seen that before.
Oh! That’s the place where the next mass casualty shooting will occur. Saw those all over Chicago a few years back, they’re up to 1541 shot so far this year….
