Speed UTV

Also I refuse to open the link and learn about the 80/20 rule because it obviously does not
That explains everything.   You are that guy that can bash something because he doesn't understand what it means.

No its called "Bashing" in general. It's called WEAKness in the sales world. ALL business owners are salespeople. They should be professional about it. Getting caught up in the social media chit storm is bad. Take it from somebody who fought the battle and no matter if you're right or wrong, you will NEVER make 20% people satisfied ever. Concentrate on the 80%. Ignore the 20%. I've been there and it's a never ending battle that you won't win. 

I really do hope you guys get your cars sooner than later. Peace out

I am a small business owner and if any of my employees used that 80/20 ratio, I would fire them. That would be unacceptable to me. 
I'm with Headinjury on this one. There will ALWAYS be people who, no matter what you do or how hard you try, will be jerks and will simply not ever be satisfied. Spending time on those 20% after they've identified themselves as being part of that group is not only a waste of energy, it carries the likelihood that you/your company will look bad in the end. This ESPECIALLY goes for social media. I work in digital marketing, including several years of social media management. Headinjury was 100% right. If you engage with those 20%, the overwhelming majority of the time you will end up looking bad. Just ignore the crap slingers out there and focus your energy on reasonable people. There's an old saying, "Don't wrestle with a pig, you just end up covered in s**t and the pig loved it."

All that being said, I'd probably say 5-10% would be a more accurate number, but the premise is the same.

 The 80/20 rule is a common one in big business, they actually teach it and have seminars about it.  

Maybe you and DTA don't understand what it means.


Um methinks the 80/20 rule you refer to has nothing to do with what Headinjury posted. He's talking 20% of a given population who will never be satisfied.  The 80/20 rule posits that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes (ie from yore own link, "20% of the pea pods in his garden were responsible for 80% of the peas").  

Back on topic:  I hope at some point the people who ordered cars receive them and that they are everything they hoped they would be

(in my opinion even 10,000 units doesn't put him on the same field as Polaris or Canam)
You're 100% correct. In a segment that sees around 500,000 brand new units sold every year, 10,000 is just 2% of the market.

I agree to an extent, I was talking customers. Every single customer and potential customer should get attention. In my first post today I stated "For the regular public/haters it really is a non issue and is simply background noise."

I think its even less, quick Google search showed ~700,000 units sold last year. This year who know if that will go up or down based on supply.

Either way Robby is a very small boutique manufacturer (almost a stretch to label him as that even at this point) and the standard operating procedure of the large manufacturers simply don't apply.

I don't blame him for being a pee pee and being defensive. It's his ego and I am pretty confident most small business owners take negativity to heart. They have skin in the game and it can be emotional.

I'm not saying it's right and I would behave the same or anywhere near the same as its not the best look for him, but I do understand.

I can recall the one and only time I responded to a negative review on my business 10 or 12 years ago when you could start responding to customers, it burned me. I learned my lesson, and I have not responded publicly to another review since. I attempt to follow up directly in private.

But again, I get it. His business, his ego, his attitude, his history, I am surprised ANY of you are surprised at his behavior regarding the haters.

It is fun watching though I will admit. I also enjoy seeing everybody's opinions and predictions.

I've had an order since SEP19 and if I get burned so be it, was my choice. I've definitely been burned and lost sleep for exponentially more risk.

I enjoyed my canam and beat the loving chit out of it and am really looking forward to Speed car. Hopefully it turns out nice.
Sheesh! My 500,000 was an estimate based on the SEMA market research from 2019 or so saying 400,000.
700,000 is WILD!!

I'm simply going off what @HEADINJURY  said, and quoted above and here again for posterity. Now I know who not to buy an RV from, I don't want to fall in that 20%...

