Welcome Polaris Pro R to the Sand Rail section.

Well now we have 2 Pro R topics in the sandrial section.  LMAO!!!!!


Regarding insurance, do they look at the vehicles top speed? These have a much higher top speed than the Polaris and Canned Ham, right?


Speaking of insurance. Years ago when I was racing, my employee life insurance was notified that I was racing, as undisclosed activities could void the life insurance policy. When I declared I raced off road, they asked some questions and because my average speed was around 40 mph at the previous Score races, it did not effect my policy coverage, or increase the premiums. Not even stating that some races were in Mexico had any effect on the policy. 
Huh.  Whooops...  Never disclosed my time in US Touring Car...  Oh well, didn't die.

The two threads were simply merged, all posts are now here in a single thread...helping the road to 200  :closeeyes:
 We need one new shiny thread to get us focused on the goal. LOL!

Yeah I had been racing for awhile before knowing this too. What started it was the reps that handle the benefits at the company I work for, come in once a year to review our next years health, life benefits, 401K etc… During this meeting someone mentioned something stupid like I’m I covered if I skydive? Then the owner of the company mentioned I raced cars. Thats when the red flag went up. Because the company covers all the benefits except for a small portion of the health insurance, I think the owner was concerned he was going to have to pay more or make me subsidize the life insurance policy. But I guess off road racing is slow enough not to effect it, but it was still listed on my policy, probably still is? 

BTW sanctioned events are what they are concerned about. Going to the desert or river on your time is not a problem. But entering a sanctioned event is where the gray line is I guess? 
Amusingly, sanctioned events are super safe (comparatively at least) because, yep, insurance.

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