Speed UTV

 I completey understand the concept. There are several companies that are run well that will straight up fire bad high maintence diva clients and tell them no thanks. I have been a commission only sales rep for 25+ years and believe @HEADINJURY is spot on when he says there are some that you will NEVER please. The price is never low enough, the perks are never good enough etc. etc. You will waste more time than money earned with people like this. 

 Read up on Herb Kelleher who transformed Southwest Airlines. He was famous for sending letters back to bitchy customers that read " We Will Miss you " he like Headinjury he knew that those people would never ever be happy so don't focus on them. Go find more good customers !

 Customers are only right when they are respectful and also treat vendors well in return. Good customers should also want their vendors to profit and stay in business.
And what does this have to do with a speed utv

Let's read his quote again.

Maybe I am totally off-base but the way I took it was not regarding the customer base as far as manufacturing goes. Of course Robby is not trying to appease or answer to 100%...at this time anyway.

They way I took his post especially since the poster is an RV salesman was coming from salesman perspective. His posts quotes the words bashing and social media.

I thought we were talking RGs handling of haters and "bashing" competitors. Not appealing to 100% of the UTV manufacturer market...
Word, conversation went towards "I'd fire guys with this attitude" but that's not generally the point of the 80% rule.

For Robbie and the haters and competitors: he absolutely should ignore 20% of the comments.  Hell, he should ignore 100% of the comments.  He had a design and delivery date, he should be fixated on delivering what he said he would.  No more, no less (without appropriate compensation).  If he's not going to make it when, or what he said, he should state what happened on the failure, his new goal, and move on.  His competitors?  They don't matter.  His "haters"? They don't matter.  He entered contract with people where he would deliver X for Y.  That's what he should focus on.

But hey, I run my chit differently I guess.

HA HA! and yes I feel my XX was/is a prototype to this SPEED UTV
It was 100% the prototype in many ways.   When you look at them side by side there are some similarities.    The biggest difference is the Speed UTV is that front bulkehead/diff set up and front section of the frame.   

Wanted to pull trigger on the XX so bad but to this day never heard a good report on the Push Turbo for it.  RG and son race the chit out of the XX non-turbo and consistently finish up there in races.  Thats against all the turbo sxs so imagine if it had a solid turbo?   Oh well no XX for me, No X3 for me and def no RZR for me.  I took a gamble with a small deposit on the El Jefe and when it comes it comes.  I think the guys that are butt hurt are folks that went to Berts or Coyne or any other dealer.  Dropped deposits and found out they cant get their money back. Also the crazy folk that paid for deposits, then dropped $10k on goodies and still no car to show for it.  Im sure many of those guys are fuming, but nobody put a gun to their head and said buy all the accessories Speed offers and pay cash.  I've lost more money on Dogecoin and other stock and will never get it back.  I will probably miss another dune season and hanging with the guys but they aint going nowhwere and neither are the dunes.  I'll get the El Jefe when it comes.  In case some of you missed this video of the 5 Min WOT bench test..... Im impressed.

I did get my "last call" from Speed today. I think the only thing I still want is the suede seats in an LE. I asked Karla if they would do that.

1 hour ago, JBL said:

Wanted to pull trigger on the XX so bad but to this day never heard a good report on the Push Turbo for it.  RG and son race the chit out of the XX non-turbo and consistently finish up there in races.  Thats against all the turbo sxs so imagine if it had a solid turbo?   Oh well no XX for me, No X3 for me and def no RZR for me.  I took a gamble with a small deposit on the El Jefe and when it comes it comes.  I think the guys that are butt hurt are folks that went to Berts or Coyne or any other dealer.  Dropped deposits and found out they cant get their money back. Also the crazy folk that paid for deposits, then dropped $10k on goodies and still no car to show for it.  Im sure many of those guys are fuming, but nobody put a gun to their head and said buy all the accessories Speed offers and pay cash.  I've lost more money on Dogecoin and other stock and will never get it back.  I will probably miss another dune season and hanging with the guys but they aint going nowhwere and neither are the dunes.  I'll get the El Jefe when it comes.  In case some of you missed this video of the 5 Min WOT bench test..... Im impressed.

Ehh yea they did say you have to check out your accessories now or dont get them. They also are just about a year late on delivery.