Take it from somebody who fought the battle and no matter if you're right or wrong, you will NEVER make 20% people satisfied ever. Concentrate on the 80%. Ignore the 20%. I've been there and it's a never ending battle that you won't win. 
In the case of cars, SxSs and RVs, you're definitely appealing to the 80%.  You're not going to put EVERY important item every surveyed "customer" says they'd like on it.  If you did, Homer has a car for you:

Neither @HEADINJURY, nor anyone else here (that I'm aware of) says to treat 1/5 of your paying customers like they don't matter, just that your mass-produced product should be tailored such that it satisfies 80% of your target market.  Chasing the last 20% is expensive.  Chasing the last 1% means it'll never make it to market due to scope creep.

Obviously, every industry is different, and to apply the standards of your tailored services company to a consumer item like a SxS (even a Speed's target) is folly.  

Obviously not. I'm not running Apple or Tesla over here, neither is RG as evidenced multiple times in this thread.

I've already laid out the differences between small and larger businesses above.

Same here, if my employees were using this 80/20 thing they would be replaced. In fact just replaced one because of this mindset. It did take 3 months to find a replacement which was a bummer.

For reference. Year to date as of 8am this morning I have had 9704 customers.

I guess if I went to school and learned all about bog business 1941 of those customers opinion don't matter.

If I went with that school of thought my competitors would be smoking me and I wouldn't be the 2nd ranked business in my direct area out of 42 competitors. 

That is just on that business side, on the property management side between residential, multi family, and commercial, luxury airbnb, every tenant matters even though I may have lower opinions than others. In san diego County we have 133 doors.

Thank goodness I treat ally tenants well because again all my competitors, mainly the big boy investment firms with 5000 doors who I am in constant communication with were running 30-50% of rents paid since MAR20.

We ran basically 100%. Not one eviction needed, everybody paid rent.. a couple 14 day deferments. 

I guess following the book and the big business way is a sure way for a small business owner to suck.

Also I refuse to open the link and learn about the 80/20 rule because it obviously does not apply to me. I would argue until RG makes it big time it really doesn't apply to him either. (in my opinion even 10,000 units doesn't put him on the same field as Polaris or Canam)
10,000 units might put him in front of Textron.  LOL!

Um methinks the 80/20 rule you refer to has nothing to do with what Headinjury posted. He's talking 20% of a given population who will never be satisfied.  The 80/20 rule posits that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes (ie from yore own link, "20% of the pea pods in his garden were responsible for 80% of the peas").  

Back on topic:  I hope at some point the people who ordered cars receive them and that they are everything they hoped they would be
Thank you for that. This is not a RULE that we use in sales it is nothing more than a statistic. This guy named Chummin oh about 15-16 years ago shared with me a very valuable lesson in which this applies. Chummin was also a small business owner at the time, he said " Shawn you will never make 20% of the people happy no matter what you do. So put most of your hard work and energy towards the 80%. " I was and still am very passionate about my customers. Most people who have done business with me are pretty happy with my services. At least that's what I've been told by over a thousand + customers and referrals over the last 2 decades. I'm sure not everyone that has dealt with me is satisfied. That's where the 80-20 rule comes into place. Of course you try, but working smarter is always better than harder. 

For DTA saying he'll never buy an RV from me?? That's perfectly fine. 

Thank you to MWB , Rockwood, Desert Desciple, South Bay and SLIM for understanding my simple response. 


Ok I'm prob the one who called it "Bashing" you call it what you want, I have only watched a few episodes but on every one of them he points out how Can am and Polaris are basically junk, the one episode he shows a guy in a Can am that had the seat belt all the way up to his chest, pointing out how bad that set belt was because it allowed that to happen, well I can tell you I have watched people put on 4 point harnesses the same way, then their are the welds, gussets, bracing, on and on, at this point it's getting old and that's why people are Bashing him, or whatever you call it. Then after all that talk he brings the famous Welds and to the show and it was game on for the haters. I'm not a hater but It does turn me off that he constantly brings up the other competitors, (along with a few others on here) I can see by what he is building it is going to be nice in theory.

Yore product should do most of the talking for you and maybe it will someday.

