chEFFs Dream Home Build

My buddy is a pool contractor, he is amazing..............but he says the only reason he is doing good is because everyone else sucks.  He charges more than anyone else and the biz won't slow down...........Sorry he is in Cali

Amazing you say that.....Split tons of fire wood today. Drank quite a few beers. Fixed the  steps on the Moho. Well, actually, zip tied them up. Got to order a new motor. They wouldn't retract last trip. Good thing the barn has all my wood and log splitter under roof. So, productive day at the Dream Home. Peace
Take that apart and check it out / sometimes they just need service. Mine did the same thing.....bent steps back to perfect straight / freed up the kink , greased the pivot points and it worked like a charm....took about 30 minutes and it was back in action

I'm learning there are a lot of Sucked Pool Companies! It's just a Hole! Peace
I was framing a house for a cement contractor and he told me they want too much money to do his pool, and it was a huge pool in doors. I watch how they poured the pool by hand, I never knew it was possible but they did a great job. It even had a window in the bottom of one end that was in his office on the bottom floor. DON~~~

I was framing a house for a cement contractor and he told me they want too much money to do his pool, and it was a huge pool in doors. I watch how they poured the pool by hand, I never knew it was possible but they did a great job. It even had a window in the bottom of one end that was in his office on the bottom floor. DON~~~

That's creativity. Peace

Take that apart and check it out / sometimes they just need service. Mine did the same thing.....bent steps back to perfect straight / freed up the kink , greased the pivot points and it worked like a charm....took about 30 minutes and it was back in action

Steps are perfect. Goes up and down smooth. Gotta be the motor. I replaced the motor in 2013. 10 years is all i'm getting out them. New in 2001. Replaced in 2013. Now 2022. Go figure. Peace 

Looks great, I like the American flag. DON~~~

My next door neighbor Steve is a Veteran who was injured at War. He goes thru hell daily with back problems. While in his Tank they ran over a bomb. Luckily he survived. Not everyone did. He's a Cool dude! We're going to be great neighbors. As long as he stays on his Meds! HA. I've seen him pissed off at some Mexicans working at our house. Kelly text me that day......"sorry, I forgot to give him his morning Meds." They're great people. Known them for years. We're excited to be neighbors soon. Peace 

After 3 weeks off for the Holidays (Dunes) we're back and better than before. We are now calling our Drem Home a Storage facility. Another story for another day. Anyway........Going to meet the Pool builder wednesday at 1:00. My gut tells me I'm going to hire this company. I've seen his work. I like his demeanor and he's been building pools for 35 years. Simple man. Hope all works out. Peace

Got back from Mother G and our driveway invites Douce Bags a turnaround. Our deadend road has signs that read "NO TURNAROUND". Had to rope off the new grass area. People have No Respect. Saw these tire tracks thru the grass. Damn! Peace




The neighborhood across the street. Completely different neighborhood from ours. The guy cut a gate in his fence and had a bunch of work done in his back yard. And left all the trash in my front yard. Don't know if I should call the city or try and get their attention from the back gate. (Hey Willis). Clean your trash up. can't cut your back fence and have access to another neighborhood. We are our own Zone in town. Stay in yours! Peace


Installed a Clean Out for drainage to the pond. Learning Underground is good stuff to know. Drainage is extremely important. Have you heard me say that before? Peace



Tornadoes do serious damage. They're For Real. My buddy Vic Ware's Car Wash got drilled. Peace



I was on my way home from the office right after the tornado hit Grapevine. God is incredible. Had to stop and take this picture. It's a complete rainbow over the city. WOW! Hope you can see that. Peace


