What was your 2023/2024 Dune season?


Apr 30, 2021
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So since alot of people are hanging it up for the season what was Yours like?

How Many days out in Mama G?

Dune miles?

Things that might of Happened?

I will start it off..My season Started Vets weekend. My season of riding ended the Very Next day after I arrived on Nov 9th around 1pm I crashed a friends 70 in camp and Broke my collerbone.. "still fractured today btw". I stayed in camp the rest of the weekend and was lucky enough to push through for two more day trips to visit friends at New years and in Feb.So I have ZERO dune miles this Year and a forever reminder of me being Stupid. More Importantly I will forever be grateful to everyone that was there and still are through this struggle to get back to normal.

I look forward to reading everyone's expriences

Full season of having the 5th wheel. Sucks not being able to camp in boonies but was good being back in a "camp".

I re-learned that I will never go on a holiday weekend again.  New Years was beyond a sh!tshow.  Even Vets, being a 3 day weekend, sucked ass.

We'll be out end of the month and planning on a few summer trips. 

I think I had 2 hours of time in G this season, that's no exaggeration.

Delivered a pair of wheels on my way to Prescott, short visit with Poule and Sand Psycho and then another day I rolled thru but for the life of me I can't remember why! :lol:   

So since alot of people are hanging it up for the season what was Yours like?

How Many days out in Mama G?

Dune miles?

Things that might of Happened?

I will start it off..My season Started Vets weekend. My season of riding ended the Very Next day after I arrived on Nov 9th around 1pm I crashed a friends 70 in camp and Broke my collerbone.. "still fractured today btw". I stayed in camp the rest of the weekend and was lucky enough to push through for two more day trips to visit friends at New years and in Feb.So I have ZERO dune miles this Year and a forever reminder of me being Stupid. More Importantly I will forever be grateful to everyone that was there and still are through this struggle to get back to normal.

I look forward to reading everyone's expriences
I still have the vision of your tumble, but at least you WON that drag race.  Hope to see you riding again this coming Veteran's Day.

Last season I spent 153 days in Glamis.  But this season was only 51 days as I left after New Years for an extended visit to North Carolina.

Even though my Mother "G" season was cut short I made a life changing decision to sell the SxS I have had for the last 3 seasons and bought a new to me Sand Car.

Looking forward to this upcoming season to ride with all of my Glamis Family and Friends once again. 

Last season I spent 153 days in Glamis.  But this season was only 51 days as I left after New Years for an extended visit to North Carolina.

Even though my Mother "G" season was cut short I made a life changing decision to sell the SxS I have had for the last 3 seasons and bought a new to me Sand Car.

Looking forward to this upcoming season to ride with all of my Glamis Family and Friends once again. 
Can't wait to see the New car in Person and share some Sand memories buddy. Hope you are back in Cali by Sand show

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80+ nights which was the plan, last season sucked and I had some making up to do. Huge thanks to Elon and his starlink...

The sand was hot garbage most of this season and while I agree with Bansh that NY was terrible, if I have the opportunity to go, I'm going to G - even holiday weekends  :cheers:  

I think it's time to retire the X3 and get into a ProR.

Picked up a new to me funco at the end of the season so momma :scheeks:  has a steering wheel now and is more stoked than ever to go! We'll be in Idaho for a couple weeks or more this summer and looking forward to that.

We didn't go at all for 23-24, we have an unfinished chassis upgrade that may never get done. In hindsight we should have just left it alone, upgrades and all of the crap one thinks they need to drive around in the sand are completely unnecessary and a huge waste of money. Truth be told, I personally would like to sell all of this stuff and move on, the dunes are crowded, we get our pusher stuck a lot with no one to help us unf*ck it and it always seems like we spend more time in camp working on someone's sand car that doesn't run. Perhaps a dune reset is what we need? Only time will tell when we will be back.

Had a pretty good run this year. Maybe 15 to 20 days. :dunno: But it is going to be another expensive summer! :mad:

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This season sucked.  No ride this season as I'm doing the fresh on my car that ended up being in the shop longer than expected.  

Bought a new moho, did 2 trips.  One to hang in camp, one to be out for Vets.  

As mentioned, I think I'm done with holiday weekends.  If all goes well, I'll have the car done this summer and ready for next season.  I plan on getting Starlink and doing more weekday trips and some off weekends.  I'm also looking to do a lot more riding and less "party".  It's just time.  Definitely mixing up my Glamis plan next season.

Need to get a calendar and x off the days. Too hard to go back and figure it out.  Not as much as I wanted, more than last year, more than the year before that.  Spent most of my time when @HozayKwarvo was there so I figure 60 ish day.

Had a blast with the dream it and built it GM52.  Rolled it ,and now plans to make it a little different again.  Am I ever satisfied...................

:cheers:   to all y'all and thanks to a great dune season. Even if the sand was chit.   Best dune days were pre season and post season a few weeks ago.  That dam sun sure is a game changer later in the season.

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How the season started 

Mid season 

Aaaaand the season ender

Not a great season for me, car was done by the 4th trip, made 2 more just to hang out. 

This weekend I loaded up my car and engine parts, cause we bought a house and are moving closer to my job, which is now 3 times as far from the dunes.

Next season is definitely a no go for me, I've got way too much going on right now. Hell, I might have to sit 2 or 3 out. Hopefully just 1, but we will see...





So far only about 30 days duning (good amount of miles) Missed the first outing in Oct. (too hot). Veterans rolled on the trailer with a trans noise. Took it out and over to KM for service. He had it done and ready so I was able to make Thanksgiving the following week. Other than that drove the car off the trailer and back on every trip. No issues!  Hopefully 1 more trip weather dependent. A guy told me @Funco4Me “if no repairs, time for an upgrade”!! 