Ok I'm prob the one who called it "Bashing" you call it what you want, I have only watched a few episodes but on every one of them he points out how Can am and Polaris are basically junk, the one episode he shows a guy in a Can am that had the seat belt all the way up to his chest, pointing out how bad that set belt was because it allowed that to happen, well I can tell you I have watched people put on 4 point harnesses the same way, then their are the welds, gussets, bracing, on and on, at this point it's getting old and that's why people are Bashing him, or whatever you call it. Then after all that talk he brings the famous Welds and to the show and it was game on for the haters. I'm not a hater but It does turn me off that he constantly brings up the other competitors, (along with a few others on here) I can see by what he is building it is going to be nice in theory.

Yore product should do most of the talking for you and maybe it will someday.
That right there^^^^^^

Let's read his quote again.

Maybe I am totally off-base but the way I took it was not regarding the customer base as far as manufacturing goes. Of course Robby is not trying to appease or answer to 100%...at this time anyway.

They way I took his post especially since the poster is an RV salesman was coming from a salesman perspective. His post quotes the words bashing and social media.

I thought we were talking RGs handling of haters and "bashing" competitors. Not appealing to 100% of the UTV manufacturer market...
I will decline to respond, since you seem a little off of what the adults are talking about. 

BTW You must be some sort of genius to know what my perspective is. Or do you just lump everyone into the stereo typical type? 
You don't have to answer, it's already known.

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Thank you for that. This is not a RULE that we use in sales it is nothing more than a statistic. This guy named Chummin oh about 15-16 years ago shared with me a very valuable lesson in which this applies. Chummin was also a small business owner at the time, he said " Shawn you will never make 20% of the people happy no matter what you do. So put most of your hard work and energy towards the 80%. " I was and still am very passionate about my customers. Most people who have done business with me are pretty happy with my services. At least that's what I've been told by over a thousand + customers and referrals over the last 2 decades. I'm sure not everyone that has dealt with me is satisfied. That's where the 80-20 rule comes into place. Of course you try, but working smarter is always better than harder. 

For DTA saying he'll never buy an RV from me?? That's perfectly fine. 

Thank you to MWB , Rockwood, Desert Desciple, South Bay and SLIM for understanding my simple response. 

 I completey understand the concept. There are several companies that are run well that will straight up fire bad high maintence diva clients and tell them no thanks. I have been a commission only sales rep for 25+ years and believe @HEADINJURY is spot on when he says there are some that you will NEVER please. The price is never low enough, the perks are never good enough etc. etc. You will waste more time than money earned with people like this. 

 Read up on Herb Kelleher who transformed Southwest Airlines. He was famous for sending letters back to bitchy customers that read " We Will Miss you " he like Headinjury he knew that those people would never ever be happy so don't focus on them. Go find more good customers !

 Customers are only right when they are respectful and also treat vendors well in return. Good customers should also want their vendors to profit and stay in business.

Whats funny is the Canam and RZR are the best in the industry, but compared to what most of us are used they are junk. For the price though, they are extremely capable machines. The canam was great while we had it. We still have an XP1000, will probably will never get rid of it. I'll attach a video of us putting the canam through its paces. Needed about 30k in upgrades to do what did and still got a DNF once until we upgraded the rear trailing arms.

The speed car may come out and be junk as well. Thats what this thread is about, speculation, drama, hate, nut hugging. We got it all folks.

But I will answer because it is my right to.

I simply quoted you, if you are butthurt about that then you can either clarify your position as an "adult", rebut it, or disregard it and move on.

I'm not a genius and never claimed to be nor have I "lumped everybody into a stereotypical type". I honestly don't even know what that means . I am simply stating my piece as every other person on this board. Been here since 04 and I know you've been here quite a while and I hold no hard feelings.

Still wouldn't buy an RV from you because I'm a pain in the ass and don't want to fall in the 20%. 😉

 Well the feeling is mutual, I don't deal well with pain in ass people.  :laugh1:   It's all about respect between parties. 
