Welcome Polaris Pro R to the Sand Rail section.

Serious question. Are there seriously guys claiming to be doing 100mph while in the dunes?
Yes… and in some places they do 120mph. Depends on the layout of the place. In Idaho I can see someone being able to achieve some higher numbers than in glamis. 

Only way possible is if there are stretches between dunes. Something like a bowl into a stretch and back into a bowl. Dunes would have to be spaced out to get those kind of speeds. As I said before, your GPS speed would be from the stretch not the dune. Unless you can find a giant bowl big enough to do 100mph around!

Only way possible is if there are stretches between dunes. Something like a bowl into a stretch and back into a bowl. Dunes would have to be spaced out to get those kind of speeds. As I said before, your GPS speed would be from the stretch not the dune. Unless you can find a giant bowl big enough to do 100mph around!
there are a few bowls in g i hit low 90s absolutely flying the suspension in my car will be almost bottomed from the g force   mostly near osbourn most of the time we are doing 50 to 60 on a fast ride. even thou a sxs can go those speeds they dont get there very fast and are not very stable. if we are on a ride with a sxs in the group and we are in the bigger bowl they have to cut the corners or even skip going around the bowl to keep up. its going to be interesting with a modified pro r which should have enough power but still lack the with and length. the speed will have the stability but i feel the power isn't going to be there

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Serious question. Are there seriously guys claiming to be doing 100mph while in the dunes?
Pretty easy in idaho, yes hit over 100 in the dunes, Idaho is bigger than Glamis and taller than Dumont, Pretty ignorant if you think Glamis is the only place to drive in the dunes,  Glamis has the Smallest bowls of all the big dunes,  coming off the back side of Banshee into Talladega towrds North Pole you can hit 100 easy, 

and coming down Banshee hill across Comp Hill towards South Pole i have his 125, I have also been passed by @Jetjock15 at those speeds, 

there are a few bowls in g i hit low 90s absolutely flying the suspension in my car will be almost bottomed from the g force   mostly near osbourn most of the time we are doing 50 to 60 on a fast ride. even thou a sxs can go those speeds they dont get there very fast and are not very stable. if we are on a ride with a sxs in the group and we are in the bigger bowl they have to cut the corners or even skip going around the bowl to keep up. its going to be interesting with a modified pro r which should have enough power but still lack the with and length. the speed will have the stability but i feel the power isn't going to be there
To hit around a 100 mph and over 100 it takes big power, these motors in the Dual Sports and Prerunners have around 800+ hp to get this done,  Most of the motors we build to get over 650HP is going to be around $35,000-$65,000 for just a motor, then will need at min a S4, S4D or a Albins, 

In my mind a typical sand car is a lightweight car typically naturally aspirated, 500 hp with a 2D, yes i would a Pro-R would be more fun than something like that, 

But a Big body car or Dual Sport, Prerunner car, with a motor having a 440-CI or bigger, or boost,  Then the Pro-R is nothing, not even the same ball park, 

The biggest difference in a SXS owner and a Sand Car owner is  A sand car owner, will Sell Kids, Sell His/Her Soul and will even loose there job before letting go of the Sand Car, Its pretty much a lifestyle, 

SXS is just out there riding the dunes filling time, 

How big are these bowls a d what kinds of G forces are being experienced while doing 100mph?
On back side of Choke Cherry around Dead Hours the half pipe and the bowl, makes if feel like you cannot move your body, you are pretty much just a passenger, you even feel like you are going to pass out,  

If you have not been to Idaho,  it is life changing,  the dunes are unexplainable,  

On back side of Choke Cherry around Dead Hours the half pipe and the bowl, makes if feel like you cannot move your body, you are pretty much just a passenger, you even feel like you are going to pass out,  

If you have not been to Idaho,  it is life changing,  the dunes are unexplainable,  
I've been trying to talk Tony ( urclever ) into going since he got his Funco. He doesn't understand what he's missing out on. 

I can pull over 100mph in my Gen 4 Funco with Honda 3.5 turbo..............the only issue is you are on full boost and everything gets sketchy and that is on the flats.  Top speed in Glamis in a dune was 88mph, G forces were incredible as well.   FYI, only paid 32K for the car and it will outrun a SxS no problem in the dunes.  My upkeep is similar to a SxS as well.  All with a 2D tranny.................crazy talk.

FYI, the car is geared too high...haha

Do people take into account G-outs on their GPS? My car clocked 115 several times but gear ratio and tire size said 95 mph maximum. That sudden "drop" gets registered as speed, no?

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Do people take into account G-outs on their GPS?  
That sudden "drop" gets registered as speed, no?
Is that not considered speed? Asking for a friend. He says he would think it would be, but… he’s an idiot.. 🤷🏽‍♂️ 🤔

Only way possible is if there are stretches between dunes. Something like a bowl into a stretch and back into a bowl. Dunes would have to be spaced out to get those kind of speeds. As I said before, your GPS speed would be from the stretch not the dune. Unless you can find a giant bowl big enough to do 100mph around!
I could see a rail hitting high speeds in places like Dumout which have huge sweeping bowls.  My friend in his sandcar, per his gps,  hit 90 mph chasing me down in the bowls between olds and osborne.  It was not 90mph across a bowl that I know for sure. 

I know that my crew drove fast duning. We used to clip around 60mph on nice sweeping runs. I couldn’t imagine trying to go 40mph faster. Yes there may have been instances when we went faster but it was in a straight line and not while pitched around a bowl or dune. Now I know my car couldn’t slide near as good as a Funco so I’m sure people have faster drift times. I just can’t see those speeds. I will admit I haven’t been to any other dunes than Gordon’s or Glamis. 

Yes… and in some places they do 120mph. Depends on the layout of the place. In Idaho I can see someone being able to achieve some higher numbers than in glamis. 
I've never seen someone do 100mph...  :bag:

Do people take into account G-outs on their GPS? My car clocked 115 several times but gear ratio and tire size said 95 mph maximum. That sudden "drop" gets registered as speed, no?
Probably not.

Bias ply tires grow quite a bit at speed though.  20%? I doubt it, but top speed is probably more than your gearing math indicates. 

I've never seen someone do 100mph...  :bag:

Probably not.

Bias ply tires grow quite a bit at speed though.  20%? I doubt it, but top speed is probably more than your gearing math indicates. 
Not to mention he duned with us! So I guess I stand corrected, yes I’ve duned at 115mph per the GPS!

Not to mention he duned with us! So I guess I stand corrected, yes I’ve duned at 115mph per the GPS!
Always third gear at 4-5k rpm, or in fourth on the straightaways with you guys.

I remember one trip with you, Darren, and the taxi buggy where I couldn't keep up (I was frickin 2 dunes away), you guys were hauling the mail 😎

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