Speed UTV

I would like to see it in action in the rocks. I use my rzr everywhere. It works well in the dunes but nothing like my sand cars. Now hit the open desert or rock crawling, it’s everything I could ask out of it. Just curious how well the wheelbase does when crawling. 
I am sure there will be videos posted soon.  Johnson Valley is a rough area and more so when you start hitting the trails they race KOH.  Whoops for days out there. 

It is amazing how well the current UTVs do in the rocks. 

I am sure there will be videos posted soon.  Johnson Valley is a rough area and more so when you start hitting the trails they race KOH.  Whoops for days out there. 

It is amazing how well the current UTVs do in the rocks. 
No weight, light/pliable/sticky tires that don't have to deal with pesky DOT requirements, and cushy suspension to deal with Larry Enticer moments do a lot. :biggrin:

I have pictures of Funco's that snapped in half. (no offense Grant, I still love the Volvo's, they are boxy but good) 

 And 200,000.00 sand cars on fire. 

We get it, the unicorn is the best and we will never see any pic's of them to state otherwise...

oh snap, nobody has a car yet, well maybe in a few years, or maybe not in a few years, either way I'm proof positive that we will never see a compromising photo of the holy sacred cow except on the winners podium!   

Push on fan boys, push on!!!
Yes I have seen funcos on fire also but 9 out 10 I have seen in the last 10 years have been Razors. Have at least 10 spots in my GPS where the frames were left to rot. Any time we see a plume of smoke we go check it out. I often thought Razors should have come with 4 fire extinguishers one for each seat and a pack of gram crackers, marshmallow and choclate bars.

I don't know the details. My interpretation is the engine is capable of propelling it faster or higher than the chassis can withstand.

Lack of gussets and brackets? Loss of talent? All of the above?
Or launching over a massive dune in Sand Mountain.   I believe that is the X3 that took a tumble in Sand Mountain, NV.   When I say a tumble it was a launch up in the air over a razorback into a roll ass over front more than 5 times for quite a ways.   Or it could of been the one that was in a head on collision.  

Then there is this X3 that took a massive tumble and held up quite well considering.  Careful there is some colorful language in the video

I would say that X3 you posted was an anomaly.  

So you've NEVER made comparisons in features between the RV you're showing someone and other RVs? I'm sure when you do it, you don't call it "bashing", you call it "comparing."

Big difference in comparing vs Bashing. 
Of course there are comparisons that I've made. I will respect, but not fear my competition.
So the Word "Comparison" Is no where in my statement. So you can take take that word and stick where the the sun don't shine. POT STIRING friend of mine. LOL 

Big difference in comparing vs Bashing. 
Of course there are comparisons that I've made. I will respect, but not fear my competition.
So the Word "Comparison" Is no where in my statement. So you can take take that word and stick where the the sun don't shine. POT STIRING friend of mine. LOL 
It looks like he was comparing UTVs to me.

Can you show me the part where he was bashing?

It looks like he was comparing UTVs to me.

Can you show me the part where he was bashing?
No its called "Bashing" in general. It's called WEAKness in the sales world. ALL business owners are salespeople. They should be professional about it. Getting caught up in the social media chit storm is bad. Take it from somebody who fought the battle and no matter if you're right or wrong, you will NEVER make 20% people satisfied ever. Concentrate on the 80%. Ignore the 20%. I've been there and it's a never ending battle that you won't win. 

I really do hope you guys get your cars sooner than later. Peace out

I am a small business owner and if any of my employees used that 80/20 ratio, I would fire them. That would be unacceptable to me. 

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I am a small business owner and if any of my employees used that 80/20 ratio, I would fire them. That would be unacceptable to me. 
Yea, but in your business you have a list of contractors you don't bid to and if you do its for a premium.  You also have a list of Stupidentendants that as soon as you know they are on the project it is a 50/50 shot it will turn into a chit show and somehow one of the contractors on the job is going to be the goat and you just hope your not the goat. That is the 80/20 theory in your world and if you don't think your guy's have that list of Stupidentendants you don't know your crew as well as you think. 

Retail sales where people walk in and tell you what they are willing to pay for something is different.  80% of the people HI sits down with I am sure get what they want, 20% he will never make happy. Why because there expectations are unrealistic.  

Think about it, do you get 80% of the bids you submit or 10-15% in that case you are only making 10-15% of your potential customers happy right out of the gate.
