chEFFs Dream Home Build

Inspection completed this morning! Looks like we'll get to move in Tuesday. YEEHAA! We've already completed 4&5 of the five (5) items today. Simple fixes. The wife done good. Her power in this community paid off!!! Items 6&7 will be completed once the pool is finished. Don't care how long it takes to get the building Final. We're moving in! 

Inhale / Exhale! Peace

The following items are required for building final approval to be issued for the project referenced in the subject of this email:

  1. Install thermal expansion tanks at the water heaters in the garage alcove.
  2. Install a drip leg at the service entrance for the propane piping system and at the connection to the outdoor grill.
  3. Install vacuum breakers on all exterior hose bibs.
  4. Cut down the exterior sanitary sewer cleanout risers to below finished floor level.
  5. Provide GFCI protection at the receptacle in the pantry.
  6. Permanently stabilize all disturbed areas on the site. 
  7. Retaining walls exceeding 48” in height will require a separate permit and engineered designs to be submitted.

Once items 1-5 have been completed reschedule final inspection and occupancy of the residence will be allowed upon approval.  Building final approval will not be issued until all items have been addressed.

Awesome News for you guys Cheffro!


that is GREAT news.  thats the way to start the weekend!!!!

Inspection completed this morning! Looks like we'll get to move in Tuesday. YEEHAA! We've already completed 4&5 of the five (5) items today. Simple fixes. The wife done good. Her power in this community paid off!!! Items 6&7 will be completed once the pool is finished. Don't care how long it takes to get the building Final. We're moving in! 

Inhale / Exhale! Peace

The following items are required for building final approval to be issued for the project referenced in the subject of this email:

  1. Install thermal expansion tanks at the water heaters in the garage alcove.
  2. Install a drip leg at the service entrance for the propane piping system and at the connection to the outdoor grill.
  3. Install vacuum breakers on all exterior hose bibs.
  4. Cut down the exterior sanitary sewer cleanout risers to below finished floor level.
  5. Provide GFCI protection at the receptacle in the pantry.
  6. Permanently stabilize all disturbed areas on the site. 
  7. Retaining walls exceeding 48” in height will require a separate permit and engineered designs to be submitted.

Once items 1-5 have been completed reschedule final inspection and occupancy of the residence will be allowed upon approval.  Building final approval will not be issued until all items have been addressed.

apparently here in okla we are being required to do 1 also, i helped my buddy replace his tank and he said when he moved in they made the previous owner install a expansion tank. the vac breakers on the hose bibs is pretty dumb. I take care of about 50 duplexes on the side and I just pull them off when they go bad. I get what they are for, but really how often does it happen that it would back feed up the hose and into the water in the house.

those are really minor issues, glad you got it done and can move in. 

so I assume you live in a house now, have you had to postpone selling your current home because you can't move in? that would really suck lol

I could tell the emotions when we talked.. Great job bro.. Now get the furniture scheduled and start living your best life

have you had to postpone selling your current home because you can't move in? that would really suck lol

YEP! We could have sold last year which most likely would have brought more money. Peace

When all else fails.......Go to Glamis! See Y'ALL soon. Peace

apparently here in okla we are being required to do 1 also, i helped my buddy replace his tank and he said when he moved in they made the previous owner install a expansion tank. the vac breakers on the hose bibs is pretty dumb. I take care of about 50 duplexes on the side and I just pull them off when they go bad. I get what they are for, but really how often does it happen that it would back feed up the hose and into the water in the house.

those are really minor issues, glad you got it done and can move in. 

so I assume you live in a house now, have you had to postpone selling your current home because you can't move in? that would really suck lol
I replaced my water line from the meter to the house a few years ago and I had to put those stupid things on, after the inspection I took them off. DON~~~

Not sure if #7 is something you have , but I would be a little worried about getting that one passed off when the time comes. 

More permits & engineered drawings spells out inspections that you may or may not of had resulting in exposing footers.

Yeah that one would wake me up at 3am. 

Not sure if #7 is something you have , but I would be a little worried about getting that one passed off when the time comes. 

More permits & engineered drawings spells out inspections that you may or may not of had resulting in exposing footers.

We're trying to keep the retaining walls to a minimum height. Below the 48". Move in, take our time with the design, coverage of the ground. Once we're in, we're in.....Call for a final someday. Peace

We're trying to keep the retaining walls to a minimum height. Below the 48". Move in, take our time with the design, coverage of the ground. Once we're in, we're in.....Call for a final someday. Peace
Insurance company will probably want a copy of the CofO in order to cover you. So the someday might be sooner than you think

Insurance company will probably want a copy of the CofO in order to cover you. So the someday might be sooner than you think

Damn!!! Didn't think of that! I was informed by the insurance company that I needed to show proof of living in the house. Peace

We're cleaning up the back yard. Just burned a tree in this pit. Had to cook overnight. Talk about deliciousness. Can't wait to indulge! PIT cooking is awesome. Peace



