For Next Sand Car - School Me

Based on your wants / needs I think a Funco should be your next car. They are the ultimate dune machine. The horsepower is easily controllable and you won't be in a constant wheelie everytime you hammer the throttle. There are not too many mfgs making cars with doors. Funco is the leader in that Dept as well. Would be worth the time to come down and join us after Pres weekend. Funco has their annual regatta and a good time to see all the different models. Their customer service is second to none too.

Is it the weight placement/weight balance or the longer wheelbase that makes them dune better?

Mids do not jump like rears. Just a fact of f to r weight. Nothing like the ease of a rear engine and a blep of the throttle to air it and have a smooth landing. Mids.. not 
I see many rear engine cars landing rear first and then slamming the front down. 
I’ve had several mid engine cars and they all seemed to land on all fours simultaneously. 

Probably more the driver than the car anyway. 

It's really just the rear tire profile and how nice the Funco can slide and when to hit the turn brake and of course a competent driver.
Sorry, but I completely disagree. 

First of all, Funcos don't just slide when you hit the turning brake.  In fact, I rarely touch mine unless I'm basically showing off/trying to scare a new passenger.  Second, it really, really, REALLY isn't just the tires. 

I had an SCU Pro Bro, which is a great handling car.  I put the exact Funco rear tire setup on it (purchased directly from Grant) and yes, it slid better, but not nearly as good as my Funco.  I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't owned both.  And my SCU was no slouch, it had a high-compression (race gas sometimes, E85 others) 427cui LS7 and I had done a lot of updates to it (including a rear sway bar which helped it slide as much, or more than the tire change).  I wish I could explain how or why Funcos do what they do, but I can't.  

So I guess it comes down to this: what are you trying to do?  In theory, in the right section of dunes a mid-engine should be "faster" through a section (though every EPO has disproved that).  In practice nothing dunes as fast as a Funco, and nobody is having more fun than the Funco owner.  If you're racing against the clock worry about dreaming up and building the thing that will "slot car" through the dunes, if you're just out there for recreation (like every single one of us are) if you can do it, buy a Funco... really it's that easy. 

FWIW on the wheelie topic, here's me goofing around...

This is in 3rd gear, this is *not* a clutch dump but obviously some big throttle blips.  As you can see it took a good bit to provoke the wheelie.  I shift into 4th mid-wheelie (right as the engine cage taps and the car does a little bunny-hop), feather the throttle a bit in 4th to keep it from dragging cage too much, then shift into 5th as I set it down.  This car weighs right on 2900lbs ( @L.R.S. has a pic of it on his scales) and is a 440cui LS7 with a 4L Whipple (and an Albins). 


No. But had the pleasure of duning with quite a few in the past. My DD was just fine in the day. As a matter of fact was better. 

Fast forward to the new $300k dumb money... Lol. Rut roe.
When you say your DD was better... lots of whoops/bad sand?  I won't argue that Funcos are great in the whoops or chitty sand.  Of all my cars my Potter PX2 (which, if we're being totally honest, was basically a copy of an AlumiCraft) was the most well-rounded.  It turn and slid well, but not great.  It jumped very well.  It could charge whoops hard and soak up the "big stuff."  It was honestly a really fun car, and just a great all-around car.  But as a pure duner, in decent or better conditions I prefer the Funco.  And you don't have to spend $300k on one, you can buy an older one and remodel like I did.  I think there's a reason why everyone that buys a Funco stays in a Funco... or at least comes back to them.  I may or may not sell mine soon, but it's not because I have my eye/heart on a "better" sand car.  


I feel that you sit very far forward in a Funco (which I like) so your body weight does act as ballast against wheelying IMO.  The seating position is more mclaren or C8 vette as opposed to something like a dodge viper where you feel the front bumper is in a different county.  I've had cars built/designed around my body (seating/steering/shifting, etc.) and my Funco gen4 felt instantly better to me.

I feel that you sit very far forward in a Funco (which I like) so your body weight does act as ballast against wheelying IMO.  The seating position is more mclaren or C8 vette as opposed to something like a dodge viper where you feel the front bumper is in a different county.  I've had cars built/designed around my body (seating/steering/shifting, etc.) and my Funco gen4 felt instantly better to me.
I agree.  I also like the visibility it affords.  On my car when I "remodeled" it, I kept the way set back roof (actually, more setback than it was before) and no windshield.  Also, for a 6' guy I like to sit far forward and "up on the wheel" NASCAR style.  Visibility is king.  I describe getting into this car like putting on your favorite pair of sunglasses: when you first put the sunglasses on you might notice the frames in your peripheral vision, but after a few seconds they disappear.  That's how the whole front of this car is.  And the setback means no craning down and around to try to see in long, uphill, right-hand bowls...

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@tjZ06  I absolutely agree.  I also feel that being farther forward helps me feel when the car starts to rotate.  I went from a Funco to a Monster Manx (it was a bucket list item I needed to check off) so I went from amazing visibility to poor visibility; but the MM does some other stuff that I like/needed (desert car).  Sorry if I'm OT.

Back on topic: didn't someone build an SU or SU knock-off (yellow with big single turbo LS) recently that was mid-engine?  Also does Tech3 still build mid-engine cars?  At SSSS 2019; I thought he or someone was displaying a small car (LS power) that looked like a tech3.

There's a video on youtube of a guy duning (idk if it is sand mtn. or St. Anthony's) in a blue tech3 (mid-engine, honda j35 power).  Even in the video I was shocked how well that thing turned and duned.......

I really want to find a reason to go to Funco. I love the way they look, the quality reputation, etc. But I don’t know if I’m buying the whole, “you have to make it wheelie argument” . Every video I see out there is like this one. Every time you see him hit the throttle the front end comes up:

Back on topic: didn't someone build an SU or SU knock-off (yellow with big single turbo LS) recently that was mid-engine?  Also does Tech3 still build mid-engine cars?  At SSSS 2019; I thought he or someone was displaying a small car (LS power) that looked like a tech3.
I remember this car and it was bad azz. if memory serves it was an off white and had a simple graphic that said TURBO on the side. I remember seeing it for sale awhile back. I seem to recall a short video of it ripping across a hill. I would love to hear some input from the owner of that car.

@ dockmaster - a lot of the funco's are running big HP. 1200+hp is tough to control.  At least with multi-stage boost controller it is easier to dial down....

23 hours ago, Dockmaster said:

I really want to find a reason to go to Funco. I love the way they look, the quality reputation, etc. But I don’t know if I’m buying the whole, “you have to make it wheelie argument” . Every video I see out there is like this one. Every time you see him hit the throttle the front end comes up:

Meh, I just own/dune one... what would I know. ;) 


There's something to be said about just plain vision through the front. My old DD had plenty. Never was a fan of windshields but I usually lead. I've seen some ridiculous roofs and windshields that look kinda cool but are very vision restrictive. But whatever. To each his own. The newer Funcos are awesome cars. No doubt about that 😉

What about Buckshot? Or S&S ? Very seldom hear these cars discussed here. What’s the good and bad? 

Never owned a buckshot, but S&S is a good builder. Not that active on social media so doesn't get the hype/attention he deserves IMO. Some of his cars are spectacular.

There is a really clean looking S&S on Race Dezert you might take a look it just might check the box’s. 

There is a really clean looking S&S on Race Dezert you might take a look it just might check the box’s. 
The white one with red interior? No, I would have to wrap that white and change the interior.  Can you imagine that car after a wet day in our dunes? Or after a romp down the salty beach sand? 

The S&S cars appear to be well built. I’m not sure about that rounded rear panel look they are consistent with though. Looks a little funky for my taste. 
