BBQ Smoking Thread

Axis deer roast. Cooked on my big green egg XL 250-265* until it reached 142* IT

pulled and let it rest. Great edge to edge color. Tender, juicy and tons of flavor. Wild game, hunted in Texas, butchered all myself. Do you know where your food comes from? Yes. 



First time doing a Brisket. 14 pounder. Smoked for 12-13 hrs at 200* started it at 8pm then wrapped it ~8-9am. That way I could sleep through the night. Cranked it up to 250* and finished it till IT temps hit 200*. Done at 2pm. Rested for 4 hrs. Ate by 6pm. Easy enough!




Nice work fellas. 

I gave my smokers the holiday off.  It's too damn hot to babysit my vertical wood fired unit, and I refuse to be so lazy as to use the Traeger on this glorious American weekend of sacrifice.  Pretending to do the hard stuff while it's on bluetooth doesn't feel right.  Maybe it's the new "American", but I gotta draw the line somewhere.

So, I'll just be lazy inside with the A/C turned low...while the contractors finish up my bathroom remodel.  LOL

Happy 4th!

i just put 3 pork shoulders on the pit this morning. also have ribs going on later this afternoon. not a bad way to spend a tuesday.. :lol:

For some reason, I cannot get my ribs to turn out correct on the smoker. I am using a masterbuilt 560 charcoal smoker. yesterday was my second set and while tender, they were not exactly fall off the bone. I pulled them at around 190 degrees. Was this too early? is 200 degree's the magic number? I cooked them for almost 5 hours (Unrwapped) at 225. Any tips on how to make better ribs?

For some reason, I cannot get my ribs to turn out correct on the smoker. I am using a masterbuilt 560 charcoal smoker. yesterday was my second set and while tender, they were not exactly fall off the bone. I pulled them at around 190 degrees. Was this too early? is 200 degree's the magic number? I cooked them for almost 5 hours (Unrwapped) at 225. Any tips on how to make better ribs?
i competed in KCBS comps for 5 yearsw, i learned at my first comp that fall off the bone is technically overdone.. you want em just before that stage. you should be able to cleanly bit thru and pull bone away without pulling all the meat off.

  i dont follow temps, i do it by feel. as the ribs cook you can feel them get more flexible as the meat relaxes during the cook. i use my temp probe to poke the meat to feel how done they are. if it slides thru easily they are done, if theres some resistance they need more time.  for timeline my cooks typically ribs are on smoke for 2-2 1/2 hours at 240* cook temp. then i wrap them with my sauce and some brown sugar in foil and put them back on for approx 45-1 hour. then i will unwrap them and then finish with some sauce for about 20-30 min. again these times all depend on how they feel to me. if they are closer to being done after initial smoke time i reduce the amount of time in wrap, or forgo the finishing of sauce and leave in wrap till they are done.

For some reason, I cannot get my ribs to turn out correct on the smoker. I am using a masterbuilt 560 charcoal smoker. yesterday was my second set and while tender, they were not exactly fall off the bone. I pulled them at around 190 degrees. Was this too early? is 200 degree's the magic number? I cooked them for almost 5 hours (Unrwapped) at 225. Any tips on how to make better ribs?
I agree with @Kevin fall off other bone is overdone. Want to see a little/slight tug when I bite into the rib. My method is also similar to his. Around 225-250* depending how thick the ribs are. Smoke them for 3hrs then wrap for 45-1hr. Take them out the wrap and glaze for 30 minutes. Perfect every time. I sometimes probe for temp and it’s about 200-205*

@Kevin and @CampfiresNbrews thank you both for the suggestions. The ones I did yesterday in some areas pulled easy from the bone but on the thicker parts tended to not pull away easily. I think they were not done based on reading what you guys wrote. Going to try the methods mentioned above next weekend.
