chEFFs Dream Home Build

The neighborhood across the street. Completely different neighborhood from ours. The guy cut a gate in his fence and had a bunch of work done in his back yard. And left all the trash in my front yard. Don't know if I should call the city or try and get their attention from the back gate. (Hey Willis). Clean your trash up. can't cut your back fence and have access to another neighborhood. We are our own Zone in town. Stay in yours! Peace

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I would go throw it all over in his yard OR Call the city.....Don't do nothing / That would be worries..good job, we are glad to look at your trash


. Had to rope off the new grass area. People have No Respect. Saw these tire tracks thru the grass
I hate this! Just seems if you have the room then you left it for their uses. I deal with this a lot, just no grass though.

What the hell....You leave town and the neighbors start this shit?

The neighborhood across the street. Completely different neighborhood from ours. The guy cut a gate in his fence and had a bunch of work done in his back yard. And left all the trash in my front yard. Don't know if I should call the city or try and get their attention from the back gate. (Hey Willis). Clean your trash up. can't cut your back fence and have access to another neighborhood. We are our own Zone in town. Stay in yours! Peace

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I would have a conversation with the guy first.  He might not know that it was left like that.  As far as the gate goes I would see how much it gets used and for what. Then make your move. A handful of 3" screws from your side closing the gate permanently would get the point across if it becomes a thing.  

I would have a conversation with the guy first.  He might not know that it was left like that.  As far as the gate goes I would see how much it gets used and for what. Then make your move. A handful of 3" screws from your side closing the gate permanently would get the point across if it becomes a thing.  

I can see directly into their living room from my garage. I think they are "OLD" folks. But they have kids over once in a while. I need to wave my arms and get their attention. Maybe they'll come out and hear me. I'll have the city inspector over soon. He'll get the first look and questions from me. Throw your trash over the fence. Let the other neighborhood deal with it. Out of sight out of mind right? Peace

I would have a conversation with the guy first.  He might not know that it was left like that.  As far as the gate goes I would see how much it gets used and for what. Then make your move. A handful of 3" screws from your side closing the gate permanently would get the point across if it becomes a thing.  
i have  30 duplex gated community I take care of and we have this same issue. the fence on south has a gate that the people behind installed. so i locked it, she called me and said hey you can't lock my gate, i said sure i can, you have no right to be on our property. so then I screwed it shut with a 2x6 and a ton of screws lol. 

she said we installed this for a reason, and I told her it doesn't matter what her reason is, her property line stops at the fence, period. 

It’s trash clean up weekend here in Glamis. Sounds like you need to pick up that trash and put it back where it came from. 

I’ll get you a raffle ticket!

I can see directly into their living room from my garage. I think they are "OLD" folks. But they have kids over once in a while. I need to wave my arms and get their attention. Maybe they'll come out and hear me. I'll have the city inspector over soon. He'll get the first look and questions from me. Throw your trash over the fence. Let the other neighborhood deal with it. Out of sight out of mind right? Peace
If they are old folks they probably did have somebody do the work then and they probably did it from your side of the fence.  All the old folks did was look out the window see the new gate and think it was done. Never even thought the contractor or handyman didn't clean up his mess. 

If they are old folks they probably did have somebody do the work then and they probably did it from your side of the fence.  All the old folks did was look out the window see the new gate and think it was done. Never even thought the contractor or handyman didn't clean up his mess. 

I don't think they know either. Peace

We are extremely disappointed not being able to move into our home. This morning I read this. How did GOD know? Peace

One of the most difficult aspects of prayer is perseverance. Not only do our newly made commitments to be more consistent often fail; our willingness to continue petitioning the Lord also tends to wane with time when answers aren’t forthcoming. But God’s promise to answer His children’s prayers hasn’t proven false—even if we don’t see results as soon as we hoped. 

The Lord, who is sovereign over heaven and earth, works everything according to His purposes. With our limited human understanding, we don’t always know whether our petitions fit God’s plan or timetable. But whether He grants our requests or not, we can be certain that His way and timing are always best and for our good. 

It’s in the wait that the Lord accomplishes spiritual work in our life—training us to trust Him in the delays, rest in His wisdom to decide what’s best, and persevere in prayer as He commands. To demand immediate answers to our requests would be to act like spiritual toddlers. The ability to wait is a sign of maturity, and that’s what God desires for us. So keep praying, be patient, and persevere, because in the process, you’re becoming more like Christ.


We had a difficult night last night. We're losing patience. I typed in "Scriptures Charles Stanley" this morning on the computer and THAT^^^^ is what came up. I left that on the screen for the wife to read when she woke up. We're better now. Thanks. Peace 

What is holding you back from getting final sign off?

I've been following this thread from the beginning and greatly appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Its an awesome house and you have done amazing. You are almost there.

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What is holding you back from getting final sign off?

The back yard has dirt off the patio area. Chief Inspector says I need drainage / SOD / Mulch or some sort of ground cover. I told him that's where the POOL goes. "You have a pool permit?" Not yet, trying to contract with a company right now. He said, "You get a pool permit and I'll look over that area. Met the guy today we're going to hire. Paul Miller Custom Pools. He's been in business 40 years. Wife really liked the man. Guy said it takes 6-8 weeks to get the permit. Looked at the wife and she said........I'll handle that part. It's not what you know it's who you know. Let's hope the signed contract and the wife will push us right to the front. We have yet to use her power with the City. Looks like it's time! Peace 

The back yard has dirt off the patio area. Chief Inspector says I need drainage / SOD / Mulch or some sort of ground cover. I told him that's where the POOL goes. "You have a pool permit?" Not yet, trying to contract with a company right now. He said, "You get a pool permit and I'll look over that area. Met the guy today we're going to hire. Paul Miller Custom Pools. He's been in business 40 years. Wife really liked the man. Guy said it takes 6-8 weeks to get the permit. Looked at the wife and she said........I'll handle that part. It's not what you know it's who you know. Let's hope the signed contract and the wife will push us right to the front. We have yet to use her power with the City. Looks like it's time! Peace 
I've got $100 on her getting it signed off. Simple formality.  

I've got $100 on her getting it signed off. Simple formality.  
That's a good bet. Her 40 years dedication to this community. They should allow her to move into her Dream Home. Plus.....can you imagine to property taxes this house will bring? Peace

I had serious issues getting a permit from a county a few years back. After several months of runaround  I was at my whits end, I purposely went into the permit office at 4:45 pm on a Friday. I laid my checkbook on the counter and told the clerk I wasn’t going to leave until she told me how much to make the check for and get my permit. She said she didn’t think she could that. I told her to prepare for a long weekend at the office then. She went back to talk to someone and I overheard heard say “ I think this is guy is seriously not going to leave”. 10 minutes later I handed her the check and walked out with my permit. 

The back yard has dirt off the patio area. Chief Inspector says I need drainage / SOD / Mulch or some sort of ground cover. I told him that's where the POOL goes. "You have a pool permit?" Not yet, trying to contract with a company right now. He said, "You get a pool permit and I'll look over that area. Met the guy today we're going to hire. Paul Miller Custom Pools. He's been in business 40 years. Wife really liked the man. Guy said it takes 6-8 weeks to get the permit. Looked at the wife and she said........I'll handle that part. It's not what you know it's who you know. Let's hope the signed contract and the wife will push us right to the front. We have yet to use her power with the City. Looks like it's time! Peace 
If anyone can make it happen, she can. I’ve seen her power!
