chEFFs Dream Home Build

Yes. Any structure 6000 sq ft or larger it's required. We'll pass inspection then shut that valve off. During the big freeze last year the fire sprinklers froze and caused major damage to the houses. Not going to let that happen to this house. They're designed to put out fires. And water leaks cause the most damage. How often does your house catch on fire? Peace
2:1 at least on people I know that've had their houses damaged/totaled by sprinklers vs fire.

Waiting on Electricians. Builder says IT / stereo / speaker / TV / Security wires come after Electrical. Sensitive wires. He's had too many issues in the past. My IT guy is ready to roll. Damn Electricians. Slowing up the job. Peace
Usually can't run low and high voltage down the same spot without some sort of conduit or min separation anyway.

A/C Units have arrived. Our electrician is a very large company. Runs a hundred trucks. Massive track home builder. The exterior units apparently have arrived and that's where his trucks are. Thanks Brandon for unloading the product. It's a tough scheduling time of year. He's had them on our schedule since September. Maybe off one or two days. Get in line chEFF. I get it, the final check comes with A/C hook up. That's where i'd be too. Good excuse anyway. Not going to look elsewhere. Builder has been using this electrical company for 20 years. AND......We do their Doors!! Go figure. Small world. Peace

On your fire sprinklers in cold weather have them put antifreeze in the lines. I have a house in the mountains that I do that to. Its non toxic.

On your fire sprinklers in cold weather have them put antifreeze in the lines. I have a house in the mountains that I do that to. Its non toxic.

I'll mention it. They should know bout it. Peace

Just got the bid for the electrical. No wonder why it hasn't started. Might want to approve it first chEFF! Peace

Electrical $13k higher than what was guesstimated when we got the construction loan! Can't stop now! Peace

Electrical $13k higher than what was guesstimated when we got the construction loan! Can't stop now! Peace
I had a bid from Feb that went up 20% when they asked me to re-bid in June,  Went up another 8% when they asked for it again in October. So it went up almost 30% before they signed the proposal.

The thing killing me is the job that I got in Feb, I got to raise my prices for PVC, copper and pipe before I signed the contract. Then just as it actually started almost two months later PVC, Pipe and wire all went up 20%+ . I was going to make about 12% for the entire project, now I am hoping with the change orders I don't loose my ass.

I don't loose my ass.

It's too late for me. I better not lose my job. Curious to see where this $1.2 mil job ends up. This should be a great guessing game. What will the final number be? I'll let y'all know what isn't included in the loan like POOL! Peace

Only if he counts the beer he drinks while it is being built.
and my estimate was furniture and appliances forgot about booze, might need to bump up my guess

and my estimate was furniture and appliances forgot about booze, might need to bump up my guess

I forgot all about furniture too. My number might need to go up. I sure hope "NOT" $2.3. Did not have pool / Golfing Green / Pond landscaping in the original loan. Guesstimated $100k for landscaping in the loan. And beer? We've surpassed $2.5 already. Been walking this lot for years. Gotta create a vision ya know?! Peace 

Went and picked out counter tops / backsplash / flooring / shower walls etc...... yesterday. Talk about getting dizzy! The wife likes expensive stuff. She didn't even know the costs. Just walked right to the MOST EXPENSIVE stuff in the warehouse. I shouldn't have said you can get ANYTHING you want Honey. That'll hurt the wallet. How do I start a GO FUND chEFF page? Peace

I had the same problem on the last house. Damn architect shows my wife catalogs of faucets and fixtures. She picks out what looks nice. Builder asks, "are you sure you want these?". Wife says, "yeah, why not?". Builder orders them. I find out after it's too late that these things are $3k-$5K EACH! Wife tells me she didn't even think to ask what the prices were and had no idea you could get good quality ones that look just as nice for hundreds each instead of thousands each. 🤐🤑

Plumbing fixtures were vetoed! Had to back her down that expense. We're just turning on and off water. Now her Kitchen....thats a different story, the WOLF Stove/Gas Range is $15k. Her refrigerator THERMADOR is $14k. Wait until you see those bad boys. She's ordering a lighted glass back splash above her range. 42"x30". Sunset Picture of our tree in the backyard. Going to look RAD. Peace   

Electricians were GUARANTEED to arrive today. Nope....They guaranteed tomorrow. Amazing. Peace
